Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Art Of Love

Donna's Waffles Part Three

by death_b4_disco 3 reviews

'A muffled raised voice came from upstairs. Returned by a high pitch shriek, from Rhi I guess. "Rhi don't go!" Gerard was pleading; Rhi was dressed and storming down the stairs.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-02-16 - Updated: 2010-02-16 - 898 words

A/N: Hey! Hey! It's Pancake day in England today, you just eat loads of pancakes all day (and put on like 10 pounds). So I'm stuffed full of pancakes and lemonade, it's all good! Remember to check out the link to my drawing on the last chapter, it's so you get a better idea of Rhi. Anyhoo, enjoy my pretties, and eat lots of pancakes ^.^! Also, this is from Bob's POV, because I love him =)


Bob's POV

I was sitting in Gerard and Mikey's kitchen; his mum had made her world famous pancakes and waffles again. Ray and Frank were in the lounge on some computer game, Mikey was in his room playing bass, Rhi and Gerard were in his room; getting it on by the sound of it. Donna had just left for work leaving me alone, I nicked another waffle and covered it in chocolate and whipped cream. I shuddered as Gerard moaned a-flipping-gain and shook out a thought in my head involving whipped cream, chocolate and moaning. Suddenly Gerard's door opened.
"I gotta check on Mikey!" he screamed and ran up to Mikey’s room slamming the door. I chuckled and took a bite of my waffle Mmmmm suddenly Mikey walked down the stairs and came in the Kitchen.
"Where's Frank?" he asked; he was bright red and feeling awkward, you could tell by the way he was fiddling with the bottom of his Smashing Pumpkins shirt.
"In the lounge, what's going on?" I had already guessed, but wanted conformation.
"You DONOT want to know, seriously!" he shuddered, I laughed, his actions and words confirmed my speculation. Mikey walked through to the lounge, I heard him ask Frank to come up stairs.
"Hey! Mikey! Make him think of dead kittens!" I laughed really hard almost choking on the bit of waffle I had just placed in my mouth. Ray walked in, shaking with laughter too.

"You know you guys should just shut the fuck up!" I heard Gerard shriek from upstairs making me and Ray burst into laughter so much he fell off his chair. He made a face while lying on the floor.
"Oh My God! I need to pee!" He ran to the door and wretched it open, revealing a shock Rhi. "Hey Rhi, err I really need to pee can you err..." she stepped to the side chuckling, letting him run past. She stepped in and sat down with a plate of waffles in her hand.
"Do you want these? I've eaten my share and well, I have no idea where Gee is." She looked down, embarrassed and upset, shaking the emotion off and pushing the plate towards me, I nodded in thanks and began to eat them.

"Hey save some for me you pig!" Frank bounded in the door, winked at Rhi and nicked the last two waffles off my plate. Rhi poured herself an orange juice as Frank looked at her before bursting into laughter. She slammed the jug down.
"What?!? What have I done that's so fucking funny?!?" she was pissed off. She took a swig of her juice and slammed it down on the table. Frank stopped giggling and look sorry. Ray walked in the room.
"Woah! Feel the tension in here!" Ray smiled then sat down next to Rhi, giving her an awkward one armed hug, "Gee will be back soon." He assured her. Frank bit his arm to stop him from laughing.

A mobile phone rang from in the other room and Ray went to get it, I guessed it was his.
"Hey guys look at channel 3!" I stood up and turned the TV in the kitchen on, the news reporter on the screen was outside the New York City police station,
'Reports say that Troy Hanson, son of multimillionaire, Gregory Hanson, has been arrested on the charges of rape and assault of a fellow female classmate at The School Of Visual Arts, New York City. This student has not been named and was said to have not have been the one to go to the police, another student is said to have reported the crime and has been questioned, the victim of this viscous crime has yet to have come in for questioning...' Suddenly a picture of 'Troy Hanson' flashed onto the screen, Rhi whimpered and walked out, running up the stairs, then it hits me she going to find Gerard.

"Shit! Wait! Should we stop her?" I asked nearly running after her, Ray and Frank both shook their heads and went back to watching the new report. I sat down and ate the last waffle.

A muffled raised voice came from upstairs. Returned by a high pitch shriek, from Rhi I guess.
"Rhi don't go!" Gerard was pleading; Rhi was dressed and storming down the stairs.
"I have to; they're going to look for me at home. I don't want my mum to know! EVER!" she was crying as she ran out the door.
"At least let me drive you!" Gerard shouted after her before running into the kitchen, grabbing the keys to his Silver Subaru XT, and then running out the door, slamming it as it shut.
"Well then." Mikey sighed. "Dungeons and Dragons anyone?"

A/N: Ooh! So what happened with Gee? What will happen with Rhi and her mum? Stay tuned for more! And Rate and Review my lovelies!
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