Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

I Never Meant to Cause All This

by rawr-ness 0 reviews

Gerard returns, but will Mikey and Frank let him back into their life.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-02-24 - Updated: 2010-02-24 - 1586 words

Gerard's Point of View

I entered the hotel my brother and... friend were staying at. Frank's sent hitting me like a wrecking ball. It was spoiled, not the same sweet sent I remembered when he smelled of coffee and candy. The sent was being disrupted of beer, cigarettes, and a small hint of blood. I flinched and held my breath as I entered the room. I wished I had never left.

I ran up to the fourth floor, where the room was and walked inside. I managed to get a copy of their key from the front desk, the workers here were rather naive.

I placed the key in the lock, slowly and quietly. I could hear Frank fast asleep on the other side. I heard small gasps and walked over the bathroom. I opened the door and pulled back the curtains.

I saw my brother, sitting there, just holding himself and tears running down his cheeks. He quickly tried to wipe them off, and then turned to me. He looked at me in shock, and we both stood there watching each other.

When I left I didn't know what I was leaving behind. I thought that I would be in the way, only causing them trouble, I didn't want to tell Mikey the truth. Not that I had been afraid, not that I had feared for my own life and didn't bother thinking of my family. I was ashamed of what I've done, but I never came back. Why? That question was beyond me. I felt a slight tap in my mind, telling me that Mikey was reading my thoughts.

I looked at him, a tear running down my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Mikey. I truly am. I... I was afraid, I admit it. I couldn't face you. Now I know that I was wrong and needed to make things right."

Mikey had learned to place his thoughts into me, I could tell he was practicing his powers by the way he's improved. I smiled but that was replaced with a frown. Mikey truly was hurting.

Through his mind, I could see flashes of his memories. The first was something that he knew would affect me.

I saw Frank sneaking into the bathroom, the bathroom we were in right now. He took the steak knife that had been sent for Mikey when he ordered his food. He brought the knife to his wrists and made several deep slashes horizontally. I flinched each time I saw the blood leak through the scars.

That memory was quickly changed with another one. Frank was in a bar, the cliche big, motorcycle guys sitting around him watching a football game. Next to Frank you could see already several empty glasses, all of them once containing alcohol. I watched from Mikey's view, his arm reaching out to grab Frank. Frank held on desperately to his beer and the counter. I heard Mikey's voice speak to the bar tender.
"How many beers did he have?" Mikey asked, his voice shaking at Frank's condition.
"Uh... about ten in the past fifteen minutes." Mikey sighed at the bar tender and carried Frank on his back. I could hear Frank's vomiting as Mikey carried him, apparently Mikey didn't mind it.

I pulled out after that, though I knew there were more. Mikey refused for me to walk away again, he was determined to keep me with him.

Another memory was forced into my mind. Frank was at the back of some building, smoking a cigarette. He despised cigarettes, always tried to get me to quit when I was around him. He tilted his head back in pleasure. I felt tears streaming down my face and wiped them away quickly. Frank looked around to make sure no one was around. He pulled back his sleeve and forced the cigarette onto his skin. He winced in pain but kept the cigarette placed to his wrist. Instead of Mikey walking in on him, it was one of the workers from the building. They ran toward Frank and threw the the cigarette on the ground. They stomped on it repeatedly, putting out the light. Frank looked at his shoes as the hotel worker lifted Frank's arm to inspect it. The part where he burned himself had black, I didn't know how he could take it, vampire or not. Frank looked at it and wiped off the ash, it caused him pain but ignored it, then walked away.

I pulled out and Mikey released me. I gasped, as if I had just run a marathon. I looked at him as he nodded.

"Everything you saw, everything you saw in my mind is true. None of it made up. Do you want to see my reactions? Do you want to see Frank's transfor-"

"You changed him?!" My voice said in shock, nearly shouting. Mikey placed a finger to his lips and we stayed silent for a bit, making sure Frank was still fast asleep. When we didn't hear him wake up we continued our talk.

He nodded and pulled out my letter, the one I had written when I left, I almost forgotten about it.

"He didn't suffer... for long anyway. You told me to. Though, the average way would've taken to long, too much pain. I injected several times, it probably hurt more than average, I would assume - but I didn't take long for the transformation to be completed."

I looked at my shoes, not sure what to say. I felt the tap once again, but instead of Mikey pressuring his thoughts into me, he listened to my thoughts. I acted as if he weren't there.

"I miss my brother, he seems so... distant than before. I don't blame him, after all I've done to him and Frank I would understand if he sends me away to never come back. I don't even know how Alex is doing, if she's even alive." I looked at him, more tears streaming down my face.

"Come here, Mikey. Give me a hug, I missed you too much. I can't stand you being mad at me. Please, Mikey. Forgive me." He broke into tears and hopped out of the tub, throwing his arms around me.

We stood there for several minutes just holding each other. Mikey cried into my shoulder and I cried into his. I let out a small laugh.

"Did you get taller?" Mikey pulled apart and stared at me then looked at our feet. He laughed and hugged me again.

"I missed you so much, Gee." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too, Mikey." He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward my sleeping Frank. I looked at him, he looked so peaceful, almost happy.

Mikey nodded toward Frank as I shook my head.

"Gerard, I don't think dealing would be Frank is gonna be easier than me. If anything, I think it'd be harder to win him back. You saw how he felt." He tapped his head as I nodded.

I kneeled by Frank's side, grabbing his hand to hold. He didn't notice so I kissed his cheek and then bit his ear lightly. This would always wake him up when we were together.

I heard him moan softly and turned to face me, though his eyes didn't open.

"Mmmm... I love you, Gerard." He moaned. I looked at my shoes in guilt. "Promise me one thing." He whispered.

"Never leave me again... please. Gerard! Gee!" More tears were shed, not by me, but by the one I loved.

"Frankie, I will never leave you. I will never leave you." Frank opened his eyes gently and he backed away when he noticed me next to him.

"What is he doing here?!" He screamed at Mikey.

"Frank, listen to me, please. It was all a mistake, I didn't mean to -"

"What, you didn't mean to leave us. You didn't mean to make me go through hell for months. Are you saying that you thought you could just walk out of our lives, you brother, sister and me and think that we'd go on living as if nothing happened. Did you really believe that?!"

I looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry, Frankie. I honestly can't say anything but that. I know what I did was wrong, and to be honest I was just afraid. I was afraid for myself without thinking about you or anyone else. I was selfish and -"

Frank's lips collided with mine. I smiled and I felt hims smile too.

"You talk too much." He laughed. I could hear Mikey chuckling behind me.

"Well I just thought that... I was gone for so long and I didn't really -"

He kissed me again, this time longer. His breath smelled of cigarettes and beer, honestly I loathed it but I loved having Frankie with me again. Nothing could change how I felt.

Frankie pulled away and gave me a hug.

"Promise me you'll never leave again." I promised him and gave him another hug.

Back together. Everything was back to normal, everything was complete. Not quite... there was one thing that needed to be done.

Mikey and Frank nodded in response, and we headed out the door and checked out of the hotel.

good, bad? comments please ^_^
im pretty sure all you guys know where they're heading, what's gonna happen
i hope you guys are liking it, im starting to get more into this story haha :P
so bye!
hope everyone liked it :)
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