Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Art Of Love

Lemme tell ya...

by death_b4_disco

'I could feel my heart rate increasing with panic,'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-14 - Updated: 2010-03-14 - 435 words

A/N: Hello! Sorry for the long delay, I've been busy, that is my only excuse, sorry! Anyway, thank you for the reviews as always! You guys are amazing, you keep me writing and you keep me sane during the stresses of my life. (lol) Anyway, enjoy! Oh also, this is a filler- I have to write an essay by tomorrow morning.


Rhianne's POV

I had no idea where I was. I couldn't open my eyes, I was aware of what was going on around me but I didn't want to open my eyes, I felt release using my other senses instead of my eyes. The smell of disinfectant was strong in my nostrils, there was a bright light shining through my closed eyelids. I could hear a faint beeping sound and the sound of a ventilator controlling my breathing. The needles and wire sticking out and out of my body seemed endless from the pin-sticking pains over my body. It hurt to breath. My left arm felt numb my right had shooting pains in it.

I heard the door to my room open and footsteps as someone moved inside. The seat the right of me moved and the person sat down. The person then took my hand, tell tale waves of current entering my body as he did, Gerard is safe, that's good.
"Rhi?!? Rhi I know you can hear me, I need you to listen. I'm gonna get his scrawny little ass Rhi, me and the guys are going to teach him a lesson he's never gonna forget. The posh toff is gonna get an taste of the Jersey dirt, lemme tell ya, he's gonna wish he was never born, piece of scum. I'm gonna make him pay, I am, I really am." It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself, I used all my strength trying to open my eyes, so I could tell him not to, let the police deal with it, so he wouldn't get hurt, get into trouble. He shouldn't sink as low as 'Troy Hanson'. It would only make Gee as bad as him, for whatever reason.

That was when I realised I couldn't open my eyes.

I tried to move, speak, do anything, but I couldn't. I could feel my heart rate increasing with panic, I could feel the cold sweat as it ran down my body, but I couldn't open my eyes, or talk, or move. I couldn't find any way to tell Gee not to do it, to stay next to me, to not get hurt.

That was when it went black again.
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