Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Crawling Towards the Sun

Can We Stop for Ice Cream?

by adalae 1 review

Juliette and Patrick get what they want, but does Joe?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Published: 2010-04-12 - Updated: 2010-04-13 - 643 words - Complete

Chapter Eleven: Can We Stop For Ice Cream?

“Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!” Joe called out as he flipped on the fluorescent lights in the basement. Juliette cringed at the sudden flood of artificial light, “Sun’s down, time to go,” Joe continued. He flipped through a ring of keys until he reached a large silver one, “Now I need you to promise to not kill me, kay?” he asked. Juliette simply nodded. She didn’t question where they were going or what they were going to do – she simply stopped caring what they planned, it was all going to end up the same anyways – a pile of dust and ash on the floor.

Joe ushered her to the Jeep where Patrick and Andy were waiting, “Hey there sleepy head,” Andy said tossing Juliette a blood bag as the door slammed after she climbed into the back seat with Andy.

“Where are we going?” Juliette asked, blood dripping down her chin.

Patrick turned to stare at her, “To your sister.”


After having Andy sweet talk another nurse (thankfully not Nancy), Juliette and the gang were escorted to the visiting area. “Jessica,” Juliette whispered, choking back tears, as her sister entered the room. She looked to pale and frail in her baby blue hospital robe.

“Jules?” Jessica asked, not believing the sight before her. “Please say you are here… say that this is real..”

“It is Jessie,” Juliette said extending her hand across the cold metal table, “All of this is. I am here… Finally…”

Jessica grabbed for her sister’s hand but immediately snapped it back to her chest after the first millisecond of contact, “Dead!” she screamed. She snapped her head over to the boys who were whispering to eachother over in the far corner of the room to give the sisters privacy, “Liars! You said she was fine! Who is this?”

“What are you talking about Jess?!” Juliette yelled, immediately calming herself down she continued, “Jess…it’s me… I’m here.”

Jessica began to shake her head furiously, “No no no! You are not Juliette. Juliette’s dead. Dead dead dead!”

“Jess plea-“

“Dead dead dead!! Not real. This is not real. No. Not. Not real. No. Juliette… she’s fine, far far away from here. Not here. Dead. You are dead. Dead dead dead….”

“Look at me Jessica!” Juliette yelled, tears welling up in her eyes, “I am your sister!”

Jessica had her eyes clamped shut as tightly as she could, “Dead dead dead. Dead as a doornail. Dead dead dead,” Jessica continued to mutter to herself.

Juliette got up and stormed to the door, casting a glance back to the guys. She couldn’t speak without breaking down. Jessica was right, Juliette was dead.


After they climbed back in the car, silence encompassed over the group until Juliette finally spoke, “Thank you,” she said. Sure, it wasn’t quite the reunion she had dreamt of the past year but at least she knew that Jessica was fine. As fine as one in her situation could be. “I’ll take you to William’s, right now if you want-“

“Really?” Patrick interrupted. After Jessica’s freak out he was sure Juliette would shut down completely.

“Yes,” Juliette said softly, “but you aren’t ready… you have no idea what you are in for.”

“Then help us,” Andy said, “we can’t do this blindly.” Juliette said nothing but nodded her acceptance. There were a few moments of silence until it was broken.

“Well this is great,” Joe said, “Juliette sees her sister, we get some help… Can we stop for ice cream? That would just make this perfect.”

Patrick threw him a glance in the rearview mirror that said ice cream would not be in the near feature, “You heard Juliette,” he said seriously, “we have to come prepared.”
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