Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

Weird dream I

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-10-01 - Updated: 2009-10-02 - 1134 words

Chapter 63

“Aaron?” We said in unison.

“Yes?” He replied groggily... he had black rings under his eyes. “Your son... is so... tiring... have not slept... in days...”

“Hmm... this does not look like Aaron,” I walked up to him and I put my ear up to his arm and moved his arm around. “This... is a machine... it is even creaking like a machine... I hear no blood rushing through,” I pushed it and it fell. “See what I mean? This isn’t a human, it made a creaking sound when it the ground and now it’s sparking.” I had just realised what had happened. “Wait... oh no... if this is a machine... where’s Aaron, Liza, our Pokémon and Chomp?!”

“Mmmm!!” I heard in the background.

“Huh? This Cynthia isn’t the real Cynthia,” I bared my teeth. I punched the machine that sparked. “Trying to get through to me, eh? I bet it’s you Cyrus... hmph,” I grumbled and walked to the mumbling. I walked into my bedroom and saw everyone tied up. Poor Chomp was struggling his little heart out. I took my switchblade out and cut the rope with one cut.

“Phew... thank you Lucian!” Aaron grinned.

“Thank you honey!” Cynthia tackled me.

“Thanks buddy,” Liza smiled.

“Thanks Father!” All my kids said in unison.

“Gibb!!!” Chomp bit my arm.

“I take that as a thanks?” I guessed... though it was gibberish. “You’re welcome everyone. Now, we have to figure out who’s behind these robots that look so much like real people. Who’s with me?”

“I!” Everyone replied.

“Gibbb!” I took that as a yes.

“Alright, the first thing we do is find clues... Liza, aren’t you good with machines by chance?” I smiled.

“Yes, I am...,” she winked. “Let’s take a look at that machine.”

“Hellooo...,” Gabby said weakly.

“Gabby?” Cynthia and I said in unison.

“Where are ya hon?” Cynthia asked.

“Over here! In the closet!” She replied. She must have been hiding...

“Come on out, it’s just me, Lucian, trust me... please.” I was pretty sure I was myself... I heard a slight growling and snorting. She was sniffing me. She crawled out of the closet.

“Damn... you have a lot of stuff in there...,” she grumble. “Boy I’m sure glad it’s you guys and not the people that were here before!”

“Did you see who they were?” I asked.

“’Fraid not... I’m not completely sure... they were in masks.”

“It’s true, they were in masks,” Liza commented. She understood Gabby?

“Liza, since when have you been able to understand Gabby?” I looked at her funny and furrowed my brow. She nodded.

“Well, ever since I first met you, I guess. I was too scared to say so.”

“Well... tell you the truth Lucian, I’ve been able to understand bug types for years. I just didn’t want anyone to kidnap me for this reason... and now I can understand any Pokémon now,” Aaron spoke up and slightly blushed.

“Father, I can understand Pokémon, too,” Lexi said.

“So can I,” Rex said.

“Me, too,” Crina said. All the kids grinned hesitantly.

“I see...,” I smiled. “Seems talking to Pokémon runs in the family?” I chuckled and everyone else did. “So... Liza... think you can figure out those robots?” I asked.

“I will see what I can do,” she smiled. We all got up and walked to the entry hall to where the robots are. Even Gabby followed us. “Let’s see...,” she opened up something. She squinted. “I see lettering but I cannot read it clearly...,” she pointed to the tiny engraved letters on the robot. I squinted, too. “Hang on, let me get my glasses, I cannot seem to read without them...,” I left the room to get them. I came back and I could read the words more clearly. “Team Ad Hac, 1405 Dorchester Rd. Oklahoma City, Oklariss...,” I read while squinting. “Oklariss? That is in America! But how did it get all the way here, in Canada?” I scratched my head and everyone shrugged.

“Gabb...,” Chomp’s stomach made a weird sound. Cynthia and I looked at each other. We both had the “oh great!” look on our faces.

“As soon as we got of this mess, we’ll have to potty train him, alright?” Cynthia looked at me.

“OK then,” I shrugged. This WAS the first newborn I had raised...

“I think he’d look cute with diapers on,” Liza snickered.

“I know!” Aaron giggled.

“I guess so,” I held the giggles in. Cynthia eyed us funny. My stomach, leg and genitals were really sore... “I feel like shit...,” I groaned. “I haven’t eaten much today...,” I looked over and Gabby and Chomp. Gabby was rushing Chomp to the toilet. I chuckled at this. Silly, if you ask me. Everyone else chuckled at this, too. “Silly Gabby,” I had to stop laughing, my whole body ached. “Must stop laughing... my whole body hurts...,” I really could not stop... neither could the others. I had finally stopped... I was so winded. “Anyways, we should take a trip to Oklariss and see if we can find whomever made these pieces of shit.”

“I agree, we should go there and see who exactly that was...,” Cynthia nodded.

“So... let’s go!” Liza urged. I twirled my cane.

“Yes!” I then got the keys to the house out of my pocket, I jingled them... I have no idea why but I love the sound they make.“Everyone, get ready to go. We need our passports. America here we come!” I smiled.

“Wait... our passports have expired... have they not?” Cynthia asked.

“Want me to check?” I asked. She nodded. “All right then, I will,” I walked back to our room. She followed me, typical her hehe. I shuffled through the drawer where I put them. I read them. “Expires 11/8/10...,” I read all of them. I let Liza and Aaron keep theirs here, just in case.

“Ah! Yay! Good!” She clapped and grinned. We walked back to the living room.

“Guess what guys!” I smiled.

“What?!” They all said simultaneously.

“We’re going to America!” Cynthia and I said in unison.

“YES!!!” They all said and high fived each other. I grinned. I knew that they would be really happy. We got ready to go and started to walk to Sunyshore (I knew a short cut to there! I used to travel there all the time when I was a kid.)

“Almost there,” I grinned. OK... that was a hyperbole.

“He’s kidding,” Cynthia giggled.

“I knew it...,” Liza snickered.

We walked for another few miles before resting... Again, I wondered if anything would happen...


A/N: It’s coming... :P
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