Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > Tyrana in the fullmetal alchemist world

That's just crazy

by lily22404 1 review

Ed and Al will appear soon.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Envy,Gluttony,Lust - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-06-01 - Updated: 2010-06-01 - 405 words

Envy finally let Tyrana out of the bath.She was soaked and clean."There,now was that so hard."Envy sighed.Tyrana shaked the water off and dryed her hair.Envy's face flushed as she didn't notice she was uncovered.Envy then put a towel around her reluctantly."Come."He commanded.He brought her to his room and handed her some clothes.They looked like his but the shorts were alittle shorter and the skirt was the same.He exited his room to let her have some privacy.Tyrana then started to dress.She wasn't used to turtle necks but she looked good.THen a knock came and Envy entered with a brush and a rubber band."Um,can I do my hair?"Tyrana said.Envy sighed and handed them to her and sat on the bed."Some um why am I here?"Tyrana asked."Cause Gluttony begged Lust to bring you here and let him eat you but she spared you."Envy explained.Tyrana nodded and sat on the floor."What in hell are you doing?"Envy asked."Notheing."Tyrana said.She tried to comprehend what was happening but it didn't clearly show."What are you people?"Tyrana asked."We aren't people we're humunculi."Envy said."We are made from human sins.".Tyrana then pulled her hair into a ponytail."What I want to know is how did I get here?"Tyrana asked herself.'First I was running from the ANBU now I'm here with some sins!This is very random!'she thought."Well Ty come on we are going out."Envy said."I don't do dates."She said."Me neither."Envy chukkled.Tyrana got up and followed him.She kept to herself in the city.It was bustlong woth people and cars alike.She kept close to Envy and went into store after store.When Envy took her to a cafe for a brake she sighed."So tell me how are you like that?"Envy asked."My parents were scientists and they made me a neko,then sold me."Tyrana said.Envy looked down."So what happened?"he asked."Well after they sold me to the highest lord,I was treated like a pet,being beatened and abused.Untill just yesterday."TYrana said."What?We found you yesterday?"Envy said."Yes but see I think a portal in the dimensions rippe and sent me here."TYrana said."HTat is just crazy."Envy sighed.
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