Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Hope Your Life Is Gold

I Hope Your Life Is Gold

by AddixxSin 1 review

Find out for yourself

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-09 - Updated: 2010-06-10 - 190 words

There was nothing going on during that fateful fall day.The leaves had burned in the sun and fallen to thier graves between the pavement and our shoes.The birds have escaped the cold which will be soon upon us ,as we are in michigan.To a warmer climate.But still.People remain the same.

Take for example me.I will always be this way.I will always be unable to talk.unable to produce noise/sound/song.I will always be a mute.Quietly observing the world as it passes me by.Watching to find the key to what makes our existance on this earth not just one of waste and destruction of bodies and minds.Hoping to find the answer,I have made my home in the library.

After leaving my previous foster home,I have wondered around to find a place of wisdom .A place of understand contradictions and everything in between.Facts ,opinions,and other things that will help me find this key.

I have also noticed that I am not the only one searching.

~Just a taste of a idea. What do you think?~

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