Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Other Way Boy

The Other Way Boy

by XxSystemOfADownXx 1 review

When Mikey Way comes to court as an innocent boy of 15, he catches the eye of Frank Iero. Dazzled by the king (Frank), Mikey falls in love with both his golden prince and as unofficial King. Howeve...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-10-16 - Updated: 2009-10-17 - 278 words

Spring 1521

Mikey's Point Of View

I could hear a roll of muffled drums. But I could see nothing but the lacing on the bodice of the lady standing in front of me, blocking my view of the scaffold. I had been at this court for more then a year and attended all the festivities, but never one like this.

By stepping to one side a little and turning my neck I could see the condemned man, accompanied by his priest, walk slowly from the tower toward the green where the wooden platform was waiting, the block of wood placed center stage, the exeicuter all ready for work in his shirtsleeves and a black hood over his head. it looked more like a play then a real event, and I watched it as if it were court entertainment. The king , Frank Iero, sitting on his throne, looked distracted, as if he were runniing through his speech of forgiveness in his head. Behind him stood my wife of 1 year, Anne Compton. No one knew I was gay. If anyone found out I would be executed just like the man infront of me.

The Duke of Suffolk , Bob Bryar, far away on the scaffold put off his thick coat. He was close enough kin for me to call him uncle. My father told me that he had offended the king a dozen ways: he had royal blood in his veins.

Uncle Stafford came to the front of the stage to say his final words. I was too far to hear what he was saying, I was watching the king, waiting for him to give his cue and offer the royal pardon
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