Categories > Cartoons > Fairly OddParents > Any Way for Payback?

Chapter 7: Confusion

by unknown20troper 0 reviews

In which Norm reads the Crimson Chin and tries to deal with the fact that he slept with his worst enemy, and Timmy daydreams of Norm at school.

Category: Fairly OddParents - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Norm,Timmy Turner - Published: 2009-12-10 - Updated: 2009-12-10 - 1755 words

Title: Any Way For Payback?
Author: unknown20troper
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairly OddParents.
Fandom: Fairly OddParents
Rated: R, or NC-17
Warnings: M/M, foreplay, profanity, handjob, sexual terms
Pairing Type: Slash
Pairing: Norm/Timmy

Chapter 7: Confusion

Tim literally could not believe that he was literally in bed with his genie, and had been figuratively in bed with him too. First off, he didn’t even fully believe in genies. And if one didn’t believe in the existence of something, how’d could they believe that they had given it a handjob, and foreplay? Exactly. One couldn’t.
Tim wondered how old the genie was. Was the genie twenty-nine, or as old as the universe? Anyway, he doubted that twenty-nine year-old genies usually wanted eighteen-year old boys to give them handjobs. Surely, there were lots of people their age that would appeal more to them.
Anyway, that all boiled down to:
He had just had sex with his totally hot genie! Wow, but WTF!
Norm glanced over at the now awake Turner. Apparently, their almost-shagging had wowed and confused him. Well, he wasn’t the only one. Norm had spent the entire night getting accidental foreplay from the guy, and wasn’t sure whether he felt more blissful, revolted, or confused. Turner was decent at it, Norm had to admit, even if Turner hadn’t got any girls yet, he clearly was good at touching him in the right places.
That was when Norm took a double take. Turner was his worst enemy. He was not supposed to be thinking about how good he was in bed. He couldn’t be thinking about that, he simply couldn’t be thinking about Turner’s proficiency in bed.
“Norm,” said Turner, interrupting Norm’s thoughts about his ability in bed. “Could you magic me to school?”
“Why?” asked Norm. “Did our nighttime antics disrupt your sleep? Are you late?”
“Yeah,” replied Turner. “And I’m naked.”
Norm wanted to reply that he’d noticed – a lot more than he should have – but he remembered his plan, and decided that hitting Turner with a sardonic remark wouldn’t help it.
“Alright,” replied Norm. “I’ll GONG you to school, and GONG your clothes on, though you look better without them.”
Turner smiled.
Turner’s disappearance made the blue sheets ruffle, and Norm grinned. Now that Turner was gone, he could go through his stuff. However, he didn’t have to do it immediately. Right now, he just wanted to lie in bed, without Turner, or his cramped lamp. School took hours so he’d have time.
He laid on the bed, trying to get a bit of rest, but his tail touched something that was distinctly liquid. Oh great. One, or both of them had came during the night. He groaned, and GONGed the liquid away.
Despite the fact that the mess was gone, Norm no longer felt at ease in Turner’s bed. It reminded him too much of Turner, and Turner’s touch. Turner’s confusing touch, which Norm found could only be described with two antonyms that started with terri–. Which antonym described it best wasn’t something that he wanted to know, since he wasn’t interested in Turner’s shagging, and didn’t want to be interested in it, right? Right?
Norm got out of the bed, and floated above the light blue wooden floor. Now, that he was out of Turner’s bed – Turner’s infinitely comfortable bed – he’d be able to ignore the feelings that he had felt for the guy. Right?
He glanced around the room, looking for signs of what Tim was interested in. The blue walls were covered in posters of the Crimson Chin, Crash Nebula, and shagadelic human dames. There was a TV near the right wall, and he wondered if it was possible to get I Dream of Jeannie on it.
There was a disordlery stack of Crimson Chin comic books in one corner. Norm never was into superheroes, or comic books so he hadn’t read them before, but now he knew that Turner liked them, he figured that he should read them, to find out what Turner liked about them, and whether he had ever wished himself into them.
Norm chose the bottom one, and opened it. The Crimson Chin was lying in a fetal position, crying. Norm groaned. If comic books were like this, he completely saw why he had never got into them. He turned the page, and rolled his eyes. The next page also consisted of the Crimson Chin crying, however, a few pages later, the scene shifted, and Norm saw ten year-old Turner, in front of a building called The Daily Blabbity. There was a speech bubble coming out the kid’s mouth. Norm read it, and rolled his eyes. Turner was excitedly remarking about how cool it was to be in front of that building. Norm didn’t get what Turner was excited about, but he decided not to worry about it. Maybe the Daily Blabbity only had meaning to Crimson Chin fanatics.
Norm skimmed, and flipped the next page, since it only consisted of Turner going through the panels to go somewhere.
Turner was now in the hallway of the Daily Blabbity, and was standing in front of a door that said:
Charles Hampton INdigo – Ace Reporter
Before Norm read Turner’s comment explaining why the door was important, he understood. C-H-IN spelt Chin, so Charles Hampton Indigo was obviously the Crimson Chin.
Turner opened the door, and Norm saw a sobbing man, sitting behind a desk, in a swivel chair. The man inquired about what had just opened his door. He spun around, and his huge chin knocked some stuff off the desk. He produced a speech bubble, and Norm read it.
“You! You’re the ‘real’ boy who showed me I’m a big fat lie!”
He grinned. The Crimson Chin was Turner’s enemy too, was he? He read on eagerly. Turner told the Crimson Chin that he Was A Hero and Gotta Snap Out of This and Remember the Good Times. The Crimson Chin responded like an angsty, annoyed teenager, and Turner indicated another panel, which he said was a flashback.
Turner explained that the Crimson Chin had got his powers from a bite from a radioactive, handsome actor. Turner then showed the villain of the issue, trying to convince the Chin to fight it. The Chin didn’t, and went into a nighttime panel instead, and started crying again. Norm groaned.
The view switched to Turner, who said – in a speech bubble:
“Man, he’s depressed. He needs somebody at his side, to kick him into shape… What do they call those things? Oh yeah, sidekicks!”
Norm noted that the words, ‘SIDE’, and ‘KICK’ were floating in the air above Turner. No wonder Turner had figured it out. Turner ran into an alley, and ripped his clothes off, declaring, “This is a job for…”
Norm blushed. He never knew that the Crimson Chin comic contained child porn of his worst enemy. He shut the book, before his body reacted in ways that he didn’t want it to, or his mind went places that he didn’t want it to go. He wanted to get revenge on Turner, not get off of him, right? Right?
Norm wondered what to do now. He couldn’t read the Crimson Chin comics since Turner could be naked in all the issues, and he did not want to get off Turner, especially not young Turner.
He GONGed the TV remote to him, and turned on I Dream of Jeannie, something that he was more than OK about getting off of.
It was Tim’s first class of the day, and he just couldn’t focus. Lack of focus wasn’t unusual for him, but it was at a whole new level now. Why?
Norm. Norm the Genie. His flirting, his kissing, his smooth chest, his tail, his cock…
The teacher yelled his name, perhaps because he had noticed Tim’s lack of focus, but Tim still didn’t notice.
Tootie gazed at Tim. He looked so dreamy, and he seemed to be dreaming himself. He had the look that he had always had when Trixie was near. However, Tootie knew that Trixie was dating Remy Buxaplenty, so she hadn’t caused Tim’s dreaminess.
It occurred to Tootie that she could have caused it, but she doubted it. She had stopped outwardly chasing Tim a few years before, and became his friend instead.
Whoever caused it was lucky, and Tootie wasn’t going to wreck their happiness by going after Tim. Vicky, her mean sister, wrecked people’s happiness, and Tootie felt no desire to emulate her.
The class ended, and Tim had tons of homework, about the same amount that he used to get from Crocker when he was a kid. He groaned. He wanted to read his Crimson Chin comics, and date Norm once school was done, but he had so much homework that having time for anything else would be miracle in itself.
The next classes produced the same amount of homework, and Tim was in an amazingly bad mood by noon, a bad mood that increased exponentially every class.
Once he finally got home, he was completely enraged.
Norm appeared in the living room of Turner’s house. He had looked at Turner’s timetable, and it had told him when Turner’s school day was done. Turner had been a little late, but Norm didn’t really care.
Norm saw Turner’s facial expression, and wondered if Turner would make a wish. He certainly seemed as though he wanted to.
Turner than launched into a rant about getting tons of homework, and not having any time. Norm wasn’t surprised. He seemed to be a combination of wish-granter, and lover, so it was no shock that Turner would expect him to magic his problems away. Still, after Turner was so nice to him in bed, he couldn’t help but admit that it was a slight letdown. Letdown? He should have expected Turner to act like this. It wasn’t a shock. Was it?
Norm longed to rant back at Turner, and tell him what he really felt about him, but he knew that if he did, his plan would crash down on him, and there was no way that he’d let that happen – ever.
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