Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Life of a Princess

A New Business, A New Hangout

by SnowAhriman 0 reviews

Snow fights for some muched needed freedom.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-04-14 - Updated: 2006-04-15 - 1426 words

Chapter IX
A New Business, a New Hangout

"She what?"

"For the last time, she asked if she could open a business out side of the estate," Sesshomaru answered his mate. Snow was chest fallen, she liked Rain. She was like a big sister that cared.

"So she is leaving?"

"She has been leaving for a while. The place has already been built." Snow turned from her mate and ran out the door. She was not dressed to travel being dressed for dinner.

'Damn inu lord,' Snow thought as she got Ah Un read for flight.

"Lady Snow, where are you going this time of night?"

"I will return soon Rin." Rin was now over 220 years old and was matted to the taijiya boy Kohaku. They like all the humans and non youkai that fought Naraku now aged like a youkai. Snow knew was because they be needed again. (1)

Snow flew north until she caught Rain's scent. She was out front of a building that looked a lot like the many taverns Snow had worked in for the last 200 years.

"Rain! What the hell where you thinking?"

"Umm...What did I do this time?"

"Care to explain why you left with out so much as a see you later?"

"I am not needed in the castle during this time of peace," Rain inhaled. "You used to be a warrior..."

"Used to be?" Snow had clinched fist and a small vein growing on her forehead.

"You know what I mean. Sesshomaru-sama would never let you fight even if the time arose." Snow sighed, her friend spoke some truth.

"So this is your final choice, no changing your mind? Well I guess you will need a bartender or waitress so sign me up."

"For what?" Rain was slightly confused by Snow actions. She was a lady, THE WESTERN LADY, not some tavern wench.

"You know as a all around worker for you bar."

"Can you even mix a drink?" Rain asked.

"You call it," Snow said with a smirk.

"What if he says no."

"Who, Sesshomaru? How can he?" Snow asked with a smirk on her face.




"This Sesshomaru will not let his mate work in some tavern."

"To late," Snow said under her breath while scratching her right check with her right index finger.

"No, and that is final."

"Wait. I challenge you to a spar. If I draw blood you have to let me work with Rain." Sesshomaru seemed to be thinking about it. "But I can be hit and bleed as long as I still can fight."

"You will have from Dawn to Dust on the day we spar." Snow was a little upset she really wanted some night time brawling.

"I will have to accept your terms. The day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow."


"Can I do this?" Snow said into her drink.

"I don't know man. It's going to be tough but you fight like a shadow now days."

"Yeah but he knows my powers."

"But you know his thoughts."

"Not really. I have never read his mind."

"Then all I can tell you is to be careful and play dirty."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well...." (2)

BREAK! (Fight Scene with Snow and Sesshomaru not too good. )

Snow was simply wearing black the opposite of Sesshomaru's white. She knew that during most of the fight the dojo would have few shadows. Her best chances were at the beginning and at the end of the spar.

Sesshomaru stood there is the early mornings pale light. 'I must be a joke to him,' Snow thought to herself.

He seemed so calmed, so relaxed. It made her sick. Well she could always use Plan B if things start to get down to the wire. As soon as the sun raised Snow sunk into the shadows working on her first idea. She was going to play a little dirty but she was not breaking any rules.

Sesshomaru felt his noise pulling to the northern corner of the dojo. She was there and her scent proved it. When he reached the spot all he found where her pants and shoes.

Snow watched as Sesshomaru moved to her hiding place. She was fasting her sleeves around her waist. (3) She used her powers to head to the southern corner. From there she waited.

When Snow saw the second of confusion in Sesshomaru's eyes she tried a duel attack. She threw a dagger at his head which he side stepped and she was about the bring her staff on his head when he caught it.

"No fair," Snow said when they made eye contact.

"This Sesshomaru never wishes to see his mate in such clothing again."

"That is not what you said last night," Snow teased as she stepped back into the shadows.


The sun was high in the sky and Snow was getting hungry. If she wanted food in the near future she would have to end this soon. 'I guess plan B could be used. I really want some thing to eat.'

Snow reached behind her back. She pulled out her fans. The short range would allow her to get close to her mate, hopefully breaking the skin. Snow attacked and as she thought might happen Sesshomaru caught the each fan. Snow did not submit though. She pushed closer and closer to him. Soon they were centimeters apart.

Snow leaned in and kissed him. She took it farther when she licked at his lips. Sesshomaru caught up in the feeling of his mate's kissing opened his mouth to her. Snow went to suck on his bottom lips like she had done so many times before when he felt it.

"You cheated," Sesshomaru said as he licked the blood from his lip.

"No, I did not," Snow defended.

"Woman you cheated."

"Inu I did not. There were no rules other than I was to draw blood to win. Face it you lost," Snow said with a smirk. "But you know I could make it up to you. You have nothing planned for the rest of the day and I did start something I need you to finish."

Sesshomaru looked at her, then smirk. Soon the couple were in their chambers and not a soul went into that wing of the castle.


Snow soon was spending more and more time at the Wolf and Fox (4) while Sesshomaru ruled his lands. He did not wish for his mate to travel alone or untrained. So Cegali was ordered to train her and to keep an eye on her. He really did not fear her safety but the safety of others, namely his half brother Inuyasha. When ever he would come into the Western lands the poor creature would have Rain and Snow beat the day lights out of him. Rain had told Snow what he had done to Kagome and that it was with one of their shared enemies, Kikyo (5).

"Cegali, why do you work of Sesshomaru?"

"Snow-sama, I have no answer."

"That is okay. You can call me Snow. I think of you as a friend and wish you think of me as the same."

"Yeah Snow is way more fun than Fluffy-sama," Rain said in passing.

"RAIN! I am so going to tell him one of these days what you call him behind his back."

"Like you would." Rain was now in her office taking care of some paperwork stuff.

"Cegali I am headed upstairs. I would love to get some shut eye before we head back to the castle."

"That is fine."

"Cegali there is a guest room if you feel the need for a nap."

"Not at this time."

When Snow and Cegali returned to the castle it was almost morning. Snow crawled into bed with Sesshomaru. "You know it is hard to sleep when you are gone?"

"The same for you. Good thing you are just getting to bed."

"Yet again you have caught me."

"You smell good," was the last thing Snow said as she went into the realm of dreams.

"As do you, my mate, as do you," he answered with a kiss to the top of her head.


1. Don't you love foreshadowing?

2. Rain's kitsune side coming out.

3. Think Kagome from the episode where the sage tries to take her and Inuyasha's soul to feed that tree thingy.

4. The name of Rain's bar. Subject to change.

5. Read Add in a Miko on FFN. Snow warms up to Inuyasha once she sees that Kagome is happy with Hiei.
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