Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blue Moon

A Night In The Forest

by SmashAuthority2 5 reviews

Stella finds herself bloodied and lost in the forest. Who will rescue her?...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-06-04 - Updated: 2010-06-04 - 2722 words

Sorry for the late update. I wasn't feeling very well, but I'm better now!

This chapter is for FamousLastWords09!!xx

The looks on their faces suggest I am in deep, deep trouble. I rise to my feet unsteadily, my knees are trembling so badly it's a wonder I can even stand, but I manage it somehow. I turn my attention to Gerard, he is the closest to me. The others are a few feet behind him. His eyes are hard and his face grim.

"Um," I say, to break the rather uncomfortable silence. "I'll just be on my way, shall I?" Warm blood oozes down my leg, I try my best to obscure it from their view, but they can probably smell it.

There is an incredibly loud silence. I kind of hope someone will speak, but nobody does. Something shiny on the floor catches my eye. It's the knife I used earlier to cut the cake. It seems such a long time ago now.

I have a brainwave. I kneel down and snatch it off the ground. I hope it's enough to ward off five hungry male vampires.

"I'll see you later then," I say in a cheery voice. "I should get home now. My dad will be wondering where I am." I move towards the smashed window Frank had gone through. Never before have I been so glad of Gerard's tendency to throw people through glass.

I hear a growl on my right and gulp. Things are definitely looking bad for me. "I'll call you later then," I say to Gerard, who seems to be frozen in place. "Great party by the way." I add. It would be rude to ignore their effort, right?

"Run, Stella," whispers Gerard harshly.

I stare at him. It's easy for him to say, he's not the one with glass pieces sticking in his ass.

"I said RUN!" he bellows.

Mikey rushes forward with a snarl but Gerard grabs him by the neck and tosses him at Ray, Bob and Frank. They fall to the ground like pinballs.

"Go now!" he shouts at me. "I can't hold them back for long!"

I turn on my heel and run for the window, managing to somehow climb out of it. I hear something being smashed behind me and my speed magically increases.

I zip through the forest blindly, praying I won't trip over a stray root and fall, accidently stabbing myself. I can feel blood trickling down my hand and my legs. I wonder if I'm bleeding to death. How many pints of blood have I lost anyway? I've probably got half a cup left.

I curse Mikey out in my head some more. I'm totally going to sue him after this. I mean, it's unacceptable. How dare he throw me through a table? Has he no manners whatsoever?

I stop for a minute as my breath has become labored and peer around. I have no clue where I am. I am surrounded by dark, dense trees and cannot see a thing. There is no light around me, not even from the stars above.

I hear a twig snap in the distance and shiver. Are there creatures in this forest? And if so, what kind?

Clenching my knife tighter I forge ahead. I've gone about five paces when my heel snaps. I trip and bang my shoulder into a tree.

"Why me, Lord? Why me?" I scream, throwing my head back and baying like a wolf. "What have I done to deserve this? Is it because I cheated in that stupid Maths test?" I take off my shoes and throw them randomly into the darkness.

There is a rustle nearby. My body tenses and I spin around trying to locate it. Spinning turns out to be a bad idea as I become dizzy and can barely see straight. "Who's there?" I demand. "I'm warning you, I'm armed!"

The rustling sound gets closer. I brandish the knife like a sword in front of me and squint into the darkness. If anything jumps out I'll just chop it's head off. It should be easy, I've seen it done plenty of times in the movies.

"Come out at your own risk!" I cry. Sadly my voice doesn't share my heroic enthusiasm. I sound a bit like a mouse.

I spot movement directly in front of me. I brace myself for an attack. It could be anything, giant man-eating spiders, zombies, unicorns.

"Stella?" calls a soft, gentle voice.

I instantly drop the knife. I would recognize that voice anywhere. "Jacob?" I speak into the pitch black. "Is that you?"

He steps out of the shadows. My first thought is he is naked but when my eyes travel downwards I see he is wearing jeans, but that's all he is wearing. For some reason, he is shirtless. As he gets closer I see the guy has an eight pack. Not a six pack, but an eight pack. Even in my half-unconscious state I think it's hot.

"Jacob!" I scream, well, squeak, and throw my arms in the air.

I want to hug him but as soon as I put a foot forward something odd happens. Instead of collapsing into his strong arms I find myself rushing face first towards the mossy ground, and then there is nothing.


I wake up feeling like a million needles have been cruelly stuck into my body. I roll over and realize I'm lying in a strange bed. Not only that, I'm also completely naked. There is only a thin white sheet covering my modesty.

I sit up sharply ignoring the pain. "RAPE!" I scream shrilly. "RAPE!"

"Calm down, Stella," says a familiar voice beside me. "It's me, Jacob."

I turn to peer groggily at him. Indeed it is Jacob, he is still shirtless but he is wearing an expression of utmost concern on his lovely face.

"Oh, Jake!" I hold my arms out, forgetting the sheet for a moment. "I'm so happy to see you!"

I'm confused when he lowers his gaze. "You might want to keep a hold on the sheets," he mutters.

I look down. "Right," I say, flushing red. My head snaps up. "Did you undress me?"

He nods, still staring at the wall. "I had no choice. You were a mess."

"You mean you saw me naked?" I cry in outrage. "How dare you!" I should throw something at him, right? Isn't that what a lady is supposed to do? Only my arms are feeling kind of weak. I settle for glaring at him instead.

He rolls his eyes. "Like I said, I didn't have a choice. I couldn't even get you out of that thing you were wearing so I ended up cutting you out of it." He grabs a chair and moves it next to me on the bed.

"It's a bandage dress," I inform him.

"A bondage dress?" he asks in amazement. "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing," he adds casually as he produces a small bowl filled with water. He places it on a table and soaks a cloth in it.

"Bandage," I correct him. "It's a-I mean, was, a bandage dress." I look around the room and spot the remains of my dress lying on the floor. He follows my gaze and smiles apologetically. I pull the sheets around myself a little tighter, something that doesn't go unnoticed by him.

"I didn't look if that's what you're worried about," he says softly.

I blush. "Can we just forget it?" I ask, feeling embarrassed about what he may or may not have seen. Thank Goodness I wore new underwear.

He nods. "What were you doing in the forest, Stella?" he asks. I suspect he knows the answer. The fact his jaw is clenched confirms it.

"There was an......incident at the Sullen's place," I reply, cautiously.

"Oh?" He leans back and regards me carefully. "What sort of incident?"

I suddenly feel very protective of Gerard. After all, it's not his fault all his family members are insane. He was only trying to protect me.

"Nothing major," I reply nonchalantly. "No big deal."

His eyes grow darker. "I find you running through a forest at night, dripping with blood and clutching a knife, and you say "It's no big deal?" I'm not an idiot, Stella. I know your precious boyfriend had something to do with it."

"It wasn't his fault!" I cry, feeling the need to defend Gerard. "It got a little out of control."

"Look at yourself, Stella," he orders. "You look like you've been shredded."

I glance down at myself and suck in my breath. I have to admit, I look awful. My legs are scratched and bruised and my arms look like I was attacked by Freddy Krueger. Even taking a breath hurts as my chest feels sensitive.

"Hmm," I gulp. "It is sort of bad, isn't it?"

Jacob says nothing for a while, he simply looks at me. I begin to feel nervous. Maybe I should change the subject?

"What were you doing in the forest at night? And where the hecks your shirt?" I ask.

He narrows his eyes at me. "You're not getting out of it so easily, Stella. Tell me what happened over there first, then we can talk."

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. He is so stubborn. "But it wasn't Gerard's fault."

"It never is," he mutters angrily, and dabs the wet cloth over my leg.

I flinch. "Sorry," he whispers, in a soft voice. "I'll try not to hurt you."

He gently rubs the cloth over the marks on my leg. I wish he'd put a shirt on, it's so weird having him touch me when I'm practically in my birthday suit sitting on his bed with him bare chested next to me.

"I'm waiting," he says patiently, "start talking."

I sigh again but begin. He makes sure he extracts every tiny detail from my account. When I get to the Mikey part, he stops cleaning my injuries to look at me.

"He threw you into a table?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yeah," I nod. "I know, it's shocking, right?"

His body is rigid-with fury, I think, and his hands are trembling. In fact, his whole body is trembling.

I watch him in amazement. "Why are you shaking like that, Jacob?" I ask curiously. Maybe he's just taking the whole "shaking with rage" thing too far?

He gets up suddenly, so quickly, in fact, his chair is knocked over. "I need some space," he says tightly. Before I can speak, he is gone.

I shrug. There's no way I can follow him, my legs are in too much pain right now. So I lie back and close my eyes. Who'd have thought the night would end like this? With me in Jacob's bed, totally in the nude, half drained of blood and looking like I've been attacked by a grizzly bear.

I turn slowly onto my side. My thoughts turn to Gerard. I hope he's alright. With me out of the house he should have been able to control his bloodthirsty brothers.

All I'm concerned about now is how I'm getting home. Jacob could possibly drive me back but what would I wear? He ripped my dress to pieces. I could borrow Jacob's clothes, but what if dad spots me? He'd think I'd been up to no good.

"Why is my life so freaking complicated?" I ask nobody.

"Because you're dating a vampire," replies Jacob. I open my eyes and see him standing by the door, watching me. How long has he been there? I pull the sheets up until they are practically covering my face.

"Where did you go?" I ask him to break the weird tension in the room.

"Nowhere," he replies, in a tone that suggests that I should drop it. So I do-there is only so much drama I can deal with in a day.

"What's the time?" I wonder.

"It's four in the morning," he tells me grimly.

"Whaaaat?!" I sit up sharply. "Dad will kill me!"

"Relax," he says calmly. "Your dad is...erm, asleep."

I look at him suspiciously. "What do you mean "asleep"?"

He rubs the back of his neck. "He's asleep. He won't know when you come in. Trust me."

He obviously knows something I don't but knowing him, won't tell me. "What am I supposed to wear?" I grumble.

He walks to a small drawer and pulls out jeans and a black shirt. "Here," he tosses them to me. "They're mine, but it's all I've got."

I pick up the jeans and inspect them. "They're huge! Both of my legs could fit into one of yours!"

"It's either that or go back naked," he says simply.

"Fine," I sigh. "Get out so I can get changed." I order.

He smiles. "I can't believe I'm being thrown out of my own house."

"You mean hut," I whisper, when his back is turned.

"I heard that."


Dawn is breaking by the time we reach my home. Jacob insisted on carrying me to his car even though it wasn't really necessary. He also bandaged me up and gave me a couple of painkillers to dull the ache in my chest. I seriously think I might have to visit a doctor later.

"Thanks for everything," I say, pulling a sleeve up. Jacob's clothes totally engulf my body. The jeans are pulled halfway up to my chest. Now I know how Simon Cowell feels.

He is quiet. His fingers drum lightly on the steering wheel and he stares straight ahead. "You could have died tonight," he whispers finally.

I open my mouth then shut it again. He's right. In fact, I have no idea how I'm still breathing.

"You were lucky this time. Next time you might not be," he continues in that small voice. He turns his head slowly to look at me. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Stella," he says. His voice breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry." I don't know why I'm apologizing, I just feel I have to.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He shakes his head. "Forget it for now. Go inside and get some rest. We'll talk about it later."

"Talk about what?" I inquire. He gazes at me intently.

"I'll see you later," he replies flatly.

I sense danger ahead. Well if there's to be more trouble ahead, I might as well get my ass inside and get some much needed sleep.

"Bye," I say softly. I didn't think our reunion would be like this. He nods.

I make no move to get out. I don't know why, it must be because my legs are jammed or something. In fact, my eyes seem to be glued to his. No matter how hard I try to look away the more difficult it becomes.

"Stella," he whispers, moving his face closer to mine. He strokes my cheek lightly and I feel my skin grow hot.

My body is completely frozen to the spot now. I can't move a muscle. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Jacob," I mutter tensely. His lips are getting closer now, if I don't act soon something awful might happen.

He doesn't seem to hear me. I close my eyes and will a hurricane to materialize out of thin air-that would totally be a great distraction.

He pulls me closer to him and I gulp, but instead of feeling his lips on mine they brush my forehead gently. I open my eyes slowly and see he is already moving away.

"I'll see you later," he says quietly without looking in my direction.

I mumble something incoherent and climb out of his car. I amble up the driveway flexing my arms along the way. They feel a lot better now.

When I open the front door I turn to wave at him. He waves back and drives off. I close the door behind me hoping this is the end of an incredibly awful day.

I turn on the light and have to stifle a scream. Sitting on my stairs-looking quite menacing, is Gerard. The look on his face suggests I might be in serious trouble.

Oh dear, it looks like it's going to be an interesting conversation, right?....
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