Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fatal Facination


by BandiitMarie 1 review

Alyn has to make a decision of life and death.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 1285 words

Alyn thought about what do research next, but all she could do was find herself researching these killers. Reading again Mr. Waysides second note to the police about Samantha Maze's murder, she saw how clever this man was. Also reading his last since 2007, she wondered if the death the police thought he was stating, wasn't a death, just a vacation. On this website she turned up after researching. A serial killer is someone who commits three or more murders extended period of time with cooling-off periods in between. In between their crimes, they appear to be quite normal. Maybe this was just a cooling-off period for him, seeing as his murders in the 90's were slightly closer together, too close to have a cooling off period long enough to appear normal.

She stopped herself as she remembered she was supposed to be researching something else. She closed the web page and logged off. She sat on her couch, her head leaned back. What was she going to do? More variety? How? Nothing else was interesting to her. Was she that closed minded? Now that the semester break was beginning she had to think of a new hobby. No more serial killers.

The next few days, no researching was easy. Frank and his friend Ray were visiting her often taking her to places she had never been. All the time she was in the town, she had done no site seeing, worried of only school to make sure her parents money did not go to waste. She went to a few restaurants over those days. Tasted foods she never knew she liked. She was always reduced to Ramen noodles add tuna on her college money. One day they all decided to visit the mall together. Her mother had sent her some money so she figured it was perfect timing.

"OK Alyn, You have done enough looking in this book store! Semester is on break you know!" Frank nudged her shoulder as she smiled.
"Fine fine, where to next?" She started walking out of the store smiling with the two other boys.
"Well I am hungry, What about you Ray?" Ray nodded at him with certainty.
"Then lets eat! Where to?" She pointed to the food court with about 1o different places to eat.
" That works!" Frank lead them into the open area. All of the food smells lingered together. Frank spotted a Chinese place he wanted to try.
" Alyn, Ray, you want Chinese?" He asked so he wouldn't have to go alone.
" Nah, I want McDonald's!" Ray bounded over to the station.
"And I want Subway, so we can all meet back here after we get our food." The three agreed and parted ways.

Alyn ordered her usual sandwich on the Italian style bread. She threw in some baked chips and a drink. As she paid for her sandwich she sipped her drink, happy at this time away from school, and getting a good meal. She walked over to the entrance of the food court. She tried to look for Ray and Frank but there were too many people. She sat down on the plant display and sipped her drink.

Looking around she noticed an envelope. Picking it up she saw her name written on it. Looking around, wondering who it was from. She laughed and saw that it was probably a joke from Frank, or Ray. How sweet, she thought, a card. She opened the card it had a huge smiling face on the front. Inside was the typed words:
"Thinking of you today." And the rest was written:
Alyn now its time to play, You have to choose, Frank or Ray. Tell me dear what do you say, isn't it about time, I brought you into this? Oh shame on me that didn't rhyme.
There is a phone close by, before 5 rings pick up and decide. No police, or anyone. Alyn the game has now begun.

Mr. Wayside

Alyn looked at the letter. She darted her eyes across the room. Looking down at the letter she realized what was happening, He was back. She jumped up dropping her food, holding the card tightly in her hand. She heard a loud ring of a telephone. Alyn stopped in her tracks to hear where the ring was coming from.
" That's one ring, I have to find it." She ran around the ringing getting louder and louder. She stopped, it sounded like she was right on top if it. She looked at a table she was standing next to. She looked under it to sure enough find a phone tapped to it. She ripped the phone off, it had already run 3 times, she had to pick up.
"Hello?" Her voice was shaky, it was all happening to fast. Then a low growl of a voice, probably disguised answered.
" Why hello Alyn, glad you answered, I'm so nervous its my first time calling someone at a time like this. Are you nervous Alyn? Alyn tried not to cry into the phone, she choked back the tears.
"Where are they?" She managed to squeeze the words out of her throat, passed the lump she had been hiding her crying in.
" Oh Alyn, Have you forgot? there is only one question that needs to be asked, and its asked by me. So, who do you choose?" She heard him tapping his finger in the background, plus the noise from the mall of people who had no idea what was going on in her world right now. She looked around to find help.
" Alyn, stop it, I told you no looking for help, just choose sugar." She stopped. her eyes went wide. He knew where she was, he could see her. She panicked and said the first thing that came to her mind.
" I can't choose!" She started crying into the phone.
" Ok Alyn if that is your decision so be it." She heard a click and then the phone was dead. the call was made.

Alyn had called the police right after her call with Mr. Wayside. She was delirious by this time, crying and talking about Frank and Ray, and how the whole day was fine, and it turned into mayhem. They took her to the police station for questions.

In the Police station Alyn sat in the office of the chief who had dealt with Wayside before in the 90's. Alyn was in earshot of the conversation, knowing about every instance they talked about.
"Maybe this is supposed to be like the Harrison Murder 93'." The chief looked at the card.
" No chief the Harrison murder did not have a direct call out like this." The officer looked as confused as most of the people there.

"There was never a repeat. Each murder is different for him." Alyn blurted out to stop the commotion of which murder it was most like.
" How do you know so much young lady?" The clearly elderly chief asked through his white mustache.
"I study him in school. Psychology is my major. Why would he call me? He has never done that." Her mind was still trying to wrap around the events, causing jumbling.
" Well he has never written a call out to a specific person either, see he wrote your name on the envelope, and used your name twice. He is directly calling you out now." She could care less about her death to this man, but she had friends gone because of him.
" What about Frank and Ray?" She jumped up, to meet his face.
" Well Ms. Luxford he hast given hints but we will find those boys don't you worry."

Authors Note! Hope you like this chapter, let me know!
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