Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fatal Facination

More Variety

by BandiitMarie 1 review

A talk with her teacher leaves Alyn furious.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Published: 2010-03-10 - Updated: 2010-03-10 - 680 words

Authors note: Filler Chapter please dont lose hope in it! :)
ALSO I know Bob left but he should not be forgotten. SO I included him anyway! hope ya dont mind

Her eyes scanned the Internet page in her browser. Alyn finally had enough information for her paper. She was sure that this one would be the best one of them all. So much mystery, and angst. What baffled her was that Mr. Wayside was never found. Maybe he died of old age like they said. Reading all of his letters over again, she wondered why the police never caught him. The hints were there. Maybe it was just because she was looking for them.
So many women died during his killing spree. The horrible part is the only witnesses, were the women. To top it all off, in 2007 over a span of 2 months, copycat killers began their, "homage" to Mr. Wayside. Some were just attempting to take credit for the murders. None were said to be him. The murders were usually too sloppy, or something was taken from the body. Others wrote letters that did not rhyme, and were in a handwriting instead of a type.
Alyn believed her research was good for a career she wanted to pursue with the criminally insane, she found obsession a bit much, and that the word fascination was used too much. She was just intrigued. She was an undistinguished student until she began her psychology class getting A's, through the whole class. She sat there in her desk waiting for her favorite paper to be graded. She was certain the grade would be know lower than her best work. Which deserved an A.
" Alyn Luxford... come to desk." A blonde man looked up to the class of about 35. Alyn leisurely made her way to his desk.
" Alyn, sit down." His blue eyes met hers until she sat down in the seat next to his desk.
" Look Alyn, this is the 5th report you have done, out of 5, of one on a murderer of some kind." He looked at her for an answer so she gave one.
" Mr. Bryar it's different." She pointed a finger to the text for more emphasis.
" See, he was never caught, so it is different." The man sighed, which was never a good sign for teachers to do. Alyn began to twirl a strand of dark brown hair in her fingers. Which she usually did when she was nervous.
" Alyn, I cant give you a full credit report, I need more variety from you, this is not high school anymore. So you have a C on this paper." Alyn had a look of shock and fury on her face. How could that man give her a C!? That was clearly an A paper. He probably did it because he thought she was crazy too! She was ensuring herself it was not her fault at all.
Outside the classroom after hours, her best friend waited.
" How did it go Alyn?" The short man wondered at her with curious green eyes as they walked to the library, Inside Alyn whispered in a rough angry tone,
" Horrible Frank, he didn't get it!" She slammed her books on the metal table, to which the librarian gave her the evil eye. Alyn gave the woman a look that said,' Oh just mind your own business.'
" Horrible? What did he not get about it?" Frank leaned in to hear her whispering, and he managed to sit down at the same time.
" He said he needs more "variety" from me. He knows that those things are what interest me most! Why would he shut it down like that?" She held her head in one hand propped my her elbow.
" Well Alyn, you do write an awful lot about murderers." He shrugged his shoulder and pulled out a pack of gum offering her a piece.
"No thanks. Well what ever what does he know, besides we are having a semester break and I can come back with all kinds of new stuff to write about."
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