Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > A Vampire's Dark Heart Belongs To Her

Chapter 2

by CherryBlossom1210 1 review

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-17 - Updated: 2009-10-17 - 2328 words

As we walked to the mall,I felt like dying.Next to me was a vampire.Next to my best friend,another vampire.We could both die tonight for all I know!!!
"Pinky,don't get so nervous.",I heard Sasuke say.I looked at him with narrowed eyes crossing my arms.
"Oh be quiet.I don't even know why you are bothering me.",I said.
"Many reason.All secrets.",he simply replyed.I sighed looking away with a scowl and noticed Hinata and Naruto blushing.I wonder,are they having feelings for eachother?Sure,he was hot.But that's because he's a vampire.
"Oi!",Naruto's voice interupted my thinking with his loud and booming voice.If Hinata does have feelings,how could she like that?
"What?",I asked as we stopped and they turned to me and Sasuke.
"I've heard they got kareoke rooms and ramen!Let's go there!",Naruto yeleld.
"No way.",I muttered walking past them.
"Sakura!Come on!It'll be fun!",I heard Hinata whine.I turned to see them all looking at me.
"I'm not up for singing.I think I'll just watch a movie.",I said before turning awaya nd walking again.
"Then,how about we go together,babe?",I heard Sasuke say making me stop and my eyes widen.
"Eh?",I asked as I turned halfway.
"Well watch the movie about the vampires.",he said as he walked up to me putting an arm over my shoulder.
"Eh?",I asked again looking up at him.
"That's perfect!",Hinata said.
"Oi!I want to watch some comedy then!",Naruto complained.
"I'll go with you!",Hinata immediately said.
"Alright!",Naruto cheered.I sighe dlooking down.
"Let's go.",Sasuke said pulling me along with his arm still over my shoulder.

When we got there,we all made out way to the move theater.People watching me and Sasuke wierdly.
"I wonder why she seems so tense?",I heard voices whisper.
"That boy is fine,she is lucky!But she doesn't look like she wants him.",girls whispered.
"That girl is fine.If she doesn't want him,why's she with him.",I heard guys whisper.
"Make it look like you're happy to be my girlfriend.",I heard Sasuke whisper.I looked up at him and he was looking awaya s if he didn't even talk to me.But I know he did.And he meant it.
I sighed and uncrossed my arms wrapping one around his waist with a small smile.
"If it isn't Blossom.",I heard behind me bringing immediate annoyance to me.I turned to see Karin and he two little friends,or should I say minions.
"What do you want?",I asked.She wore tight shorts with a white and blue striped short sleeved shirt,blue leather boots and her hair up with her usual thick ugly glasses.
"You know,I heard you got a boyfriend.Now I just want to know,how did you score such a nice one like him?",Karin asked smirking as she looked Sasuke up and down.
"I acted like a girl,not a skank.",I said.She stopped smirking and looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"I wouldn't be talking.",she said.
"No,and you shouldn't.",I said crossing my arms.
"Who's she?",Sasuke said.I looked up to see him looking Karin up and down.
"Interested?",Karin asked making me look at her smirking at him again.
"No.Disgusted.",was his reply.My eyes widened and I looked at him as he sighed looking away.
"Whatever.At least I'm not dating some virgin mary.",she said.I looked at her with my eyes that burned as if fire replaced them just glaring.
"I'd rather date a virgin then one who could possibly have 10 babies in one year.",he said.
"That's not even possible!",she said.
"It could with you.You know that saying,anythings possible.",he said.
"Oh,whatever!",she yelled and she walked off stomping with her minions.
"Nice job,teme!",I heard Naruto cheer.I looked up at Sasuke and he turned walking off.I scratched my head not even understaning what happened.I turned walking after him to the little booth to purchase out movie.
We had picked the movie Midnight Eclipse,a romantice vampire movie with a human girl who's forbidden love with a male vampire leads to a huge war between both sides.
Wow,watching a vampire movie with a vampire.
That's a first.

Sasuke and me sat down in the middle with my popcorn and soda and I set the popcorn between us and the soda in the cup holder also between us.
"Oh,will you two be kind enough to move for a moment?",I heard.I looked up to see an old lady with a warm smile on her face.I smile and nodded standing up.Sasuke also stood up and she walked by us.
"Thank you.Oh,what a cute couple.",she said.My eyes widened and I looked up.
"Thank you,ma'am.",Sasuke replied making me look at him disbelieved.We sat back down and I sighed trying to calm myself.
"Why do you keep saying we're a couple.I'm not your girlfriend!",I whispered to him.
"Pinky,it's called acting.So act.",he said without looking at me.I sighed tired of his total nosense.I grabbe dhis chin making him look at me and he sighed as well.
"I'm not a good actor.How am I supposed to act?",I asked.
"Then,be my real girlfriend.That won't be acting.",he said taking his hand from his chin and leaning in.
"And what do you plan to do?Kiss me?",I asked.
"Maybe.",he whispered barely moving his lips.
"Do it,it won't put any affection on me.",I said.He shrugged.
"It's wortha try.,he whispered and crushed his lips against mine.My eyes widened and it was like I was in a total different world.
I felt like I was a three year old rushing and flying through the sky at midnight with the stars.I could smell such a sweet fragrane and I could hear some kind of fireworks.
He pulled away slowly and I just stared wide-eyed.
"From that look,I'm sure there was affection.",he whispered sitting back and looking at the screen.I took a deep breath sitting back in my chair and letting out the breath.
"I-I-I H-had N-none.",I stuttered tryingt o control my breathing.
"H.",he replyed and the movie started.I started to drink some coke to calm myself and soon I did.
As we watched he movie,I would sometimes sneak a peek at Sasuke at the corners of my eyes and he'd just be looking at the movie with emotioness eyes.
I actually tried hard to watch the movie,but when it ended,I was in total loss.And I didn't even know it ended until the lights went on and everybody stood up.
We exited the movie theater and noticed Naruto and Hinata's movies still wasn't done.
"Jeesh,how long is that movie?",I muttered as I walked back and forth.
"Pinky,I just found out the movie ended an hour ago.",Sasuke said walking up from the booth.
"What?!Then where are they!If your best friend eats mine,you're dead!",I yelled,but froze when people started staring.
"Please excuse my girl,she's grumpy because she still hasn't eaten.",Sasuke said walking up to me and putting his arm around my waist pulling me against him.I sighed looking down and putting my head against his chest.
"I am not your girl.",I muttered.
"Oh,what a cute couple.",people said walking by making me get put into even more of my misery.
But,something in me started to lighten up for some reason.I wasn't nervous or scared or angry like I was before we got here.I felt more at ease.
"Come on,let's go to the ramen shop.Naruto's there.",Sasuke said making me look up at him wondering how he knew.But when I was about to ask,I noticed people taking pictures of us with huge smiles and grins.
"What the hell?!",I yelled looking around.
"That's why I suggested the ramen thing.Come on.",Sasuke said pulling me along.We walked over to the ramen shop,but there was no Naruto or Hinata.
"Where are they?",I asked with a sigh.
"Then they must be at the kareoke room.Come on.",Sasuke said.I turned to see him nowhere to be found.Where the hell is he??!!
"Sasuke?",I asked looking around.I kept asking that when I noticed I was at the kareoke room.
Wow,i didn't even notice me walking because of how I was lookin for Sasuke.
I walked in and came up to the booth.
"May I help you?",a voice asked.A woman stood here with a smile.
"Yes,has a blonde guy with a blind-looking girl come here?",I asked.
"Why,no.They haven't.",she said.
"Oh,ok.Thank you.",I said with a smile waving.I walked out of there and walked outside sitting on the bench thinking.They all left me alone.
What the hell??!!
"Whee's your boyfriend,Blossom?",the annoying voice said behid me.I stood up and turned around seeing Karin with her minions again.
"He's not here,obviously.",I said crossing my arms.
"Obviously.But,then,where is he?",she asked with a smirk.
"He's......he's right now getting us some ice-cream.",I said with a nod.Wow,I actually said that.Why didn't I just say he wasn't even my boyfriend?What's wrong with me?
"Oh,really?",she asked.
"Yeah,so back off.",I said.
"No thank you.I don't take offers like that.In fact,that's why I'm really here.I wanted to give you an offer.",she said taking steps towards me.
"What is it?",I asked curiously.
"Sit with us at our table on Monday.",she said making my eyes go wide.
"Why?",I asked.There had to be some reason.Every girl that sat at her table became either one of her or the girl that moves away.
"I just feel like here's something about you that makes me like you so much.You're smart,pretty,has a good body,you're everything of me.",she said crossing her arms after flipping her hair.
"Yeah right!I'm nothing like you!",I yelled.
"Hmmm,fine.I'll leave the descision to you.You look and think about yourself closely,because ten you'll know who you really are.",Karin said after walking off.
"What the heck is up with today?",I asked myself.I walked back inside the mall to see Sasuke talking with some girls.I rolle dmy eyes and walked up to him grabbing his arm.
"WHta the heck?!",I asked when we were facing eachother.
"Yo.",he said putting his hands in my pocket.
"Sasuke-kun?",one of the girl's asked.
"Sasuke-kun?",I asked myself.
"Sorry about that.Ino pulled me away to warn about something.Then I came to find you,you weren't here,and these girls started talking with me.",he explained.
"Hmm.",I said looking at him and the girs back and forth,and I soon started nodding and smiling.
"Oh,ok.",I said.
"Who are you?",one of the girls asked.
"I'm...I'm his friend.Sakura.And I think I'll go now.Have a good time.Bye.",I said waving and backing away.I turned bu to only see some familiar faces.
"Ino?Temari?Tenten?",I aksed as they stood before me.
"You're his girlfriend.",Ino said with a smile.
"Really?",I heard the girls ask.
"Yeah.",Sasuke said.
"And I'll go now.",I said walking past them quickly.
"Pinky!",I heard a yell making me stop.I turned around and they were all turned towards me staring.
"Meet us at the warehouse closest to your house tomorrow,early in the morning.Be there.If nor,you'll regret it.",Ino said.I gulped and nodded turning to run off again.I saw Hinata and Naruto and ran up to them grabbing Hinata and pulling her off.
"Sakura!",she yelled once we were at my house.
"Yeah?",I asked turning to her.
"What up?",she asked crossing her arms.
Nothing,just felt like going home.Come on,let's go watch TV.",I said coming in.
"Actually,it's about time I get home.Family's coming over and I have to get all dresed in proper attire.",she said after snorting.
"Ok.I'll see you later on then.",I said with wave.
"By.",I said as we gave eachother a knuckle touch and entered my house walking to the living room.Nobody was home.Moma and Dad gone.Brother probably gone with his friends and girlfriend.So I had the house to myself.I unzipped my jacket and took it off kicking my sneakers off.I took off the earrings and sat down on the couch with a relieved sigh.
That's when I got to thinking.
When we got to the mall,I could tell there was not going to be anything fun about this.But the feeling kinda changed when Sasuke invited me to the movies,and we watched that romatic vampire movie.I wonder,am I really starting to have feelings for a vampire...?
"You're boring.",I heard the familair voie say making my eyes go wide.
"Why are you here?",I asked turning to see him standing there,his hands in his pocket,and an emotionless face.
"Fun.",Sasuke said looking at me with a smirk.I gulped biting my lip.

How is it going with all of you dudes and dudettes.I am coming bakc to writing stories so no need to either fear,worry,or poop.
So,I'll end this the way I always do!
Be careful of the:Cow Jacking Aliens!
And,good night!
Gentledudes and Dudettes!
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