Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Photograph


by Disenchantedxo 5 reviews

“I don’t hate you.” He said several minutes later. I giggled quietly, “I know.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-04-08 - Updated: 2010-04-08 - 2212 words

Okay again i appologise for the massive wait for an update. A lot of stuff has been going on lately and i basically haven't had the time to write. Also i have the dreaded writers block, so i aint sure if this update will be of your approval or not. Feel free to review and complain lol, i don't mind :) but i kinda enjoyed writing this chapter so... here goes :) xo

Charlotte’s POV

Throughout the whole movie I clung onto Gerard. I squealed at times when some guy jumped up out of nowhere and I looked away when there was too much blood and gore. Okay I must sound so pathetic, but seriously that movie has some scary shit in it. But I somehow felt safe in Gerard’s arms, besides all the teasing remarks he made. I felt so welcome here with the rest of the guys, even though I’d only known some of them for a couple of hours. It felt like old times when Gerard and I would sit around reading comics all day, and he’d always end up persuading me to watch a horror movie like this.

I looked around to see everyone else had dozed off. Bob and that girl he was sitting with earlier were cuddled up together sleeping on the couch opposite us, while Frank and Emily were leaning against each other on the floor snoring loudly. Ray and Mikey had gotten bored of the film and called it a night halfway through the movie, so they’d just left for their bunks. Which left wide-awake Gerard and I sitting closely on the couch. I wasn’t exactly wide-awake, in fact I felt that if I didn’t strain to keep my eyes open I would’ve fell asleep hours ago. I guess I was just tired from all the jumping about in the concert. I glanced up at Gerard for a second; his eyes were glued to the screen in full concentration. He’d probably seen this movie a hundred times before.

After a few more minutes I gave up trying to keep my eyes open. I slowly let them close and I felt my head droop to the side so I was leaning against Gee’s chest. It didn’t take long before I dozed off completely, only hearing the faint screams from the movie as I drifted off.

When I woke up it was because Gerard had moved off the couch to turn the TV off. My eyes still felt heavy and tired, so I couldn’t have been asleep for long. When he turned around to face me he smiled seeing I was awake. “Hey sleepy head.” He whispered, silently crawling back over to the couch. I sat up reluctantly and smiled back at him. He kneeled down in front of me and sighed deeply, though he still didn’t look tired.

“Sorry I fell asleep, I was just so tired from the concert.” I whispered apologetically. He gave a slight nod then got up from the floor to sit beside me again. We were silent for a few minutes and I watched him stare down at the floor, obviously lost in a daydream. He seemed very concentrated on whatever it was he was thinking, then his eyebrows furrowed together as if in frustration.

“Gerard?” I asked tapping his shoulder lightly. His head shot up breaking his train of thought and looked at me conscientiously. His eyes were sad all of a sudden, it almost looked as if he was about to cry. I shuffled closer to him.
“I’ve missed you Char.” He said suddenly.

“Um… I’ve missed you too Gee, you and Mikey.” I wasn’t really sure where this conversation was going. He closed his eyes and lightly shook his head. The atmosphere was getting pretty awkward, so I looked around avoiding his eyes. I realised then that the others were no longer in the living room sleeping. “Where’d the rest go?” I asked still looking away from him.

“They woke up when you fell asleep and went to the bunks.” He said shuffling a little closer to me.
“Where’s Emily sleeping?”
“Ah… Probably with Frank, they seem to be getting along pretty well.” He smirked. I raised my eyebrow, “You think so?” I asked curiously. He nodded simply and looked into my eyes for a long moment. It was exactly like what he’d done during the concert tonight, his eyes had locked with mine and I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t tare my eyes from the connection he held over me. I was so lost in his eyes I hadn’t noticed he’d leaned forward.

“D’you remember that night on your fourteenth birthday?” He asked while playing with a strand of my hair. I nodded, unable to find words in my brain when he was this close to me. “Do you really?” He asked again, obviously wanting me to talk.
I sighed, “Of course I do Gee.”

How could I forget that night? It had been the best night of life.
“You know what I told you wasn’t just me saying it for the sake of it, I really meant it.” He whispered. I felt a sudden rush of butterflies fluttering about inside my stomach. Oh god, my heart was pounding so fast I could literally hear it. When he leaned his body closer to mine again I knew what was about to happen. I knew he’d keep leaning in until our lips were inches apart, and I knew at that point it would be harder for me to pull away.

So I made the right decision, I turned my head away from him and blinked back the tears that had formed. It was so hard for me to reject him like that, but I couldn’t risk pulling Gerard into my life. Not while Jason was in control of me anyway, he’d just get hurt in the end. He stayed silent for a few moments then sighed deeply and got up off the couch. My head shot up immediately to see he’d grabbed his jacket and was heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” I asked standing quickly to follow him.
“Out.” He snapped before slamming the door shut. I stared at the door for a while, basically waiting to see if he’d come back in and forget everything that had just happened. I didn’t want to spend the tour shying away from him and him ignoring me the whole time, I just wanted it to be back to normal again.

I sat back down and cried quietly trying not to wake the others. The last thing I wanted was for someone to walk in seeing me like this and asking where Gerard had gone.

A couple of hours later I was still awake waiting for him when the door burst open. When he stumbled in I got up and went to help him. Fuck, he reeked of alcohol. I tried to pull him up off the floor but when he looked up and saw me he nudged me away. “Gerard get up,” I said tugging on his shirt again. He wouldn’t budge, “Get up!” I said raising my voice and slightly losing my temper. He slowly stood up and I led him over to the couch and sat him down.

“I fuckin’ hate you.” He slurred and gave me a death glare. I had to admit I was pretty scared, he was drunk as hell and I’d never seen him like this before.
“You don’t hate me Gee.” I said sitting down beside him. He hiccupped a few times before answering, “I do… You fuckin’ –hiccup- rejected me…”

“I had to.” I said honestly.
“Ugh…” He groaned covering his mouth. I stood up quickly and scurried over to the sink. Knowing he was about to puke I grabbed the basin and placed it in front of him. While he practically spilled out his insides I held his hair back gently. When he’d finished I leaned me head against his shoulder and lightly stroked his hair.

“I don’t hate you.” He said several minutes later. I giggled quietly, “I know.” As I started to stroke his hair again I felt a cool liquid brush against my fingertips. I brought my hand to my face and my eyes widened with fear as I realised what it was.

“Oh god, Gerard what the fuck happened?” I asked a little too loudly. I placed my hand on the back of his head and more blood seeped out.
He winced slightly, “Ouch… Um, I think I fell.” He said, his voice was still slurred and broken.

Just then I heard footsteps coming from the hall. When the door opened Mikey stood behind it and poked his head around the corner to see us. When his eyes fell on Gerard they widened and he came into the room closing the door behind him.

“Shit, Charlotte what happened to him?” He stared at me questioningly as he kneeled beside his brother.
“Um… He went out.” I said, seriously not knowing what else to say. I couldn’t exactly tell him he tried to kiss me then got pissed off when I turned away and went out to get stoned.

“He went out? Fuck Charlotte why’d you let him?!” He whispered fiercely. Okay why the hell was I getting a row here? Gerard looked up at Mikey and smiled drunkenly,"Hey -hiccup- Mikey!"
"C'mon dude, you gotta get some sleep." He said putting Gerard's arm around his shoulders. I tried to think of something to say as I watched him lift Gerard to his feet.

"Um, Mikey he's cut his head... He said he fell or something, we better clean it out." I glanced at Mikey to see him checking Gerard's head. He nodded once then i got up and walked over to the sink. I held a towel under the cold water tap so it was damp. I dabbed it on Gerard's cut lightly, feeling him wince in Mikey's arms. Once i'd cleaned it out properly he helped him down the hall to his bunk.

A few minutes had passed when Mikey returned to the front room and gave me and sad smile. “Sorry I snapped at you, I forgot you didn’t know about Gerard’s problem.”
“His problem?” I asked instantly.
“He’s an alcoholic Char, he’s been so depressed lately and the only way he feels he can treat it is by drinking.” He stared down at the floor lost in thought. All of a sudden I felt so guilty for what had happened and fresh tears sprung to my eyes.

“Oh god, Mikey I’m so sorry. I swear if I’d known I would never have let him go.”
“S’okay,” He sighed, “It’s not your fault.” He lightly put his arm around my shoulder and I shook my head in shame. I should’ve at least tried to stop him from leaving, god I’m so pathetic… “Mikey, I don’t think I should come on tour with you guys.” I said suddenly.

He looked up at me surprised and frowned, “Why?”
“I just think it would be best for Gee, and I kinda seem to be a burden here.”
“No Charlotte, It wouldn’t be best for him. Don’t you realise he needs you here? He’s missed you a lot over these past years.” He said giving me a reassuring smile. Mikey and I had always been good friends. I remembered when I used to get bullied a lot in high school Mikey would come over and try to stick up for me, but countless times he’d ended up being shoved in a locker.

"He's changed a lot since the last time i saw him." I whispered thinking back.
"I know, sometimes he seems like a completely different person to me." Mikey said softly. He looked so sad at that moment, Gerard meant the world to him. "I'm scared for him Char." He added tightening his arm around my shoulder.
"He'll be fine Mikey, i promise. I won't leave until i know he's going to be alright."

He broke the silence by yawning really loudly and I bit my lip to stop from laughing. “Sorry I woke you up.” I said apologetically. He shrugged and patted my back lightly before standing up.
“Night Charlotte.” He said ruffling my hair and grinning as he walked backwards to the door.
A sudden thought sprung to my head, "Mikey, where's the next venue?"

He peeked hishead around the door again and smirked, "Viva Las Vegas." He whispered before disappearing to his bunk.

I leaned back on the couch and felt my eyes grow tired again. I wanted to sleep through tomorrow; because I knew tomorrow would be a very long day. I knew Gerard probably wouldn’t talk to me tomorrow either. Yeah… Tomorrow would be a very, very long day.

So... Crappy? Good? tell me people! :) the next update will hopefully be up in a few days xo
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