Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

"What did I do to deserve such a wonderful family..."

by rawr-ness 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-01-11 - Updated: 2010-01-12 - 945 words

Alex's Point of View

"Hmm... okay I'm falling for a human. Said human is living in my house, said human makes your heart melt. Grr, stop it! Okay, do I talk to him, get to know him better. No, then he'll know something, stay away from him, no talking. Hmm... maybe he'll get eaten, everything would be so much better. No but it'll kill you inside, you know --"


"Huh?!" I turned around to see Mikey smirking widely at the door.

Please tell me he didn't hear anything.

Mikey's Point of View

"Hmm... what have we got here?" I tried my best to not bust out laughing as I had heard Alex. Kid should remember that we were all mind readers in this house. Though only Gee could read Frank's mind, human minds are harder to read... don't know why.


"Um... nothing, just -- rehearsing for a play!" She smiled widely and took out a small book out of her desk. "See right here, Romeo and Juliet."

"Romeo being Frank." I felt my smile grew wider as her eyes grew.

"No... not Frank. He's a human, you know I can't stand them!"

"Please, I saw the way you drank his blood. You enjoyed every minute of it! 'Skittles, yum!'."

"Okay, I like him! But you can't tell anyone. Not Frank, not Gerard, and not Ray or Bob. Got it!"

She pinned me up against the wall, her fist digging in to my chest. I coughed once and nodded. "Deal, just don't kill me."

She laughed and let me fall to the floor heavily. "Wait, why are you in my room?"

"One, it's Frank's room too." I winked at her as she fell to the bed face first. "And... dinner time."

"Oh! What's for dinner?"

Gerard's Point of View

Frank was rather cute. I had to admit he seemed different than anyone I've ever met. I understood why Alex wanted to take a taste of his blood, he did smell sweet. She seemed a bit off today though, friendlier than usual. Not that I'm complaining.

"Hey Gee, do you want me to set the table? I'm kinda bored." Frank came up behind me and giggled, reaching out for the plates on the shelf above him.

"Yeah, here let me get those for you. You're kinda short." I laughed as he stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm not short, I'm fun sized!" I laughed as he skipped to the dining room. Defiantly cute, hot ass too.

No Gee, you can like the kid but when you get perverted, that's when mini me crosses the line. I shook the mental thought and brought over the pan of pasta. I decided to make cake for dinner as well. Frank seemed to like sweets and the Ways are a sucker for cake.

Mikey sprinted to the table and fell over as he sat in the chair.

"Alex, no powers at the table!!"

"What powers do you guys have anyway?" Frank asked as I served each one of us.

"Well for a start we can all read minds."

"Though only Gee can read your mind." Frank started at me with wide eyes. I smiled and gave him a quick wink. He blushed and looked at his plate, quickly eating his spaghetti.

"Alex has telekinesis and has issues with fire." I gave her her serving of the spaghetti. She took a quick bite and placed her hand over the plate. Within minutes, you could see it warming up. "Nice, eh?" She smiled at Frank and he nodded, looking over at Mikey, awaiting his power no doubt.

"And Mikey just reads minds."

"Not true! I can transform, well not really transform just... watch."

Mikey quickly closed his eyes and his body slowly changed. You could seem him shrink a couple of inches and his hair turned black. At first I thought he was changing into Frank, but then I looked at Mikey, feeling like I was looking into a mirror.

"Fuck, you are taller than me." Mikey laughed as he messed up my hair and changed back to his form. "Remember though, Mikes, your still younger than me." He pouted and I served him his food.

“Any ideas on what to do with Frank, I mean he can’t stay a human forever when he’s living with us.” Mikey leaned in on the table, biting down on his lip.

“He’s right.” Frank smiled widely at me, as if he were a five year old asking for ice cream.

"I dunno, we'll talk about it later."

"Oh come on, Gee. The first thing you did when you became a vamp was change me and Alex. You didn't really care for the consequences."

"Yeah well... this is different. I was young and stupid and didn't think of the consequences. All I wanted was you two with me."

"But being a vampire isn't much different from a human, is it?" Frank looked up at me, he resembled a child too much. I couldn't bare imagining biting down on his neck, watching him as he forever changed.

"We'll see how things go. If everything goes well, we'll change you."

"Yes!!" All Frank, Mikey, and Alex threw their fists on the air and smiled widely. I didn't question Alex, though it was a bit odd for her to be happy.

"Come on, let's eat our first meal with Frank." I looked over to him to see him smile.

He looked into his plate, and I almost swore I heard him think,

"What did I do to deserve such a wonderful family?" I smiled and we continued our meal... as our new family.
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