Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Converting Jared

Back To School

by jlyEchelonMCRmy 1 review

Stacey is back at school after the summer, expecting another boring year...

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-07-15 - Updated: 2010-07-28 - 1021 words - Complete

A/N: I posted my original idea for this story a while ago but didn't get much response. Anyway, some of my mates thought it was a good idea so here it is! It has been drafted a few times but if you notice an error feel free to let me know! Jen xx

It was the first day of school after the summer holidays and it took Stacey a great deal of effort to heave herself out of bed. Stacey had always been a very sweet, innocent girl, almost perfect. At school she wasn't popular, but no-one disliked her. She'd always had a small group of close friends; some guys and some girls but she had never been in a relationship. Maybe this year would be different at the top of compulsory school; but she doubted it.

When she got to school she looked round at all the small frightened 1st years. They always stood out in a crowd; they were the ones who ran around, still playing primary school games such as tag and bulldog. They were at least a foot shorter than all the other students but seemed to have attitudes big enough to make up for it. The older students stood around in areas which they had claimed as theirs over their years at school. As she made her way to the lockers where her best friend Emma would be waiting for her, Stacey observed these trade-mark traits in all the students trying to guess which year they were in.

"Hey hun!" called Stacey when she saw Emma.
"Hiya!" replied Emma, giving Stacey a massive hug. "How was your summer?"
"Same old," said Stacey dismissively.
"You're so boring!" teased Emma.
"I know, I know, come on lets go form," said Stacey, already fed up of Emma's teasing and dragging her along the corridor just as Shannon Leto walked passed. He smiled at Emma, who smiled back.

Once he had moved out of ear shot Emma said to Stacey, "Shannon Leto just smiled at me!"
"Wow, big deal!" said Stacey sarcastically.
"C'mon Stace, you can't deny it he is attractive,"
"Yeah, I know he is, but just because he smiled at you..."
"Have you seen him smile at anyone else?" interrupted Emma.
"No, but we're not stalkers so we don't know for sure!" said Stacey as they arrived at their form room.
"Still, I think he likes me," said Emma defiantly as they sat down.
"No, you hope he likes you," grinned Stacey. Then the bell rang preventing Emma from retorting.
The first two lessons passed uneventfully and then at break Stacey and Emma's mate ran up to them.
Oh My God, Shannon Leto's younger brother started at this school!" screamed Cassie. "He is gorgeous!"
"More gorgeous than Shannon?" asked Emma.
"Yup!" said Cassie.
"No way," said Emma.
Then Emma would not shut up about 'The Leto Brothers' and Stacey had to put up with her all day.
At lunch Stacey passed a different face, one she hadn't seen in school before; she guessed it must have been Jared Leto.
"You know the Leto's are the most gorgeous brothers ever," Emma pointed out to Stacey, when they reached the lockers at the end of the day.
"Maybe, but there's something suspicious about Jared; and something really wrong about him dating a 3rd year."
"Yeah, you're totally just jealous!" mocked Emma.
Stacey scoffed and left towards the school gates.

Emma did have a point. Jared looked perfect. His hair was dark; almost shoulder length with a sweeping fringe and his sapphire eyes had every girl swooning over him. He had just started lower 6th at the girls' school but, however perfect he looked, he was far from it. He had been expelled from nearly every other school in the area. His mother had decided that sending him to the same school as his older brother would set him right.

Shannon Leto was an upper 6th student, and like his brother was very popular with the girls. Although not as obviously gorgeous as Jared, he had a charm about him. His hair was brown, messed up with gel and he had a very rock star quality. He was single and had a large group of 'fan girls' chasing him round school as Jared would have done if he hadn't already found himself a girlfriend.

Her name was Lily. She was a 3rd year student and one of the youngest in her year, she was 13 years old. Much like Stacey she was a shy person but when she was with Jared she felt safe, like no-one would touch her, even though being with Jared meant she got many dirty looks from the girls she passed in the corridor; Emma being one of them.

The next day Stacey seemed to see Jared everywhere she went across the school; and every time she saw him they made eye contact. Although she disapproved of him dating such a younger girl she had to admit he was a very good looking guy, but she refused to voice this to Emma because she was in fact jealous of Lily.

"Why do I see you everywhere I go?"
Stacey jumped. She was standing by her locker at the end of the day waiting for Emma and Jared approached her. It was the first time Stacey had seen Jared without Lily.
"I don't know. I might ask you the same thing."
"So what's your name then?" he asked.
"Stacey," she answered suspiciously.
"What?" asked Jared sensing her tone.
"It sounds like you're flirting and you already have a girlfriend."
"Well, I'm sorry it wasn't meant to. It's just that I'm new and wanted to make some new friends. Anyway looks like you're mate's waiting for you." With a wink goodbye Jared turned and left.
"Why did he talk to you?" demanded Emma.
"I don't know," said Stacey not really paying attention as she was still watching Jared as he walked away from her down the corridor.
"Stacey? You fancy him!" When Emma didn't get a response she clicked her fingers in front of Stacey's face. "Let's go home."
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