Categories > Original > Humor > Dreamcatchers And Mysterious Powers

Chapter 2 Gifts And Weird Dreamcatchers

by orieo82 0 reviews

It's Eliza's daughters birthday and her gift is coming out full force

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-03-05 - Updated: 2010-03-06 - 2622 words

Ten years later Eliza has her hands full with seven kids, six adopted and one of her own who was celebrating her birthday today.

Eliza(Hanging a banner) I just hope she can handle the gift that witch doctor gave her.

John(Putting out soda's and refreshments) I'm sure she can, and if not she'll learn to deal with it, I mean I did.

Eliza's little girl had orange hair like Eliza and also braces and glasses like Eliza as she slowly rolled over on her bed.

Little girl: Mr Mittens where are you?, I have a delicious bowl of cream for you.

The dreamcatcher that the witch doctor gave Eliza hung over Percefany who was Eliza's daughters bed.

Percefany: Mr. Mittens breakfast time, I promise the creams real good, yummy for your tummy.

An orange kitten dashed down the stairs when he saw Percefany coming as she chased after him and scooped him up in her arms.

Percefany: Now, now I'm not that bad, I mean I'm feeding you and giving you shelter aren't I?

Mr. Mittens(To Eliza and imitating Percefany) Mr. Mittens where are you?, why did she have to name me Mr. Mittens?

John: Back upstairs young lady, our party planning isn't finished yet.

Eliza: Do you feel weird Percef, you know like animals are talking to you?

Percefany: No but I would sure like to know what Mr. Mittens is thinking.

Mr. Mittens: Change that stupid name to a cooler name, like Luke or Tiger anything but Mr. Mittens.

Percefany: Meow meow back to you cutie pie, now come on I have a bowl of cream with your name on it.

Mr. Mittens(Groaning) Cream again, why can't I eat cat food like a normal cat?

Percefany placed Mr. Mittens in front of a saucer as he stared at it for awhile and gave in as Percefany watched him lap it with his tongue.

Percefany: There's a good boy drink up, it'll help you get your strength back, and maybe some meat on your bones.

When Mr. Mittens was finished he looked up at Percefany again as she poured cat food in another dish which was a treat for Mr. Mittens.

Mr. Mittens(Running to the bowl) Helooooooo appetite.

Percefany: That's right little guy eat up, that pound certainly didn't feed you enough.

Mr. Mittens never looked up from his dish as another little girl with blonde pigtails snuck up and reached her fingers around Mr. Mittens ribs.

Little girl(Laughing) Ha ha gotcha kitty, why don't you do something about it.

Mr. Mittens turned back to his dish of food as Percefany walked angrily up to the little girl.

Percefany: April mean much?, how would you like it if Mr. Mittens bothered you while you were eating?

April: I'd like it just fine if we were being served yucky vegetables.

Percefany(Pushing April out) Out you meany, out, out, out, and don't come back until you can say sorry to Mr. Mittens.

Mr. Mittens ears perked up hearing his name as his mouth never left the dish.

April(Yanking Percefany's door) You can't keep him safe in there forever Cefany.

Percefany: If you can find a way in be my guest.

April(Screaming) Open this door you kitten hogger.

A teen boy walked up as April was banging on Percefany's door.

April: Just because your the only Thornberry child, doesn't mean you can lock that kitten away like The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Percefany: When your ready to play nice with Mr. Mittens I'll let you play with him.

Boy: I told you picking on the cat would backfire in your face April.

April: Shut up Jorge, I'm working on a plan to get in.

Jorge: Good luck, Me I'm going to help mom and dad set up for Percef's party.

April(Pounding) Open this door Percefany, it's not fair that you can have a cat and mom and dad won't get me a turtle.

A teenaged girl came from her room next as she looked down at her watch.

Teenaged Girl: It's 7:00 in the morning what is the racket out here?

April(Kicking Percefany's door) Open this door, open this door, open this door, open this dddooorrr!!!

Teenaged girl: April need I remind you that there are people trying to sleep in this house?

Arpil: Madamme Thornberry has Mr. Mittens in her room and I want to play with him.

Percefany(From the other side) Or you'd like to pull his tail again but you can pick or choose.

April: How do we know that you aren't torturing him in there?

Percefany: What's that Mr. Mittens, ohh that's right you aren't hissing at me so I can't understand you.

April(Storming off) I'm telling mommy and daddy on you kitten hogger.

Teenaged girl: Thank God now some of us can get back to our dreams.

When the banner was hung April came tearing down the stairs as Eliza and John looked down at her.

April(Sniffling) Percefany locked Mr. Mittens in her room and I want to play with him.

John(Handing over a bowl shaped pressent) Wouldn't you rather open a pressent princess?

April excitedly ripped the papper off the bowl where a baby turtle greeted her.

April(Jumping up and down) My own turtle, my very own turtle, I'm going to name you Crush like the one from Finding Nemo.

Eliza: Where's the teenager?

April: I hate to tattle but if the rest of us have to be awake then so does she right?

Eliza: Right?

April: She's sleeping, she complained when I was banging on Percefany's door to try to coax Mr. Mittens out.

John: April I told you don't use words you don't understand.

April: Mr. Mittens is a word I understand, it's the weird kitty Percefany adopted.

John: That's not the word I meant, the word coax you don't know what it means.

April: Your right I don't but it sure is a fancy way of talking.

Eliza(Climbing the stairs) I'm going to wake up the teenager, why don't you fix breakfast sweetie.

April(Kissing the bowl) I'll show you my room where you'll be staying and I'll get you a bigger tank to swim in when I get my allowance.

Eliza(Knocking on the teen girl's door) Knock knock teenager, time to embrace the world and all it's glory.

The girl squinted her eyes as Eliza pulled back the shades.

Eliza: See how beautiful it is?, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.

Bird #1: Hey give that back mommy said that was my worm.

Bird #2: No fair you always get the worm, Well not this time.

Bird #2 swallowed the worm as Bird #1 got an evil look in his eyes.

Bird #1: I'm going to peck your head in.

Bird #2 flew off as bird #1 flew after him screaming for his mother.

Eliza: At least we know birds have arguments like other members of the family.

Teenaged girl(Throwing a pillow over her head) Ughhhhhhhh just let me sleep, first it's April and her racket now it's you and your racket mom.

Eliza: It's kind of hard to follow the rules when your out past curfew isn't it?

Teenaged girl: I'm getting over a breakup and needed some friendly encouragement.

Eliza: So you stay out till two in the morning?

Teenaged girl: I'm suffering for it now, I mean I loved Joeseph and he goes and breaks up with me like I'm his conjoined twin or something.

Eliza: You know the rules Natalie, curfew's ten, always get your homework done, do all of your chores, and seven o clock wake up calls on Saturday.

Natalie: But it's the weekend, what's so special about being awake at seven on a Saturday?
Eliza: It prepares you to be awake on the weekdays when a lot of you like to sleep in, now get out of the bed and help your father with breakfast.

Natalie(Slowly standing up) Ughhhhhh I hope you guys appreciate this.

Eliza: Now to make the rest of my rounds.

Natalie(Slowly walking down the stairs) I hate weekends in the Thornberry house.

The room next to Natalie's was the next to be visited as a loud snoring greeted her.

Eliza: Wake up call Jake, it's seven o clock on a Saturday and you know what that means.

Jake slowly turned over and threw one of the pillows on his bed at Eliza.

Eliza: I'm going to tell you what I told Natalie, it's kind of hard to follow the rules when your out past curfew isn't it?

Jake(Grogily) Can't you just make an exception this once?

Eliza(Looking at Jake's room) When was the last time you cleaned this room?

Jake(From under his pillow) The last time you asked me to.

Eliza: Jake that was like three months ago.

Jake: There you go, looks like you answered your own question.

Eliza: That is number one on your list of things to do to get your allowance today, I want this room spotless and then your to help party plan.

Jake: Why do we have to celebrate Percefany's glory?

Eliza: Because she celebarates yours, now get yourself showered, get a breakfast in you, then clean up this pigsty.

Jake: That's a difference of opinion mom.

Eliza(Pointing at the floor) I think something creeped across my foot.

Jake: Honestly mom quit being a drama queen.

Eliza(Picking up a pizza box) And how old is this?

Jake(Grabbing it from her) A month old, thanks mom I've been wondering where I put it.

Eliza: Just get this room cleaned sometime today.

Jake(Agitated) Yea, yea, yea I'm on it, I don't see how I can be the middle child and still not be able to sleep late.

Eliza: Because it's a beautiful day in the Thornberry neighborhood and your room's like the town dump.

Jake(Walking over things) I'm going to need some garbage bags and Mountain Dew Stat.

Eliza: No Mountain Dew for breakfast, but I can hook you up with some garbage bags.

Jake: Man you take the fun out of everything.

Eliza: I will not have you pepped up on sugar all day.

Jake: But your about to let pre teen girls run around here with a sugar rush.

Eliza: That's different, it's your sister's birthday and she deserves the sugar rush, now get downstairs I'm going to tackle waking up the twins.

Jake stumbled into the hallway as Eliza stopped at the last door which had Tigger and Eeyore painted on it.

Eliza: Just like their personalities, one's chipper and the others gloomy.

Eliza pushed the door opened as a puppy dashed out and started licking her face.

Puppy: I can't stand sleeping in there with them, they pull at my floppy ears, and my tail, not to mention they fight over me.

Eliza(Kissing him) I'm sure your exagerating Shadow, just like when you claimed the aliens have landed.

The twins had more than their personality to tell them apart, one had black hair and a smock she always slept in, and the other had midnight blue hair.

Eliza: I'm starting to think them expressing their individuality is a bad thing.

The midnight blue girl slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

Girl: Mommy why do we have to wake up so early on weekends?

Shadow: As punishment for torturing a poor, defenseless pup.

Eliza: I'm sure other little girl's are up with their families right now.

Girl: I doubt it, I better tackle the bathroom before the princess wakes up.

Eliza: Nora sweetie about your hair.

Girl(Waving her midnight blue hair around) I know isn't it cool, Julie Matthews did it for me.

Eliza: Didn't you like your natural color?

Nora: No it was to cheery for me, with a nickname like Eeyore you need to look the part.

Eliza: There are other ways for you to express your individuality.

Nora: That isn't what you said when you brought MiMi and I here last month, you told us to express our individuality and that's what I'm doing.

The last of the kids slowly shuffled from the bedroom and into the bathroom as Nora gave Eliza an accusing look.

Eliza: MiMi your sister was here first now wait your turn.

The black haired girl stood against the wall nodding off.

Eliza: Don't make me have to get the coaches whistle young lady.

Shadow: Do it she's the one who hurts me most, I really don't mind the blue haired one.

Eliza(Whispering) My husband might, now button your yap.

Shadow jumped from Eliza's arms and followed Nora into the bathroom as MiMi nodded off again.

Eliza: This is your last warning MiMi.

MiMi(Yawning) Why does the early bird have to catch the worm, why couldn't it be the afternoon or late lunch bird?

Eliza: Because then the saying would be the afternoon or late munch bird catches the worm.

Percefany came out of her room with Mr. Mittens cradeled in her arms.

Percefany(Scratching Mr. Mittens ears) I know that mean girl that scared you is gone isn't she?

Mr. Mittens: She's lucky I didn't slash her limb from limb.

The dreamcatcher glowed blue as a light erupted from Percefany's room that caught her attention.

Percefany: Mom did you see that light?

Eliza: Now don't get scared sweetie, you've gained a very special gift.
Percefany: Like a birthday gift?

Eliza(Smiling guiltily) Sort of sweetie.

Percefany(Looking around) Where is it?

Eliza: Remember when you said you wished you knew what Mr. Mittens was thinking?

Percefany(Looking under her bed) No time, I'm kind of gift hunting here mom.

Eliza: This is the kind of gift you can't open Jewel of my eye.

Percefany: What kind of gift is that?

Mr. Mittens(Swatting the air) Then I'd be like oh yeah you want to scare me again, take that and that and that idiot girl.

Percefany's jaw dropped as Mr. Mittens pounced on her rug.

Eliza: Before you scream in fear sweetie, you aren't dreaming this is for real, you can inderstand what all animals are saying.

Percefany(Slowly walking up to Mr. Mittens) Good Mr. Mittens, nice kitty.

Mr. Mittens: Now that I have your attention, I want a name change and this door stays locked at all times.

Percefany: A name change?

Mr. Mittens: Yes I don't think I'm a Mr. Mittens type.

Percefany: But it's what you respond to, and it's all over you collar, license and papers.

Mr. Mittens: Fine we'll keep the name, at least stop singing it every morning.

Shadow: Me next, me next, I want to creep the new animal talker out next.

Percefany: Hey need I remind you who saved you from the rain?

Shadow: I preffer the rain to where I'm sleeping now, this MiMi that you call sister is an ear and a tail puller.

Percefany(Hands over her mouth) Awwwwwww you poor thing.

Shadow: I want to sleep in here with you and Mr. Mittens.

Mr. Mittens: There's no room, she takes the left side, and I take the snuggly place by her ear purring her to sleep.

Shadow: Who sleeps on the right on in the middle?

Percefany(Petting Shadow) Sure you sleep in here the more the merrier.

Mr. Mittens: Might I ask where I got my name?

Percefany: Your paws silly, their all white like little snow covered mittens and your a boy, hence the name Mr. Mittens.

Shadow: Where did my name come from?

Percefany: You look like a shadow, all black and cute, I was leaning towards Munchkin but Shadow stuck more.

What happens at breakfast read part 3 Weird Breakfast Conversation and reply to part 2
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