Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Crawling Towards the Sun

Lost Boys & Golden Girls

by adalae 1 review

Juliette is interrogated

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-09-03 - Updated: 2009-09-03 - 1619 words - Complete

SORRY for the long wait. I had move in and school and just... all is settled now so expect some more updates soon!!!


Chapter Ten: Lost Boys and Golden Girls

Juliette was pacing incessantly around the pen that the guys had kept her caged up in, an empty blood bag clutched tightly in her hand. For hours they had been in another far away room whispering about what to do with her. Even with her perfect hearing she was unable to pick out little more than bits and pieces of what they were saying. She did however hear her sister’s name. After she heard Jessica’s name uttered by the vampire Pete she began to frantically work at her pen, trying to pry the steel bars apart. Her hands burned as she gripped them making her realize they must have taken some sort of chemical precautions to inhibit her escape. Working through the pain, more worried about her sister than anything, she continued to work at the metal with little success when she heard footsteps enter the hallway. The door opened and Pete and the three other men, one whom she remembered as Patrick, stepped in. “Can I help you?” Juliette asked sarcastically, crossing her arms on her chest as she spoke.

“Really?” Joe asked with an excited grin, “just like that? Because that would be just dandy!”

Pete stared at his friend and rolled his eyes, “She was being sarcastic.”

“Oh,” Joe said, obviously disappointed, “no need to be all rude about it.” He sighed and took his spot on the couch and stared at Juliette through the bars. The rest of the guys dispersed - Andy took his seat next to Joe and propped a laptop onto his lap, ready to research any and everything Juliette would (hopefully) reveal. Patrick took a step closer to the pen Juliette was in and Pete, after giving Juliette a hateful look, headed to the corner of the room and crossed his arms.

"Juliette Edwards," Patrick said flipping open a notepad, trying to be as formal and official as he could. "By now its been about a year since you went missing making you twenty one. Blonde hair, blue eyes, average height, average weight," he read off the rest of the list, who she was reported missing by, the number to contact, and distinguishing features. He looked up, "Sound familiar?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds like an average girl," Juliette said as she finally stopped pacing around the cell.

Pete growled a little from the corner causing Juliette to slam into the metal barrier between them, accepting what she had interpreted as a challenge, but Pete simply laughed and let Patrick continue on. Patrick flipped to the next page of his notebook and looked over at Juliette, "I don't think it is an average thing for a girl to go AWOL from the military on a home visit but that's what you did." Juliette flinched a little, feeling the sting of being reminded of her disregard for her country and for her responsibilities - but she reminded herself it as all for the good of her family, for her sister. "Juliette, tell us how to get to William."

"No," Juliette said letting her head hang down for a moment. She had hated William and everything he was but there was a turning point in her life in the past few months that made her begin to enjoy his company. Even though she ran from his home and hated being so confused she had made the decision not to betray him when they threw her in her cell. She would, however, trade bits of information for a price, "Tell me how i can get to Jessica," she said taking a few strides to meet Patrick where he was standing, only some metal between them.

"No," Patrick said, "Why would I give you information if you don't plan on reciprocating?" he asked.

"You're asking me to do the same thing then," Juliette said staring into his eyes with a cold, dead glare. "I don't think we can speak anymore Mr. Stump," she said using his last name. She knew so many details of these men who had captured her. She had spent months researching them to better hunt them for William, -i should have got them when i had the chance- Juliette thought to herself, -then i wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

"This is useless!" Joe and Andy said in unison, laughing a little as Joe called 'Jinx'. The stood and nodded over to Patrick who just sighed as they left the room. "Tell us, Juliette," Patrick said again, ignoring her past comment.

"Just kill me," Juliette said, "I'm assuming that's what you're going to threaten me with. Go for it. Unless you want to tell me about Jessica then you have no other choice because I won't give you anything."

"Why are you protecting him?" Patrick asked frustrated, "He nearly killed your sister and has kept you prisoner!" Juliette stood silent and looked over at Pete. They held eachother's gaze until Patrick spoke again, "Fuck this," Patrick said and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

The sound was enough to tear Juliette's gaze from Pete and she turned away from him. "I should have just killed them all when I had the chance. I wouldn't be here right now, I could be..." her voice trailed off into silence.

Hearing her consider killing his friends, his only family, made Pete beyond angry. In the flash of a moment he had dashed to the couch, picked it up, and hurled it against the cage. Juliette laughed a little at seeing Pete all riled up but fell silent as she noticed how angry he was. "What did he make you believe?" Pete spat out, "What did he promise you if you protected him? Did he promise to protect you? To rescue you if you came here to distract us?" he yelled. "You are nothing but a pawn in his sick little chess game!" Pete's voice boomed.

Juliette shook her head, "This isn't a ploy," she said softly, "I ran. I got out and I ran. It was nearly sunrise so I hid in the garage," she said simply. It was the truth but for some reason she was pretty sure that Pete wouldn't buy it.

"Yeah," Pete said with a laugh, "Like William would let you out of his sight." He scoffed and headed out as well.


"One for the road?" Harper asked as she leaned against the vault for the blood bags.

"Harper?" Brendon asked confused. There was no reason for her to come all the way out to the newborn house if she wanted blood, "Sure," he said quickly and tossed her one from inside the vault. He brushed off his hands and stuck them in his pockets, "Anything else?" he asked trying to be cordial.

"Nope," Harper said with a grin, "Figured to check out the old part of the house before I left."

"Leaving already?" Brendon asked, he had never met Harper before but had heard about her and William's past. Made together by the same woman at the same time. They were abandoned together too when their maker vanished. They were close for a few centuries but Harper couldn't stand being so isolated and living only with vampires so she went into the real world - that was the last time she had been heard from, until now that is.

"William's no fun when he's upset," she said tracing her nails along the latex bag, "He's preoccupied with this whole Juliette thing. He has been out all night trying to track her but he lost it. He's been so crabby since he heard about how she left, he's put everyone on notice to look for her when they go out," she said absentmindedly. "See you around Brendon," she said quickly and made her exit - that was Harper's style - simple yet powerful.

Meanwhile, back inside the main house William was pacing around his bedroom, his mind racing about all of the possibilities of what could have happened to Juliette. He had never been so paranoid about a fledgling before - Brendon never left and when Pete did William knew he could care for himself. But Juliette was so new, so vulnerable, and a bit suicidal. William's mind flashed back to a few days past when Juliette had tried to go out into the sun scarring her hand in the process. He stared at the clock, a few more minutes and it would be nearly dark enough for him to go out past the forest to search for her.


Pete returned a few hours later to deliver a blood bag for Juliette. She was sitting in the corner, her face in her hands, a small trail of blood fell from her eyes and Pete knew she was crying. He took a few steps closer to her and held the blood bag between the bars for her to grab. Slowly Juliette looked up, her face stained with red, and took the bag. Pete looked down at her hand and saw scars from the sun. He held onto her wrist as she tried to pull away and asked, "Who did this?"

Juliette looked up at Pete, "I didn't want this to happen," she said slowly. Pete let go of her wrist as it slowly came together, she didn't want to be a vampire. Juliette put the blood down on the floor and Pete stood to leave, neither one of them looking at eachother or saying another word the rest of the night.
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