Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Crawling Towards the Sun

When Did We Lose Ourselves

by adalae 2 reviews

Juliette runs from William and finds herself somewhere...unexpected..

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-27 - Updated: 2009-07-28 - 1163 words - Complete


The sun was peeking over the horizon and Juliette found herself screaming at the top of her lungs. She screamed out of frustration, jealousy, betrayal, and fear. Was this her final moment? Was she going to die as the sun rose? She clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her skin so hard she could feel a drop of blood trail along her palm. She gave up. Even with her newly heightened senses she hadn’t enough control over them to figure out where she could find safety. She collapsed onto the ground and hid the best she could beneath a ledge but wasn’t sure how long she would last.

Her mind raced as she thought of her situation. Standing with newfound strength and motivation she refused to let her life…not life… whatever she was… end in defeat. She ran as fast as she could, following an intriguing scent. She ran and found herself behind a house. It was a neighborhood like most others, and all of their backyards faced the woods. She looked around and didn’t see anyone. A couple of houses down, a backdoor was propped open and Juliette decided to take her chances. She didn’t want to hurt anyone but she would if she had to – her survival instincts began to take over as the sun began to rise into the sky. She sprinted and poked her head so she could see past the door. It was a back door to a garage. Juliette slipped in and noted that minus the five or so cars that packed the huge garage nothing else was in sight. She clung to the walls as she made her way behind a bright red Jeep.

Letting out a sigh she slipped herself beneath the vehicle and laid down, her mind reeling from everything that had taken place. She wasn’t sure why she even was feeling the way she did, she had no right to, but she couldn’t explain it. Her stomach contracted a bit in pain as she realized she was starving for blood. And right on cue, a door opened and footsteps echoed throughout the garage.

“How are we gonna get in AND rescue her sister? I mean, you shouldn’t have said we would get her back and safe… I mean… we can’t guarantee that…” A voice said hesitantly.

“Look. We needed information, and she was freaking out! We needed to tell her something! I mean,” a second voice responded, “What did you wanna tell her? ‘Oh your sister’s probably dead by now anyways, no worries!’ yeah. Then she would have been so helpful…”

The footsteps stopped right next to the Jeep and Juliette was tempted to grab at one of their ankles. Getting ready to strike, Juliette’s plan was foiled by the door opening once more, “Guys!” a third voice called, “Meeting. Now.”


“What do you mean by ‘left’ Lidia?” William said slamming a fist down on his desk. The woman clad in a silky black cocktail dress simply stood in silence, “Well?” he asked more ferociously.

“Stop pestering the girl,” a voice said from the corner. Harper stepped out of the shadows and sat down on the corner of the desk, resting a hand on William’s shoulder, “She’s only told you what she knows…”

“Again,” William said, ignoring Harper.

“Well,” the woman said with a shaky voice, “We were talking after dinner and Juliette said she was gonna go to one of the studies and I ran into her a bit later and she was…a bit frantic in my opinion.” Lidia cleared her throat and continued on, refusing to look at William, “She said she felt the urge to go run. That she had a lot of pent up energy…. So she ran… I was gonna offer to accompany her but she seemed like she needed to be alone… I went to go check on her and she wasn’t in her room… so I came to you.”

“Leave me,” William said quickly. Lidia was more than happy to get out of the room. Harper pushed herself off of the desk and shoved her hands in her pockets, “What?” he asked.

“She’s just a newborn Billy,” Harper said and shrugged her shoulders, “Nothing incredible either… I don’t get why you are so upset about this. Newborns always come home,” she said with an emphasis on ‘always’. “You did.”


“You can come out from under there,” A voice whispered. Juliette blinked her eyes as she broke out from her meditative state. She was trying to wish away the thoughts of hunger and blood and slipped into meditation, she hadn’t even heard anyone come in to the garage. Thinking that the voice, a male, didn’t know she was a vampire she decided to act shy and slowly come out from under the car, keeping her head down. She stared at the concrete and the voice continued, “You?” it gasped.

Juliette’s head snapped up, “You!” she hissed. She took a couple of large strides backwards and braced herself against the wall. It was the vampire she was hunting the night of the hunt banquet. It was only a few days beforehand but it felt like centuries had passed since they met.

Pete looked confused as he closed the space between them in two quick steps, “He changed you?” He sniffed the air and answered his own question, “No… he doesn’t have a mark on you… Brendon?” He commented. He spat in disgust, “really?” he asked Juliette cocking his head to the side, “And I thought you had even the slightest bit of dignity. But Brendon?!”

Juliette punched him in the face. She didn’t even realize she did it until she saw him on the floor. He stood up, “You are more fun to fight now,” Pete said with a grin as he stood, “So what happened? You decide to come and take me by force?” But before Juliette could open her mouth she found herself on the floor a stake against her chest, “Not a good idea attacking someone on their home turf,” he said quickly.

“No!” Andy yelled as he came out to investigate the commotion. “Bad Pete!” he said throwing a football at his friend, “No killing!” He looked down and noticed it was Juliette and let out a deep breath, until Juliette opened her mouth to reveal fangs. “SHIT!” he yelled, “Put her in the pen, and don’t kill her! We cant!”

Pete stared down into Juliette’s eyes and angrily pulled her to her feet. He guided her into the house, keeping a tight grip on her as he shoved her into a large metal cage of sorts, locking it seconds after it closed. “Now what?” Pete asked.

“Food would be nice,” Juliette said leaning against the metal bars for support.
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