Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Thunder


by DearMikey_x 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-06-02 - Updated: 2010-06-02 - 440 words

Sitting under a tree in Gerards garden in the rain, nursing his sore knuckles, the reality of the situation finally hit Bob. A year’s worth of bottled up emotions came soaring out, his tears mixing in with the rain. The tree wasn’t helping much, and Bob's clothes were soaked. His body was juddering from the cold, but he didn’t care.

It wasn’t like it was his biggest problem.

He’d just punched the person he loved, the person that didn’t love him back enough to be with him completely. Part of him felt good for what he’d done, Ray deserved it. But the bigger part of him kept seeing the steady trickle of blood from Rays eyebrow, after he’d punched him.

He wiped away his tears and breathed in deep as he saw two figures approach him, hands interlocked. He knew their faces before he saw them, and let out a groan that was masked by the thunder. He loved Gerard and Frank, he really did, but the last thing he needed now was their romance.

Those two had it easy. They were loud and proud of their relationship. Everything about them showed how much they loved each other. Even now as Gerard sat down in the mud next to Bob, he pulled Frank carefully into his lap so he didn’t have to sit on the earth and get dirty. They were just little gestures but they cut Bob every time. The two didn’t know how lucky they were.

‘You deserve better Bob.’

Gerard said the words quietly and Frank nodded in agreement. They were right, of course. Bob knew he deserved more than Ray, but he didn’t want more. Even after all that, the only question he wanted to ask the pair was if Ray was okay. It was pathetic, but Bob didn’t have the willpower to do anything about it.

Even when Ray emerged from the house and sheepishly walked over to the three friends, Bob's heart still skipped beats.

‘We’ll leave you two to it’ Frank said awkwardly, standing from Gerards lap and holding a hand out for him. ‘C’mon baby’ he said softly, leading Gerard back into the house.

Bob watched them go and then averted his eyes to the floor, looking anywhere but at Ray. It worked until Ray knelt in front of him and lifted his chin.

‘No more Bob. I'm gunna end things with her’

Bob licked his lips and eyed the cut above Rays eyebrow.

‘Hey’ Ray said, getting Bobs attention back by brushing their lips together. ‘I promise.’

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