Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Other Way Boy

Chapter 4

by XxSystemOfADownXx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-03 - Updated: 2009-12-04 - 215 words

Spring 1522

I opened the door to the kings chamber. The king started. "How amazed we are!" he said warmly,
"And what a delight."

The kings compainions and friends were all standing around the king. One of the kings mens wife came over to the king. "Majesty, I have been in the sun all day but now I am dazzeld." He smiled his polite smile. The king didn't really like women he only used them to get heirs. he is married, but everyone knows he's gay and he hates his wife.

The king greeted us and dismissed us soon after.

Gerard slipped into the routine of the english court and waited for his wedding. He had still not met his wife-to-be, and the arguments of the dowry and settlements looked as if they would take forever.
We were alot like in taste and not far away in age; I was the baby at fifteen to Gerards sixteen. We were the closest of kin and yet almost strangers. I had been at the french court with Gerard. and now reunited, we became known at the court as The two Ways, The two delightful Ways. The king would often cry from his bedchamber for the Ways and someone would have to run across the castle to fetch us.
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