Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > That Stupid School Project

September 11th: Files

by IWCT 0 reviews

Meanwhile, Rogue is stuck in the principal's office, with Lance, Riley and Amy.

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Avalanche,Rogue - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-11-21 - Updated: 2009-11-22 - 278 words

The Principle’s office was a warm creamy white, with a rich blue and green carpet, as well as a warm mahogany desk. This was, Lance supposed, to counteract the chill aura of the principal herself.

Once Miss Darkholme saw that all of the students were seated she steepled her fingers and glared over the tops of them. Lance saw this look often enough to know that it meant that the principal’s only problem lay in the fact that she wasn’t certain what punishment to inflict on the erroneous teens. The look she was giving them chilled his blood, and made Lance think of snipers, dark alleys, secret assassinations, and guns.

“Alright, explain,” Raven Darkholme’s cold words lashed out in the silence like a whip.
Silence followed this command. The only person in the room not completely cowed was Rogue, who glared mutinously back at the angry woman. Lance privately thought that his friend had gone insane. Then they all started talking at once.

“QUIET!” The principal yelled after two minutes. “Since it is just your words against each other, with no impartial witnesses for either side, let’s see what your transcripts say in your defense, instead.”

Lance groaned inwardly as she brought forth the four files. The silence of the four teens was absolute, although Amy and Riley were wearing smug grins when they glanced at Lance. He was a known trouble maker, and they had managed to keep their noses clean. Miss Darkholme read through the files, taking her time, making an occasional tutting noise. Many of these interruptions of the silence occurred as she read through the file marked Alvers, Lance.
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