Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Sentences


by alinta 0 reviews

About Roxas.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Axel,Roxas - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-28 - 785 words - Complete

I - Persued

Roxas doesn’t know what to think, as the stranger with the wild hair explains why he was pursued and why he can’t just leave him be.

II - Undertaking

In one of his first remembered memories of his time as a Nobody, the superior is looming over him, for some reason undertaking the seemingly simple task of taking his old name, scrambling it, and adding an X with magic.

III - Bob

For awhile from the back, it looked like Kairi had a bob haircut—Roxas dreams of Sora teasing her about it as he runs down a sand-covered footpath on the islands.

IV - Electricity

Because Larxene specialized in the electricity that water conducts, Demyx was utterly crushed in the only battle Roxas ever saw him fight in.

V - Goat

Unlike Roxas assumed, the mountains in the Land of Dragons weren’t totally sparse of all species but low-ranking Heartless and Nobodies; it was perhaps unfortunate for the Mountain Goat he mistaked as Nobody that it happened to come racing up the hillside just when he wasn’t paying attention.

VI - Trifle

It was a trifle matter to Roxas, that they didn’t have a heart and couldn’t feel or whatever other nonsense half the organization spouted because despite what he usually portrayed, Sora had actually payed attention in the few science lessons he attended at his high school, and from them Roxas thought he’d surmised enough about the human body to know otherwise.

VII - Aids

“Let’s merely hope the Keyblade master still aids our cause now he has discovered what happens to the heartless he destroys.” The superior intoned in one of their latest meetings, Axel mocked him later with replies of “fuck Xemnas, it’s not like he really has a choice.”

VIII - Hopeful

Namine always looked so hopeful when he visited her in that white prison, then so dejected when he left, though they never talked much.

IX - Textbook

It was a textbook feint, yet knowing better, Roxas took it as the real thing, paying for his mistake with a gash to his arm and a pitying look from Axel, no whisper of Cure.

X - Protein

Somehow it amused Roxas that Vexen made Lexaues his own special protein shakes with special ingredients, because The World That Never Was didn’t have the same resources as other worlds and thus couldn’t produce the actual ingredients needed for the drinks.

XI - Printer

“Printer’s jarred again, won’t work,” Zexion told Roxas, looking up from his seat in the library, and Roxas wondered why Saix couldn’t just take his mission reports hand-written.

XII - Credibility

Roxas was slightly off put after his fight with Riku, not because he’d been hurt but because of what he’d said, however much credibility it held true.

XIII - Written

Axel’s forward slanting running writing surprised Roxas – he’d always imagined it to be more spiky, like his hair – but Roxas’ near-typewriter script didn’t faze the older Nobody at all.

XIV - Guest

A lot of the time Roxas felt more like a guest at The Castle That Never Was compared to the castle Oblivion, though he wasn’t sure what that said about his loyalty to the Organization.

XV - Worker

The worker Dusks’d cleaned up the battlefield Roxas made of his room, he vaguely noted, which didn’t make him feel better about anything.

XVI - Tune

They didn’t have radio in The City That Never Was, but brave Nobody buskers could sometimes be found playing a tune on the streets of the alleys, and Roxas often stopped to listen, but not to pay munny.

XVII - Stale

The only food they had to eat in the apartment they were hiding out in was stale, completely matching Roxas’s feelings for the place.

XVIII - Main

One of Roxas’ main constants in life back then was fighting, these days he felt strangely purposeless not needing to do it for a living.

XIX - Catch

“You know I’ll catch you when you fall and chase you when you run away merely beacuse you’re my best friend and there’s nothing in the worlds I wouldn’t do for you,” Axel whispered into his hair after , sounding so sincere Roxas wouldn’t doubt him except wasn’t that basically the same thing he’d said to Zexion, all those years ago?

XX - Baroque

It was an old European art style to paint in, Baroque, Axel explained, as they moved down the hallways of an inter-city art museum Roxas thought Namine would like.
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