Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Half a Goddess

a Net full of Surprises

by Elsask 0 reviews

How can teenagers stop a hungry sea monster? With help of course.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-04-23 - Updated: 2011-12-17 - 645 words

"Alright let's fly this thang!" yelled Odie.

The jet quickly rose up and shot off.

"Ya Baby!!" He called out.

"Whoa, you don't have to go so fast, you might ruin my hair." Exclaimed Neil.

"Herry, you have to have a plan here!" she said with panic.


The monster lurked over top of the two. Herry went into his attack stance. "Let's rock slimo!" The sea creature flings itself at Helen and Herry, they dodged it. Herry took a swing with his fist making the sea creature fly back a few feet from the impact.

Meanwhile, Helen ran over to where a free segment of chain laid broken off on both sides. The beast came in for another approach at Herry who had tripped on a piece of rock. Helen swung the chain around, hitting it on the monster's nostril fairly hard. It gave a squeal. She took the one hand and swung the chain around in a repetitive circle above her head. The beast struck between both of them, making them both fall from the impact. A large chunk of the islet was missing. There was nowhere to move anymore.

"Now what?" asked Helen.




"Whatever you say." Helen, gracefully dove into the cold ocean water.
She gasped as she came up, wading in the salt water. Herry quickly followed in after her. Helen gave a giggle.

Herry looked at her, "What is so funny?"

"Your hair." She let out one more little laugh. "What is supposed to happen now?"

Theresa and the others swung by. Atlanta and Jay grabbed both of them from the water a hoisted them in.

"That." Replied Herry.

"Wow you are good."

They looked around cautiously, the monster was nowhere to be found. Helen shivered from the cool breeze and from being wet. The motorboat slowly glided across the waters.


The monster revealed itself one last time before adavancing towards its target. Theresa steered the boat the opposite way. Atlanta swung her bolas and let them go, closing the creature's mouth, it gave a silent roar. The beast ignored the boat for now and instead focused on the bolas constricting its mouth. Out of nowhere a net came flying from the sky. Everyone looked up; it was Odie and the Hover Jet. Herry collapsed onto the floor of the boat giving a long deep sigh.

At the lighthouse, Archie was waiting at the truck, trying to cover up the window by standing in front of it. Odie and Neil had already started heading back for home. Poseidon had picked up the grueling monster and taken care of it.

"Good job Archie, you got the lighthouse running!" congratulated Atlanta.

"No biggie."

"Well let's all go back home." Declared Jay.

"Ya, let's" Replied Helen.

They all started to walk towards the truck.

Archie panicked, "How, how about we all go to the top of the lighthouse and get a wonderful view of the coast?"

"No, I think we are all tired." Gestured Theresa with a yawn.

"Ya." Yawned Herry.

"Well maybe we can take a nap in the lighthouse? It is very cozy inside, or maybe a swim? It would probably be refreshing." Archie cried.

"Archie what is the matter with you?" Atlanta walked up to him and inspected him head to toe.

"Nothing, Nothing at all." He scratched the back of his head giving a phony grin.

"Well I am in no mood to swim or sleep in a old lighthouse, I'll just go to my truck thank you very much."

Archie was still standing in front of the door.

"Um Archie could you move please?" asked Herry.

Archie gave up with a sigh, he steps aside.

Herry looked at the window and then at Archie, he was in shock. "mmy,mmmmy,my....." he mumbled. "MY TRUCK!" yelled Herry. "Archie!"

Archie gave an innocent grin.
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