Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What's Your Name?

Screwed Pt. 2

by icyXblues 0 reviews

Wwhat you've all been waiting for...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-01-03 - Updated: 2010-01-03 - 201 words

It was Frankie. I looked up and laughed. He felt awkward so he walked into the kitchen part. I randomly started runnign the water in the bath tub, and got in-fully clothed. When Frank came in and saw me giggling, he said "Aw, shit." then came over to help me up. I pulled him in with me. We stared at eachother for a minute and then we were..kissing? Wait; what? Then we were pulling clothes off...then we wrapped in the same towl and layed on the bed. I was half asleep when I felt Frank kissing my neck. I rolled over and mumbled something about Gerard. I honestly thought he was G. Well then..we made love. I'll spare you the details, but it involved a lot of sweating. When I woke up; I opened my eyes, thinkign about last night. I reached over for Gerard but no one was there. I smelled coffee so I went to see if he was in the kitchen. I wrapped myself in a blanket and went in there. When Frankie was standing there in his boxers, the whole nights memory flooded back to me, and then I knew I was officially screwed.
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