Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sobriety Diaries.

Suicide Attempt Number One.

by KylaMonster87 2 reviews

Here I am back in my parents basement. I want a drink so fucking badly, or atleast some drugs.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-03-18 - Updated: 2010-03-19 - 694 words

*Authors note: I know I have that link in the last chap as referrence, but im not sticking with that if you happened to read the article. I recently was hit with ideas and am going to follow whats in my head instead. Like I answered in some reviews, im going off of my own personal struggles with drug addiction. Now you may read =]

Suicide attempt one.

Here I am back in my parents basement. I want a drink so fucking badly, or atleast some drugs. I know Mikey called them and told them what was up. They probably checked out my room for any stashes I may have had in there. I check all my hiding spots anyways just to see. No alcohol, no pills, but I did find a baggy of coke. Atleast I had something. I know that I cant do this. I’m just a depressed fuck up that should do everyone a favor and leave. The band deserves a better lead singer. My parents deserve a better son. Mikey, god he deserves a better big brother. I know he is so disappointed in the way I’ve been living my life the past years. I don’t blame him. I’m surprised everyone doesn’t hate me. I have been clean for all of three days. Which is, pretty damn good, considering I am an alcoholic, but I don’t think I can do this. Which brings me to my current predicament…sitting here staring at this baggy of coke.

Maybe I should just do everyone a favor. I’m sure I could find some sort of pills in this house. Could go by a bottle and just end it right now. Everyone would be better off anyways right? I rummage through my bathroom first. Tylenol, mortin, Excedrin, aha a few xanax. Now…if I can find some booze. Making sure no one is coming, I find my secret floor board and remove it to find a quarter bottle of vodka. Sitting down on my bedroom floor I swallow the few pills down with the vodka and finish off the bottle. Then I begin drawing out my lines and snorting them up, oblivious to the footsteps coming down the stairs. I sit there in my stupor feeling my stomach churn and everything taking effect. Frank comes into the room seeing the empty vodka, pill bottle and white powder residue.

“GERARD! What are you doing?”

I can barely hear him. Am I shaking?

“Gee? Dude your shaking we need to get you to a hospital.”

I look at him and feel myself tremble violently and vomit, then my eyes roll back and darkness…

At the hospital Frank called Mikey and in turn Mikey called their parents. They all sat in the waiting room for atleast an hour and a half waiting to hear something about Gerard. After another half an hour a doctor finally comes out.

“Gerard Way?”

Donna stands up. “yes I’m his mother”

“hello Mrs. Way. Your son OD’d on what appeared to be xanax and cocaine and he had alcohol in his system. We pumped his stomach and gave him charcoal to absorb what we couldn’t get out. He will be fine but I suggest rehab possibly or atleast getting him to a counselor. You may all see him now.

Donna is the first to enter the room to see her son in his bed, crying. Forgetting her anger momentarily at seeing he is okay she walks to his bedside and envelopes him into a hug and lets him cry.

"Hunny, why did you do that? Why didn't you talk to someone? We are all here to help you."

"I...i thought i was doing everyone a favor."

"A favor? What do you mean?"

"I'm a fuck up mom! Your guys lives would be so much easier without me!"

"I don't ever wanna hear you say that again Gerard Aurthur Way. We all love you. How could you think we would want you dead?"

"My mind is so fucked up ma, I just..I don't know anymore."

"We'll get you help hun. I promise."
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