Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Feathers

Stupid Flirty Bastard

by underthesky 0 reviews

Naruto Uzumaki is slowly dying inside. His life spirling down the drain. Of course that meant that Iruka had to send him to a therapist. Kukuku...poor Naruto didn't know what Sasuke Uchiha would be

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Naruto,Sasuke - Published: 2010-03-23 - Updated: 2010-03-23 - 1450 words

Author's Note: Updated. Yay~


Chapter one:

Whump! I tripped over my own feet. "Please tell me that you aren't my therapist!" I groaned.

Uchiha smirked "I'm afraid so, dobe." He gestured to his office "Are you ready to go in?"

I glared at him; how dare he be so casual! "I don't think so, Uchiha!" I spat out, my voice filled with contempt. Uchiha sighed and passed ma a note. Snatching it from him, I started to read.


I...I know about you 'problems', and I really want to help you. So, I enlisted in Uchiha-san's help. I'm sorry but, Tsunade-sama said that if you don't do this, they will institute you. She promised. However, if you go for at least three months, she will allow you to take the ANBU test. We know how much becoming an ANBU is for you. Do you think that you could, please, please, please get along with Uchiha-san for three months?

Iruka Umino'

Glancing up at the Uchiha, it was unnerving to see that he was he was staring at me in that intent way of his. It was even more unnerving to realize that I was blushing.

I cleared my throat. "Okay then, let's go." The slightly older man smirked - does he ever smile normally? - and led me in.

As soon as I stepped into Uchiha's office, I nearly fainted in happiness. "LAZY BOY!!" I shouted with glee. I jumped on the sofa and surveyed the room in a content way. It was big, with blue plush carpeting and bluish-white walls. I noticed that even though it was big, the office only consisted of the sofa, a black bookcase and a dark mahogany desk set. I stretched on the sofa; my black MCR shirt rode up my tone stomach.

"Uzumaki," I looked up to where Uchiha was sitting by my legs. The onyx-eyed beauty - Wait! Did I just call him a beauty?! - reached his hand to my face and brushed a couple of blonde strands away from my forehead. My face went to full Blush Mode and my blue eyes widened.

What the fuck?! I'm not gay—am I?

"Do you want to start?" He asked.

I gulped and regained my cool composure. "Whatever, Uchiha-teme." I replied coolly, turning my head so he couldn't see my blush.

It must not have worked, because next thing I knew, Uchiha was laughing! Him! Sasuke Uchiha, the human iceberg I've known all my life, laughing!

I scowled at him as he made his way to his desk. "Now, Mr. Uzumaki," he started. "Why did Umino-san send you here? And what are the 'problems' he was talking about?"

I bit my lip; there was no way I was going to tell that teme that I...I shook my head; I do not want to think about that right now. "What about you??" I countered. "Why is the almighty Uchiha taking a job as a therapist? I thought you loved fighting!"

Uchiha stiffened, and I knew that I hit a nerve. Smirking, I asked again. "Well, teme, you going to tell me?"

Faster than I could track, Uchiha slammed me into the wall behind me. "Oof!" I wheezed.

He smashed one fist next to my head and let the other brushed back some lose hair on my neck. Eyes wide, I realized that his knee was positioned in between my legs. He laid his lips on my neck and muttered angrily. "Never mention that again, do you understand, Naruto Uzumaki?"

Partly angry - because I just got slammed into a wall - and partly confused, 'Why is my heart racing so fast? And why is my face all red? WHY DO I LIKE THE WAY HIS BODY FITS AGAINST MINE?!' I nodded. "Whatever." Unconsciously, I leaned more into his touch. Even though the teme stopped talking and calmed down, his lips still rested on my neck. Once more, I found myself blushing. "Sorry." I muttered quietly, my hands resting lightly on his toned chest. We just stood there, savoring the moment.

cough cough

I and Uchiha whipped our heads up, only to see our perverted ex-sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Damn, he always gets in the way...

"Kakashi," I looked up at him. "What are you doing here?"

Kakashi grinned. "Oh, nothing...I just wanted to see if you guys would like to have lunch with me." He smirked at his own perverted thoughts of what might have been happening between them. "I'm so sorry; I didn't know you were busy."

Uchiha cleared his throat and looked away. I still saw him blush along with me, though. "It was nothing of the sort." He threw a scathing look in the pervert's direction.

Sighing, I flopped back on the sofa and massaged my forehead to sooth the thoughts of what had just transpired around me. "I wouldn't mind going for some ramen right now." I felt tired, more so than I had ever felt in a long time.

Kakashi grinned-err…I think that's a grin...It's hard to tell, seeing as half his face is under that stupid mask- and grabbed both of our hands and practically ran through the building.



When we finally go to the ramen stand, I couldn't help but grin. After all, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, famous for loving ramen. I felt a stab of guilt come over me; here I was, enjoying myself, when...No! I don't want to think about that!

I sank into the closest seat, sighing. Uchiha reluctantly sat down in the seat next to me and Kakashi took the seat on my other side while cheerfully called over the owner. He gestured towards me before speaking up. "Umm...He'll have a miso ramen, I'll have pork and...Sasuke-kun, what do you want?"

Uchiha looked into my eyes and responded, "Miso" without tearing his gaze from me. I could feel my face start to heat, so I turned away and asked, "Why are you staring at me?" As gruffly as I was able to while not thinking of other things that were on my mind.

The teme smirked. "I was just wondering how you could be so ugly."

And so began another famed Uchiha-Uzumaki fight.

Normal P.O.V.

Kakashi smiled, it was just too cute it watch his two ex-students fight. 'Do they know how intimate they look?' He mused, 'They keep moving closer and closer, and it looks like Sasuke-kun is really enjoying himself. And Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun is blushing so much!' Suddenly he turned serious. 'I hope they'll be able to heal each other's broken heart, not tear them apart even more.'

Back to Naruto's P.O.V.

I groaned, "Okay! Fine! I'll admit it! I'm ugly! Happy?" I puffed, pouting that I have given in so easy to the Uchiha.

Uchiha stiffened. "No, you're not." He lightly traced my jawbone with his finger. "You're most definitely the opposite of ugly."

I gulped, blushing wildly. "Y-you know I'm a guy, right?" I turned even redder when Uchiha nodded as his hand started twirling a lock of my blonde hair.

I suddenly realized that we were all alone at the stand. Kakashi had quickly gulpeddown his bowl, leaving only a pile of small dollar bills and the empty bowl behind. Even the owner had gone after presenting us with steaming bowls of ramen. Feeling a bit awkward, I started gulping down the soup. I guess the cocky bastard felt awkward too, as he also started eating.

A few moments passes us by, the only sound filling the air being our slurps. Ah, even that has it's own sexual innuendos. Sas-Uchiha finally broke the silence, however, and asked "Did you actually think I was hitting on you? You know what a joke is, right?" I glowered at him, mad at myself for falling for his trick. Uchiha stood up and stretched. "Well, I'm going now...bye." He turned and offered me a small smile. He placed some money on the counter beside his bowl and walked out of the stall.

I muttered goodbye, but continued to sit. It wasn't until I was sure that he was gone before I started to try and grasp back my sanity. "Kyuubi," I whispered desperately, "Please come back, I'm so confused! Please, I was mad at the trick Uchiha played on me, but I also felt disappointed! Why? Why do I feel like this?!" I half feel-half staggered off of the stool and made my way into the closest alley. I collapsed and curled up into the fatal position. "Please, Kyuubi," I started sobbing, "Please come back to me!"


done~ new update tomorrow!
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