Categories > Original > Humor > Dreamcatchers And Mysterious Powers

Chapter 6 Figuring Out Nora And MiMi

by orieo82 0 reviews

In this chapter we figure out about Nora and MiMi's past

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-03-05 - Updated: 2010-03-06 - 2153 words

When Eliza and Percefany got home we could hear yelling coming from the house as they dashed up the walk.

Eliza: Either Nora pierced her navel, or the tall dark Criss Angely soccer captain has arrived.

Percefany: I'm hoping it's more the first option than the second, dad wouldn't yell that loud at Josh wold he?

Eliza: If his nicknames Snake then I'm thinking yes, what is his nickname anyways?

Percefany: He really doesn't go by just one, he has a million names he loves to go by.

Eliza: Is Snake one of them?, please tell me it isn't.

Percefany(Smiling guiltily) Would Cobra sound a lot better?

Rascal trotted up the driveway as Eliza held a paper confirming that he's had his shots.

Eliza: I'll handle the eruption of Mount John, you get the chinese form the car and put it in the kitchen.

Percefany ran to the car and grabbed the Chinese bag wanting to get in before Josh got wise and left again.

John(Yelling) Young lady this is not a dictatorship it's an adult and a kid thing, your the kid and I'm the adult get it?

Nora(Yelling back) When I got adopted mom told me that I could do what I want, and that includes piercing my navel.

John: Don't think I don't know why you did it young lady, boys enjoy staring at girls with pierced belly buttons.

Nora(Shoving past him) Oh please you couldn't be more far off, I did it for myself you idiot dictator.

Eliza: Nora sweetie I really don't think you should test him, just apologize for piercing your navel and we can live happily ever after.

Nora: Today is the anniversary if that means anything to anyone and I really don't think the both of you could care less.

Nora ran up the stairs crying as MiMi followed her to do her best to console her.

Eliza: Now look what you've gone and did, why can't you just let her have what she wants for once John?

John: How the hell was I supposed to know that this was the anniversary of their parents death?

Eliza: If you had paid more attention when she talked you would know that she celebrates it every November 5th.

John: She's going to make me tear my hair out Eliza, I mean MiMi's her twin and they couldn't be more different.

Eliza: At least MiMi cares when her sister is in pain, right now she's doing something that you should be doing.

Percefany: Please tell me Josh isn't here yet dad, did he call if he isn't?

John: He said he'd be here in five minutes, now I'll leave the date alone but I want you two on the couch the whole time got it?

MiMi(Dashing down the stairs) I can't believe you started an argument with her today of all days, the day our parents took their lives.

John: I'll go talk to her MiMi, I'm sure she's sorry for piercing her navel and I'm sorry for yelling.

MiMi: I'd change my opening argument if I were you dad, she's in a lot of pain right now.

Eliza: Maybe this is a job for supermom, I'll make some ice cream sundaes she always loved them when she was a little girl.

MiMi: She still does with mounds of hot fudge, whipped cream, marshmallow, peanut butter, nuts, and cherries.

John: I'll make the sundae and I'll go talk to her, I mean this is all my fault and I have to fix it.

MiMi: Now that sounds like an opening arguement dad, now make her that sundae and hurry up about it.

Eliza: You don't even know her favorite ice cream John, let me help with the apologetic Ice cream sundae.

John: It's still chocolate chip cookie dough right?, I mean that hasn't changed has it?

Eliza and MiMi looked on shocked not beliveing that John would know her favorite ice cream.

John: See I do listen when she talks most of the time, I just don't remember most of it because she hasn't talked much to me as she grew up.

Eliza: yea she has clung to me a lot when she became older hasn't she?, but that's because everything she does is a bad thing to you.

John: I just don't want boys to see her as easy, I want her to be an independent woman and with a pierced navel and blue hair who knows?

Eliza(Hugging him) That is the sweetest thing you have ever said about her, I say you tell her that and hope for a full recovery.

John took two big bowls of Ice cream up the stairs and lightly knocked on Nora's door to hear her sniffling.

Nora(Bawling) W-w-w-w-w-w-who i-i-i-is i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it, and please t-t-t-t-tell me you've brought happy n-n-n-n-n-news.

John: We'll see sweetheart, how about you open the door and we can talk this whole thing out.

Nora: You're the last person I want to see right now you insesneitvie ape of a man, now go away and let me mourn.

John: Norrie please open the door, I remember when this used to be so easy for us you loved the ground I walked on and I loved that about you.

Nora(Wiping her eyes) People change dad, and you changed way before I did telling me not to be friends with Carrie Anne.

John: I've got Ice cream out here Norrie and it's your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough, with the works.

The lock to Nora's door clicked and she opened it with her hair stuck to her face and tears staining her eyes.

Nora(Weak) All right so you know my weakness, good for you now get in here and bond with me.

John walked into the room to find candles lit around a picture of two laughing parents and a younger MiMi and Nora.

Nora: They left us there to cry our hearts out and I find that very cowardly, that's why I love being here with Eliza and you.

John(Sitting next to her) Because we're the only family you ever knew?

Nora: Yea that and the fact that you guys can yell till your purple in the face and still stay together, that's what I love most about the both of you.

John: Well we made a promise when we got married for better or worse and right now it looks like the worse part.

Nora: I'm not making things easy with the mourning, the blue hair, the pierced navel, or the Eeyore tat, I guess rebelling just seemed like the easy thing to do.

John: I guess I should let off the yelling a lot a bit, I just don't want boys to think they can just use you your life Norrie.

Nora: So you want me to become a strong willed woman?

John(Kissing her forehead) I want more than that for you, I want you to become an independent woman like your mother.

Nora: Eliza or the dead one?

John: You know which one I mean, Eliza may seem like she has a pitchfork and surrounded in fire but she's not the devil, she's a sweet woman.

Nora: She took me in and let me call her mommy for the longest time, so yea I think it's safe to say she's a sweet woman.

John: So what changed about our realationship Norrie, we were like bacon and eggs until you turned seven and saw that Eliza was a girl.

Nora: That'sust it dad mom is a girl she realtes to me more, but that's not to say I don't miss the late night candy runs, or the talks we had.

Nora scooped a spoonful of hot fudge, Marshmallow, Peanut butter, whipped cream, a cherry and ice cream and shoveled it into her mouth.

John: Remember our camping trip where MiMi discovered her hidden talent?, and you learned to swim by staying in the lake for ten hours?

Nora(Smiling) Yea you told me that I was the most persistant little girl you've ever seen, and Eliza freaked when she found out how long I was in there.

John: You were always the strongest of the both of you Nora, MiMi's strong in the art deaprtment but your strong in other things.

Nora: I always did tell MiMi that I was the strongest of the both of us, even though she doesn't cry every November 5th I can see her pain filled eyes.

John: What do you say we go downstairs and eat up some Chinese food ans spy on Percefany and her date?

Nora laughed as John laughed along with her and they walked downstairs just as Josh got there.

Eliza: Well somebody looks like their feeling better, why don't we eat and then we can paint our nails or something.

Nora: No thanks mom I owe dad another night out, we're going to spy on Percefany's date to make sure it stays at least PG13 if we can help it.

Eliza: Just be careful you two especially you Norrie, because you'll start dating sometime and your father might recruit one of your brother's or sister's to spy on you.

Josh: So girl where are we going to be spending our time tonight?

Percefany: In the living room I rented some movies and I figured we could chill here.

Josh: Is your father going to burst in with a shotgun?

Percefany(Laughing) Not if he knows what's good for him.

John(Whispering) I hate this kid with an art, but if I do anything to him right now Norrie I'm going to be sleeping on the couch for an eternity.

MiMi walked up to the door angrily wiping her eyes of her sad tears not wanting anyone to see her feelings.

MiMi(Sniffling) What are you guys doing?

Nora: Spying now may I ask why your crying?, or are you just going to hide it and tell me your not crying again?

MiMi(Wiping her nose) I'm not I just got the sniffles is all, haven't you ever had the sniffles before?

Nora: Yea but I've never teared up over them, now level with me sis what's this all about?

MiMi collapsed into Nora's arms her whole body shaking as Nora patted her back and MiMi tearfully looked up at her.

MiMi: Why is it so hard Nora?, why can't I seem to get them out of my mind after all these years?

Nora: Because they were our parents MIMi, it's not like we can just say goodbye and forget that they left us here to cry our everloving hearts out.

MiMi: They loved us right I mean did they kill themsleves because of us?, I need to know the answer Nora.

Nora: MiMi sweet twin sister I think you know the answer, It's not our fault they were weak, and it's not our fault their dead.

MiMi rested her head on Nora's shoulder letting the feelings she hid away for so long come out all at once.

John: What do you say to some Chinese food MiMi, crying works up an appetite and I can even give you some Strawberry Ice cream.

MiMi(Sniffling) With the real bits of Strawberries in it?

John: Is there any other kind?

MiMi followed John to the kitchen where Eliza was setting plates and platters up on a banquet table.

Eliza: You three just watch yourselves, this is her first dater and I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm going to let you ruin it.

MiMi(Wiping her eyes) I'm an innocent bystander here for Strawberry Ice Cream.

Eliza: Not until after dinner, and it looks like you've been crying sweetie.

MiMi: I have turns out that pouring your feelings out on an easle is just like playing hide and seek, you need someone to find them and Nora did.

Nora: I always was the best seeker in hide and seek, not really big on the hiding aspect though.

A scream came from the living room as Nora, MiMi, John, Eliza, Mr. Mittens, Shadow, and Rascal ran to the door.

Percefany: We're fine it was jsut a really scary part is all, now go back to what you were doing.

Eliza: That girl and her scary movies, why does she insist on getting scared all the time.

John: We could send Josh home if you like?, I mean we don't want him being a balnket for her all night do we?

Eliza: He's staying until 10:00 and then he's walking across the street which is where he lives.

Another scream was heard from the living room as Eliza shook her head and started opening the platters one by one.

John: I'll get the lovebirds and the rest of the kids ready for dinner, you just keep doing what your doing sweetie.

What happens at dinner read part 6 Fights And Bites
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