Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fatal Facination


by BandiitMarie 3 reviews

"I want you to meet me... right now."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-03-12 - Updated: 2010-03-12 - 1038 words

Raymond Manuel Toro Ortiz's body was found on March 23, 2008. His time of death was 3:01 am, about three hours earlier than when he was found by police just searching the area. His only wound was a slit throat, And an envelope was held in the cut, jutting out like a mail holder. The envelope read:
Alyn my dear
There was no other injuries to the body, which was odd for a Wayside murder. The whole thing was odd, considering the letter was directly addressed to Alyn, he made a phone call to her. This was not his usual game.

Back at the police station Alyn sat in the chief's office, not sleeping a wink, she was worried for her friends. She thought to herself as time went by. The minutes felt like hours, the hours like days. She thought about the mall. How did he know she was there, How could he see her? Why did he pick her? He has never called anyone out. She knew she had to think of something. She knew it was not going to end today, she knew that. He was smart.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when the police chef barged in with two other officers, holding the letter, the envelope had one line of blood on the edge of the bottom. It did look as though they wiped the excess off, and all that was left was what was soaked into the white paper. She read the front of it and looked at the chief.
"Whose blood is this?" She was scared to hear the answer,so she shut her eyes to brace herself.
"It belongs to Ray Ortiz, He was found dead this morning." The chief put a hand on her shoulder. She ripped herself from underneath his hand and stood up.
"Damn it! It's all my fault!" She was livid and very loud pacing across the office.
"Ms. Luxford it is not your fault." He tried to console her to calm her down.
"Shut up! You should have caught this guy a while ago, you were just to stupid to figure anything out and now Ray is dead and he has Frank!" She looked at the chief with a stare that made him step back. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair and fixed his glasses.
"Well, we should not play his game any more, I suggest you let forensics look over the letter." He reached his slender hand out for the envelope. To which Alyn opened the envelope anyway.
"No, He wants me, now I am in." She pulled out the thin paper that read:

Oh darn Alyn my most precious friend, this game has started and I hope it wont end.
Now go back in time, remember it all. Your receipt should say I was on call.

She tore over to her jacket, and reached into her left pocket.
"My recipe for my lunch!" She unfolded it and read the bottom:

Oh my goodness, you couldn't choose, because of you, Ray had to lose. You here is a number please give me a ring, no tracers will catch it so don't try a thing.

Alyn dropped the receipt and fell back into the chair.
"He knew, He knew I wouldn't be able to choose, He knew He was going to kill Ray first, He knew the whole time, he is 5 steps ahead of us." She felt her heart beat quicken. She was scared. She had to call, that was Frank's only way out.
"Get me a phone! Now!" She scrambled around and looked at the chief.
" Ms. Luxford I don't think it is a good idea to call this mans number unless we trace it." He told the men near him to get the tracing kit.
" He said you won't be able to trace the call." She looked at the chief, wondering if he had even payed attention.
"Yes but there is a possibility he is lying." He had the men set the phone kit on the table and had Alyn sit at the head of the table. She knew he was not a that stupid, they would not be able to trace the call.

She dialed the number and waited, after 3 rings her heart began beating so loud she was sure the other men in the room could hear it.
"Hello Alyn, I was hoping you would call." She could only think of one thing to say.
"Why?" She pushed the words through.
"Why? Why what my dear?" He chuckled into the phone.
"Why did you kill my friend." She was almost in tears. The chief was mouthing to her not to give him control of the conversation, but she ignored him.
"I told you to choose Alyn, I told you the rules. It was your choice." He sighed when he heard her sniffle
"Alyn dear, You spend all your time looking me up, quite flattering, but now you can not handle it? I expected more." He waited for her to get angry and defensive but only heard a calm statement.
"Then tell me what you want." She had to make her face look angry almost to convince herself she knew what she was doing.
"Well then, lets see..." A long pause haunted the call.
"I want you to meet me...right now. I am at 531 North Brook haven, the Warehouse. Please don't be late sugar." Alyn cringed at him calling her that. He hung up the phone. Before Alyn could even put the phone down the chief was up directing people to head to the location.
"Alyn you stay here we are going to catch this son of a bitch." He headed out of the office leaving here there.

Alyn walked over to the desk chair and sat there, worried. Then she heard a noise. She walked to the office door and opened it. Looking both ways she saw nothing. She turned back inside the office to see a man, black hair and golden eyes staring at her.
"Hello Alyn my dear." He reached a hand to her face and covered her face in a cloth, and all she saw was his smile, and then it all went black.
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