Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Quantum Magic


by Terrai 2 reviews

Growing up under the Dursley's care has turned Harry into something different.Craving knowledge with an innate curiosity and virtually no morality will take it's toll. Dark/Intelligent Harry

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Voldemort - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2010-03-15 - Updated: 2010-06-18 - 663 words

Quantum Magic


Harry sat on a chair, in the back of the class where the windows begin to curve, silently observing the outside sky. It was his third grade mathematics class, and the class was avidly learning what the teacher had set on the chalkboard. Harry had already learned most of the elementary mathematics through his various books and could potentially skip a few grades, but that would only raise his relative's attention and earn him a beating. Mr. Calman was a jolly man who liked to teach children, and had a strong view that children always were and are the future.

"Children, copy down all the multiplication problems from the board on to your notebooks and begin to solve them, while I will be going around the class to help those who have trouble with it."

The students immediately got to work, trying to solve the various problems in the quickest time to show their friends how smart they are. Mr. Calman walked around observing and praising those who answered correctly while helping those who were struggling. He eventually reached Harry, and tried to look at what he was doing and what he saw puzzled him. Harry had already finished the regular problems and had begun to stare into the sky once again, without a care for the rest of the class. Usually kids would be excited that they finished first, but Harry barely reacted at all.

"Are you feeling well Harry, you seem tired?"

Harry silently broke out of his daydream and turned around to face the teacher with his usual observing eyes.

"Yes Mr. Calman I'm fine, I was just thinking."

Mr. Calman stared at Harry for a bit, and couldn't find any falseness in his words, so he just nodded and continued on. Thirty more minutes past and the ball rang for Recess causing the class to become excited and jittery. Harry got up quietly, gathered up his belongings and walked out of the class, feet not making a sound as he continued on outside. While the rest of the kids were playing around Harry sat quietly on a bench in the shade and daydreamed. There he stayed for the rest of the period in pure relaxation that is until his cousin Dudley decided to stop by for a visit.

"Hey freak, how come ya sitting all alone, no friends like always," he said grinning nastily.

Dudley's gang laughed foolishly as if he told a witty joke. Harry calmly looked around him for an exit point and upon noticing one answered sarcastically.

"Hello there dear cousin, anything I can help you with?"

"We thought of a fun game, and we are gonna call it Harry-hunting." Dudley sneered.

Harry amusedly thought 'original' in his mind, while keeping a blank face on the outside.

"Cousin, you have something on your shirt there," he exclaimed aloud randomly.

Before Dudley could work out what was said, Harry already set off running. Though Dudley had a group of children, Harry's heightened agility gave him an advantage over them and he sped out of sight. Running quickly he thought they were gone until he saw 3 of Dudley's friends around the corner ahead. Stuck between two packs of brutes, Harry was getting a bit desperate when all of a sudden with a highly pressured feeling he found himself high above them… on the roof. Pausing briefly and contemplating what happened; even with his usually calm demeanor, he was naturally surprised.

Harry could hear Dudley and his friends below confusedly arguing with each other, and eventually going back to the playground. Harry stood up from his sitting position and tried to replicate the same feeling he felt before. He imagined himself being back down on the ground and willed himself to feel the same desperation. Feeling the same pressured feeling, Harry ended up back on the ground. Looking around thoughtfully, his eyes settled on the roof.

"Interesting…" he said quietly, lips changing into a strange smile.
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