Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Vampire Love

Chapter Two

by catlovesmcr 0 reviews

Shan and Catarina get to know eachother

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Darren Shan - Published: 2010-06-13 - Updated: 2010-06-13 - 1038 words

Chapter Two
Vampire Mountain

“Look, I'm really sorry for calling you weird the other day. I should have gotten to know you first,” he walks over to me while I am sitting in my usual place at a table by myself. I am far from the others, almost hidden against the back wall near the corner.

I shrug.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Blood,” I take another big sip, licking my lips when a drop dribbles down the corner of my mouth.

He makes a face.

“Don't look at me like that. You are a vampire the same as me which means you need blood.”

“Just because I need it doesn't really mean I want it.”

“You know you want it. All vampires do.”

He sits down and faces me from across the stone table. “What are you doing today?”

“Nothing that I know of yet. Why do you ask?”

“I thought we could...hang out or something.”

“Why would you want to spend your time with me?”

“I've always wanted to meet another half vampire,” he admits.

“Well maybe later,” I get up.


She gets up from the table and I look at her outfit. A long sleeved blood red colored tunic, black leggings, and soft but sturdy ballet looking shoes. They are dirty and well worn like she had them on the whole time up the mountain. It's against the rules to wear shoes but maybe she had an exception. I'm not sure if those even count as shoes anyway. “I thought you didn't have any plans.”

“Something just came up,” she smiles slyly then leaves. She walks with grace and it almost looks like she is dancing. It's nice....


“Are you enjoying your stay here?” my maker, Jonathan asks me.

“Yes,” I nod.

“Good for you because I am not.”

“They will not punish you,” I assure him.

“You are young and foolish Catarina. You know nothing.”

I frown then turn away and go find Shan, trying my best not to get lost. I find him staring at a chess board, sitting alone. “Do you know how to play?” I ask him.

“No,” he shakes his head. “Do you?”

“I do but it's a dreadfully boring game if you ask me.”

“You have a good vocabulary for being a teenager, you know. You don't talk like a normal kid.”

“I am not normal, nor am I a child. I have not been for quite a few years Shan.”

“Did your...vampire...go on trial yet?”

“No, his name is Jonathan. He is rather nervous but there is no doubt in my mind that he will not be punished. It was I who desired to be blooded. I was well aware of what I was asking for. I am almost and adult. I am not a child and I am not stupid.”

“What was your dad like?”

The question catches me off guard. “He was nice. We look alike actually. He used to read me bedtime stories at night and check my closet for monsters when I was very young. He always gave me whatever I needed and he loved me unconditionally. He was very brave and smart and kind. He was a good person and I miss him very much.”

“I had a family...a little sister, a mom and dad. When Mr. Crepsley blooded me we faked my death. They were so sad. I miss them a lot. I even miss it when they punished me. My dad kept telling me to stay on the simple path in life. He said it was easy to go collage some day then get a job and then I would settle down and have my own family. I guess my life wasn't meant to be easy though. It didn't exactly work out.”

“Did you get along with your sister?”

“She was smart and even though we had our occasional disagreement I loved her a lot. I miss her.”

“She will grow up and be a good person. Your parents will be proud of her and she will go on to have her own family some day. Your family will be okay. My family is gone.”

“I'm sorry,” he frowns.

I shrug but frown too. For a while we are just silent. Then he asks “What do you like to do?”


“For fun.”

“Not very much honestly. I like to read and write...and when I was a kid I did ballet.”


“Don't look so surprised Shan. It was not my idea. It was my father's.”

“What's your favorite food? What's your favorite color? What were you like as a human? Were you different?”

“My favorite food is chocolate I suppose. It was when I was human anyway. My favorite color is red or midnight blue or deep purple....dark colors. As a human I was awkward and shy and very quiet. I did not have friends. I was teased a lot. I didn't belong where I was, I didn't fit in.”

“You belong here?”

“At vampire mountain?”

“With vampires...”

“Yes,” I nod. “I made my choice with confidence. It is what I wanted.”

He sighs.

“How about you? Tell me about yourself. What were you like as a human? Where do you live now?”

“As a human I was okay I guess. I was a normal kid, a good kid. I liked to play soccer and I had quite a few friends. My best friend was Steve Leonard. He...He wanted to be a vampire. When we went to the cirque du freak one night we saw Mr. Crepsley the vampire perform with his spider. I loved spiders so I decided to take her. I over heard the whole conversation with Steve and Mr. C. Steve asked him to change him. He begged and threatened to tell everyone about him. Mr. C actually thought about it but he said Steve had bad blood.”


“So anyway, I stole the spider and went home. We had an accident and she bit Steve. He was at the hospital dying. Mr. C said he could cure him if I would become his assistant. I had no choice really....”

“I am sorry.”

“Thanks,” he nods.
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