Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

"Thank You For the Venom..."

by rawr-ness 1 review

Frank becomes a vampire

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-01-25 - Updated: 2010-01-26 - 955 words

Mikey's Point of View

Alex walked into the corner and began sobbing. I was speechless as he walked toward the table and picked up the piece of paper. Frank stayed his ground, not sure what to do.

I heard a scream and the next thing I knew, I was being pinned up against the wall, being chocked.

"Where the hell is he?!?" Frank screamed as I heard Alex's cries get louder.

"Where did he go!" I scratched the back of his hand and he released me, gripping his bleeding hand tightly.

"Let me be and read the letter." I screamed back at him, all I saw was anger and rage in his eyes, that wasn't our Frankie.

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen and read the letter. Gerard had nice hand writing.

"Dear Mikey, Frank, and Alex,
I know you guys probably don't understand why I left, but I felt that I had too. You might not even
want to understand. I'm sorry if I am causing any trouble with my leaving. I don't know when you'll see me or if I may even come back. Bob is a vampire now, he should protect you. Transform Ray and... Frank as well. Tell him I love him.
I'm sorry Frankie, I really do love you, more than anything. I guess that's why I'm leaving. I can't stand to hurt you, even though I might not. I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore. I'll be back soon, hopefully.

With Love,
Gerard Arthur Way.

P.S. Mikey, you are becoming a strong and incredible man. More than a man than I'll ever be. Take good care of Frank and Alex for me. I know you and Alex are becoming closer, don't hurt each other. This is when I need you guys to stick together. And I want you to transform Frank and Ray. I'll tell you how.
Bite into both of their wrists and ankles, insert a decent amount of venom in each limb. The bite them in the heart. You understand that this is where the transformation happens. If you inject venom into the heart, the process should be quicker, but more painful.
Bite their necks as well, the more venom the better, right? I'll see you later kid.

"That's it." I whispered. Frank came towards me and snatched the letter out of my hand.

"He doesn't say where he went." I said as Frank skimmed the letter.

"Come with me." I said as I lay him on the table. Sooner the better.

"I wonder how long it'll take." I thought aloud. Frank looked up at me with worry.

"Now! You're gonna change me now."

"Why not, get your ass on the table and lie down now!" He sighed but obeyed. I ripped off his shirt and lifted his pants so that his ankles were visible. I honestly felt as if I were to rape the poor kid.

I sighed as I bit one leg, he screamed and I ignored him.

Bite two.
Bite three, right wrist.
Bite four, left wrist.
Bite five, neck.

He was screaming at the top of his lungs, just endless screaming, I don't even think he paused to breathe.

I sighed and moved his tattered shirt out of the way, and bit his chest.

Bite five, done.

This scream was the loudest. In so much pain, I wondered how long it would take...


Frank's Point of View

Fire, all I saw was fire. I felt it travel through my body.

It went to my head, inside my throat, my legs and arms. Even my heart felt like it was being burned to ashes.

It felt like I was in the pain for days, when if finally ended. I opened my eyes, to find that my sight was better than ever. I could sense all the movement around me.

I felt incredible, better than ever, though... my throat still felt like it was in flames.

Blood, I smelt blood somewhere around me. I sprinted towards the back of the house and lunged at the two people in the cellar.

I didn't care who they were or if they screamed. I was thirsty, they were my food. I sucked all the blood dry and entered the house, Mikey smirking and Alex crying.

"You finished?" Laughed Mikey. I put on my crocked smile and stared at Mikey.

"Not -- yet." I lunged at him and pinned him to the floor, he squirmed but couldn't move.

I felt something push me off him and looked over to see Alex stare at me with beading red eyes. Her beautiful green eyes were no longer there...

"If you do that one more time, you're dead. I don't care if you're new born, I'm still stronger than you, stronger than my brother, and I'm not talking about Mikey. You got that." She scratched my neck and I felt a small drop of blood leak onto my shoulder.

I smirked and nodded. "Most definitely." I spat back.

She groaned and walked away next to Mikey.

I wanted Gerard, no one else. I needed to find him.

I smiled at Mikey.

"Thank you for the venom..." I said as I walked up to Gerard's room and took in his sent.

"Thank you for the venom, indeed." I smiled as I hopped out the window with one of Gerard's shirts in my hand.

okay so... I'm not really sure where to go with this but I DO know how I want it to end
same as usual, please comment and tell me what you think
even if it stinks, please comment and tell me that
i know it's not very long but i hope you like it :)
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