Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sister, I'm not much a poet, but a criminal.

Can you stake me before the sun goes down?

by Attackalexattack 0 reviews

I just want to say thank you to those who have reviewed my stories; you guys are what keeps me writing. The more reviews I get the longer, and better the next story will be.(: This is short, but I...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-01-12 - Updated: 2010-01-13 - 1093 words

“Gerard? Gee?” Someone was calling my name. I looked around for them. I was somewhere in a dark forest, curled tight into a ball, unable to move. They kept calling my name. I sat up and tried to yell back, but I couldn’t move my lips. Like they were stuck together, I felt up down my face, finally touching my lips. I screamed the best I could around my sewn lips. What the fuck! What is going on!? I got up quickly, stumbling slightly as I ran to the voice that was still calling my name. I tried my best to say something, but it came out muffled moans. I kept running, my feet catching in roots or huge bushes. Suddenly the calling stopped. No! Keep calling! Panic washed over me in an icy wave. Suddenly, my feet where kicked from under me, I grunted in surprise, rolling to my back to see someone hovering over me. I moaned in pain, I could feel the blood trickling down my chin. “Please...” I tried to say, but it was barely auditable through the stitches. I squinted from the sudden patch of sun that was above the man. He grabbed my arm roughly, making me whimper. “Shut up!” He yelled, as he pulled me to my feet. Frank? I looked up to the man in surprise; this isn’t my gentle little Frankie. Frank’s eyes where dark, filled with hatred. “F-Fra-” I was all I could get out, thought the stitches. I looked at him in disbelief. His hand was hidden by thin leather gloves, digging in my arm, I was sure I’d have a bruise. He had on mostly black, jeans, shirt, and a black leather jacket. He seemed to melt into the darkness of the trees. I looked up to the sky, seeing only dark green branches and small patches of sunlight. Suddenly, Frank gripped my shoulders, bringing my attention back to him. He lowered his head to my throat, nuzzling my neck gently but there was an edge of something; hunger. I whimpered in protest, trying to push him away; but he just held on to my shoulders tighter, making me yelp in pain. “ankie!” I grunted around the thread, all muffled. He stopped, looking up to my face, but not moving from my neck. I knew something bad was going to happen. He looked up at me, his eyes held the same huger, but more eager. “P-P-P” I started, but Frankie just turned back to my throat, nibbling and biting, hard, harder. Finally, he jerked his head to the side, ripping my throat open just a little. I screamed, ripping my lips more, blood dribbling down my chin and neck again. Frank chewed on my neck, feeding. Black spots blurred my vision, making me sway a little; the pain in my neck was agonizing. I slumped into Frank’s arms, letting the darkness engulf me.

“FRANKIE! NO!” I screamed, jerking up in the bed. Frank was next to me, holding my shoulders. I threw myself off the bed, away from his grasp. I hit the floor hard, my eyes wide as I looked up at Frank’s startled face. Just a dream. Snap out of it. “Gee…are you okay?” He asked calmly, but his face plainly said I hurt his feelings. “I…Yeah…I need to see Mikey…” I muttered, looking anywhere but at him. My heart was beating into my ribs; my stomach was icy and felt like it was going to drop to my feet. I gathered my things and muttered a goodbye to Frank before stepping out his room and out his house. Just a dream, then why was I so freaked? My breathing was still shallow and fast. Breathe, Gerard, breath. Call Mikey. I started down the street, dialing Mikey’s number when something stopped me. If nothing was wrong then why was I acting like this? I opened the calendar on my phone and counted the days. Two days until a full moon. Hm. Frankie did seem kind of on edge lately. Maybe…Nah, that can’t be it. I shook my head and went back to calling Mikey. He answered after a couple of rings. “He-Hello?” He answered, groggily. “Hey, I was gonna walk home but, I’m too lazy.” I lied. I just wanted to get away from Frank at the moment. “Lazy ass…” I heard him whisper, I rolled my eyes, dropping my bag and sliding my jacket on, shivering violently from the icy wind. I looked up to the sky to see little flakes of snow falling from the sky. Damnit. “Hurry Mike, I’m freezing my ass off here!” I laughed, as he grunted and fell out the bed. “Be there in a few.” He said and hung up. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the curb. I need my own car. I sighed and shivered again, watching the flakes of snow flutter to the ground. Frank will be okay, he’s not… there was a sudden screech of tires on ice, like they were screaming at me. I looked up to see a blue car heading straight for me, the driver looked straight at me with no worry in his face. Shitshitshit. I jumped up, but not in time for the car to smash into me, I flung my arms out on impulse to take the impact. I screamed in pain, my rips cracking under impact of the finder as my arms gave out and make a sickening crunch. I was flung backwards into a tree where my spine thudded against the trunk. I couldn’t breathe; I laid there gasping for breath, my whole body in agonizing pain. The man got out of the car, his face calm. I looked up to him, gasping. “Wh-Why?” I managed to choke out. “You figured it out, that’s why.” He whispered before sprinting into the forest across the street. I watched him, unable to move, my vision darkening around the edges. “GERARD! NO!” Someone screamed, causing me to jerk my head to see Mikey and Maya racing towards me, the car which was on, forgotten, their doors open. I was still gasping, my chest squeezing with every inhale. “H-H-Help.” I choked out, grunting and moaning in pain. Maya was on the phone with 911. My eyes suddenly felt very heavy, I was so tired… “Gerard! Gee, please, don’t leave me…” Mikey yelled at me, but I was already lost in the darkness, unable to respond.
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