Categories > Original > Humor > Dreamcatchers And Mysterious Powers

Chapter 5 Eliza and John's First Date/ Meeting Rascal

by orieo82 0 reviews

Eliza explains her first date to Percefany for the millionth time and we also meet a new animal friend for Percefany.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-03-05 - Updated: 2010-03-06 - 3412 words

When all the guests were gone the kids knew what was coming next between John and Eliza.

April: What did daddy do mommy?

Eliza: He made Percefany's birthday turn into the worst day of her ever loving life.

Natalie: Those are some bad charges.

Nora: yea dad I mean why couldn't you leave well enough alone?

John: She was oggling him, and if I didn't step in things would have escalated.

Mimi: Yea dad and that's what we wanted, I mean don't you want to see your daughter happy?

Percefany(Skipping down the stairs) Well I found a way to get even and it comes in the form of the tall, dark, Criss Angely, soccer captain.

John: He's coming back?

Percefany: Mom can we have Chinese tonight, he says it's his favorite.

Eliza: Nora get the phone book, Mimi get my purse, Jake get some romantic music, April get dressed nice, Natalie and Jorge watch the door.

Natalie: For what?

Eliza: For the tall, dark, Criss Angely, soccer captain.

John: I don't know why we're all excited, he won't last a month dating someone in this family.

Eliza: That couch is looking pretty cozy isn't it.

John: Elize sweetie you know what that couch does to my back, I was only trying to protect our little girl from danger.

Eliza: Tell it to someone who cares, now where are the car keys.

John: Car keys?

Eliza: Yea you know they start the car when you put them in the ignition, the car moves and we go places.

John: Like where?

Eliza: I'm going to rent some movies for Percefany and Josh tonight, and they will not be interupted by angry fathers.

John: How can you be so sure?

Eliza(Poking his chest) Because if there's one more outburst out of you I'll make sure I'm your least favorite person.

John(Grumbling) Geez you look out for a girl and you regret it for the rest of your life.

Percefany: Can I come with you to rent the movies?

Eliza: Actually I was hoping you would, it's give us some mother daughter time.

April: I have that every other day.

Eliza: That's because your the youngest and aren't going to school yet.

Mimi: I envy you Percef, I'm starting Junior high and I can't even get a guy to give me a second glance.

Nora: Me either not that I'm trying, love will come to me when I'm ready to embrace it.

Eliza: You see she expresses her individuality, and she makes the right decision.

Nora: Dad doesn't understand me like you do mom, I'm not a freakshow to you.

Mimi: I'll be upstairs creating my greatest masterpiece, I call it unfit father and guess who the subject is.

John: I'm not unfit, if I was that tall, dark, Criss Angely, soccer captain would still be here.

Eliza: Well you can't seem to get rid of him because he's coming back.

Percefany: Let's hit the road mom, he could be here any minute.

Eliza: And were off, Nora call for the chinese, tell them to put it on the Thornberry account and it's a pick up.

Nora: Yes ma'am, anything else?

Eliza: Nope that's it, and John good luck on the couch tonight.

Percefany: Come Shad and Mr. Mittens, let's go for a car ride.

Shadow and Mr. Mittens didn't have to be told twice as they ran at Percefany's heels happy to be away from April and Mimi.

Mr. Mittens: Girly why don't you talk to the rib squisher and tell her not to do that anymore, or I'll tear her limb from limb.
Percefany: Your all talk and no action Mr. Mittens, why not just hiss at her and get it over with?

Mr. Mittens: I was action this morning, but little Mrs. Let go of the scratching post came along.

Eliza: I really didn't feel like visiting the emergancy room this morning thank you very much.

Mr. Mittens: Why not let her poke your ribs and see how it feels.

Shadow: Try getting your tail, fur, and ears pulled, then you can talk to me about pain.

Percefany(Stroking his fur) You poor thing, I had no idea what they were doing to you.

Shadow: Your mom did, I told her every day, but she never believed me.

Eliza: Thanks to your paranoid rantings that the aliens were going to land on Earth soon.

Percefany(Looking at Shadow) Aliens?, what makes you say that?

Shadow: It's in the supermarkets, and in the vets office newspapers that say aliens have landed.

Eliza: I told you before those newspapers are rubbish, they don't know what their talking about.

Shadow: They had pictures of the aliens, how can they be rubbish if they have pictures?

Eliza: Those pictures aren't real Shadow, their pinted up on a computer and placed on the front page.

Mr. Mittens: Your a very gulliable pup aren't you?, I mean even I know aliens aren't real.

Shadow(Shivering) They have pictures, and until they stop showing them I'm not going to believe that aliens don't exist.

Percefany(Petting him) You know I'm scared of things too, like the dark and thunderstorms.

Shadow: I'm scared of Shadow's too, but I have to get used to them because that's my name.

Eliza: Your scared of a lot of things Shadow, you have to conquer your fears.

Shadow: I was abandoned as a puppy, made to fend for myself until Percefany the sweet girl that she is saved me from the dogcatcher.

Percefany: I couldn't let them take you Shad, they said you were on the chopping block and I wouldn't let that happen.

Shadow: I was happy to be in a real house, I just wish Mimi knew how to treat me with kindness.

Percefany: She'll learn Shad, I mean she has to with you living with us.

Mr. Mittens: She also feeds you under the table, if that's not love I don't know what is.

Shadow(Licking his lips) Yea she gives me the hamburger shaped sausage, and bacon when I start begging.

Mr. Mittens: That is the lowest form you could go to pup, why do you beg all the time.

Shadow: Hey if it get's me human food then I'm going to beg to my heart's content.

Eliza: Besides Mr. Mittens he's a puppy and it's what dogs are good at, looking cute when they need to.

Shadow: Yea I mean why do you think humans give us treats all the time, it's the begging my feline friend.

Eliza stopped at Master Wongs as Percefany and her got out and walked in with Shadow staring out the window at them.

Shadow: What is this place?, and why did they go in it?

Mr. Mittens: It's a resteraunt and they went in to get food for Percefany, her friend, and for the rest of the family I hope.

Shadow(Sniffing) I smell chicken, and a lot of other yummy smells, this must be what Heaven smells like.

Inside Eliza looked down at her almost teen daughter and knew that in a few years she would be going through changes.

Eliza: So this Josh you like him a lot huh?

Percefany: That's an understatement, I love him more than words can tell.

Eliza(Smiling) I felt the same way about your father when I met him, but like you I was very good at hiding it.

Percefany: I'm so angry that dad told Josh I was scared of the dark, he probably thinks I'm a baby.

Eliza: If he really loves you he'll learn to deal with your fears, and you'll learn to deal with his.

Percefany: When did you and dad fall in love mom?

Eliza: I've told you this story a million times.

Percefany: Tell it again pretty please.

Eliza(Smiling) All right Percef I'll tell you one more time, we were in junior high at the time.

We're brought to a younger Eliza who's trying to get her overstuffed locker open without everything falling out.

Eliza: I just need my English book, I don't want to spend the day picking all the other junk up.

Eliza's friend Marisel ran up to her as John was walking down the hall.

Marisel: Better make this quick Elize, here comes your hidden crush.

Eliza angrily banged on her locker as what she feared was going to happen happened.

Marisel: Why do you have a banana peel in your locker girl?

Eliza(Standing up and brushing herself off) That is the least of my problems at this point Mar.

John: What did your locker throw up Thornberry?

Eliza(Thinking quick) maybe it did and maybe it didn't, what's it to you Macarthur?

Marisel: I have to go, I have World History to get to and I really don't like being a thrid wheel.

Eliza grabbed Marisel before she could take another step and the two of them stood side by side.

John: So are you guys going to clean this mess up or what?

Eliza: Let the janitor do it, that's what he's getting paid for.
John: Right and what may I ask are you going to tell him?

Marisel(Imitating a checkout clerk's voice) Cleanup on aisles one, two, three, and half of four.

Eliza laughed hysterically at this as John shook his head.

John: You two are going to bring this school to it's knees.

Eliza(Grabbing her English book) There you are Othello, not that I understand the language your speaking.

Marisel: I have to jet Elize, World History beckons and I'm already failing so I've got to buckle down and fly right.

Eliza: All right girl, I'll give you a call when I get home, we can talk about how many girls your bringing to my sleepover tonight.

When Marisel was gone John walked up to Eliza's mess and started making two piles of things to be thrown away and things to put in her locker.

Eliza(Bringing a barrel over to her locker) Thanks but isn't there somewhere else you need to be right now?

John: No I have a free period right now, and I know you do too I studied your schedule.

Eliza: Obsess much Macarthur?

John: Look Thornberry the start of Fall dance is tonight, I was sort of wondering if you'd like to go with me.

Eliza(Blushing) Uhhhhhhhhh are you sure you want to take me, I mean there are prettier girls in this school.

John: But your the only one who doesn't care if she looks beautiful when you wake up in the morning.

Eliza(Looking at him) What's that supposed to mean?

John: I just meant that your inner beauty is more engaging than your outer beauty.

Eliza(Scooping paper scraps into her hand) If your looking for bonus points your losing right now.

John: How about this Thornberry, I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking.

Eliza(Blushing) Yea and your point would be?

John: My point is I know you like me, and I like you so why don't we get past our pretend grudge and go out.

Eliza(Stuffing the rest of the stuff in her locker) It's much roomier in here now.

John(Standing up) Your welcome, now what about the start of Fall dance?

Eliza: All right I give, I'll go to the dance with you tonight but just as friends, strictly friends do you understand?

John: Great I have a date with a friend, my mom and I will pick you up around five.

Eliza: The dance doesn't start until seven.

John: But dinner's at six, if I'm going on a date with a friend I'm going to make it count.

Eliza(Smiling) All right so I'll see you at five?

John(Patting her shoulders) I won't be late, just be sure yur ready when I get there.

John walked off as Eliza's insides were doing somsersaults and she couldn't stop smiling.

Eliza(Staring down at her book) Come on Will I have a test today, and your going to help me I hope.

That night Eliza was pacing around in the living room as she overlooked the fact that her sleepover was also tonight.

Marisel(Over the phone) Girl we're all going to the dance tonight, we can catch up after and meet up at your house.

Eliza: Thanks Mar you always know what to say when I'm on the verge of malfunctioning.

Marisel(Laughing) What are you a robot?

Eliza: I feel like one tonight, I mean I'm going to the dance with one of the cutest boys in school, and I feel like a train wreck.

Marisel: Maybe that's because you love him and you can't seem to find the words to tell him, or it could be that he loves you back.

Eliza: If I tell him that I love him, I'm afraid that he'll feel the same way Mar, I mean I've never had a boyfriend before.

Marisel: Just let him know Elize, I mean what's the worst that can happen?

Eliza(Plopping down on the couch) He could laugh in my face and I'd be shattered forever.

Marisel: Elize Brandon and I are dating and I pretended to hate him, turns out he loved me even more when I did that.

Eliza: All right I'll drop the bomb on him at the dance, he thinks this is a friend date, because I told him I wasn't his date just his friend.

Marisel: Eliza he doesn't believe that and neither do you, no guy goes out with a girl just to be friends.

A horn honked as Eliza quickly looked outside and saw John and his mom.

Eliza: Mar I have to go my date beckons, I'll see you at the dance.

Marisel: Later girl and remember confessing to him could do no wrong.

Eliza(Quickly) Right peace out Mar.

Eliza ran outside to meet John as he was starting to see her outer beauty and inner beauty converge to become one.

Eliza: So uhhhhh would you like to come in and meet my parents?

John: We have very little time for that right now.

Maryanne, Nigel, and Debbie waved out the window as John waved back and they were off to dinner.

Once they got to the resteraunt the school was across the street Eliza and John sat in a booth.

Eliza: Sooooooooo why don't we talk about why you invited me out tonight?

John(Looking at Eliza's hair) Or we could talk about why you never wear your hair down.

Eliza: I asked you first, give me your answer and I'll give you mine.

John: I thought it would be nice to take a friend on a friendly date, now how about yours.

Eliza: I don't believe that answer for a second, but all right I don't wear my hair down because I this it looks better up.

John: And you would be wrong, I mean it's so long and flowy.

Eliza: I think you invited me out tonight to make me your girlfriend, not for a freindly date.

John: So what if I did, your here aren't you?

Eliza: As a friend, but I think you want more than that.

John(Laughing) What are you trying to hypnotize me?

Eliza: No but Marisel told me that no guy goes out with a girl just to be friends.

John: And you believed her, I mean what do you see in her anyway?

Eliza: She took me under her wing when I had no friends, she introduced me to some friends and I've never forgotten that.

John: I would have been your friend too, but you looked like you were enjoying the agressive part of our realationship better.

Eliza: Well I didn't, I'm not really that agressive, I just thought I could hide how I really felt by acting that way.

John(Looking into Eliza's blue eyes) And how do you really feel.

Eliza(Leaning in) I love you, and I always will.

John and Eliza kissed as Marisel and her friends were walking up smiling.

Marisel: Well, well, well girl's isn't this a pretty picture, two bickering friends becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

John(Breaking apart) If I knew she liked me I would have had the conversation I had with her this afternoon earlier.

Eliza(Checking her lipstick) Where's our food I'm starved.

John: Me too.

The waitress placed two burgers and two orders of onion rings in front of them.

Waitress: As always it's on the house Mrs. Thornberry, your sister does work here after all.

After dinner the couples and friends walked to the school parking lot as kid after kid laughed and walked into the dance.

John: Let the fun begin Elize.

Eliza(Looking at her hair) Ohh my God John your right, my hair does look better down.

John(Smiling) I told you so.

Marisel: I've been telling you that for years Liz.

Eliza: Yea and I've been telling you that I needed a second opinion.

Marisel: Well listen to the man and start wearing your hair down.

Eliza(Swinging her hair back and forth) Yea I think I will.

Later that night Wicked Game by Chris Issack played in the background as Eliza pulled John to the middle of the floor.

Eliza: I'm glad you asked me to come out tonight John, I had a lot of fun.

John: Me too, but the fun doesn't have to end here, what are you doing tomorrow?

Eliza: I'll be around tomorrow John, why do you ask?

John: I was wondering if you were up for the carnival in town, so are you up for that.

Eliza: Sounds like oodles of fun.

John smiled and kissed her as Eliza came back to Master Wongs to find no Percefany.

Eliza: Percef where are you?

Master Wong chef(Pushing a broom at an animal) Out, out, out you filthy vermon, no racoons allowed.

Percefany grabbed the man's broom coming up behind him and started swinging it.

Percefany: Out, out, out you filthy vermon, no chefs on a power trip here, how do you like it?

Master Wong chef: He comes here all the time, my boss will fire me unless I kick him out.

Percefany(Picking up the racoon) The poor little guy just wanted some food, don't worry I'll give you a good home Rascal.

Eliza: Percefany are you ok?

Percefany: Yea this little guy was being booted out of the resteraunt.

Eliza: Awwwwwwwww now isn't he cute.

Rascal(Squirming in Percefany's hands) Food, food, food, fooooooddddddd I smell food.

Percefany: Can we keep him mom pretty please, I'll take real good care of him I promise.

Eliza: He'll need Rabies shots, but I don't see why not sweetie, it's my birthday pressent to you.

Rascal(Looking up at Percefany) Do you have food?

Percefany(Hugging him) All you can eat, plus some animal friends would love to meet you.

Master Wong chef: Thornberry order up, and take that coon with you before my boss finds him in here.

Rascal: Can my name be Bandit instead?

Percefany: Well all racoons are called Bandit, I like the name Rascal.

Rascal: I guess it sounds cute, you can call me whatever you want as long as you give me food.

Eliza(Lifting the bag up) Rascal party of one your tables ready.

Rascal: Who are the other two racoons?

Percefany: No racooons, one's a cat named Mr. Mittens, and one's a puppy named Shadow.

Rascal: They sound like my cup of tea.

Eliza: The dogs a little paranoid, but you'll get used to him.

Rascal sat on Percefany's lap as she started him out on a small side order of chicken fingers she got for him.

Shadow: How about throwing a little of that yummy food my way.

Rascal: You probably get food all the time, It's very rare that I get a meal.

Mr. Mittens: What kind of cat are you?

Percefany: He's not a cat, he's a racoon, which I believe are called the thieves of the world because they steal things all the time.

Shadow: Is he a puppy like me?

Percefany: I don't really know what racoons are, I can look up what they eat online when I get home.

Rascal: We eat anything you give us sweet, sweet, sweet girl.

What happens on Percefany's date read part 6 This Date Is A Zoo and reply to part 5
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