Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > YOU! be in the story!


by dq3 3 reviews

Found my lovely ladies :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-08-10 - Updated: 2010-08-10 - 268 words

Quick congrats to my lovely reviewers, sorry I've taken so long!!! I've been on holiday. Okk soooooooo hear it goes... I've decided to make us a band as well.. S'that ok? Good.

As the role of my best friend and bass guitarist/backing vocals.... redcordial!!!!!! I picked you coz you seemed like a genuine girl and you're a fellow Aussie ;)

The role of guitarist and other best friend..... harleyanne!!!!!!!! You my dear were picked (even though you were late) coz you were one of the only girls that played an instrument.. And you're a ballerina like meeeeeee!

On drums and backing vocals we have... leeshdiddy22!!!! I love the fact you're unorganized! Haha

As our ever faithful Manager/Bus driver/Make-up Artist/Clothig expert and occasionally rocking the Keys we have the lovely.... elsa1794!!!!!! You just seemed soo cute you little (err tall... You're taller then the rest of us..) perverted hyper thing you! ;)

And on lead guitar/vocals we have.... dq3.. Err me :).. Ohhai!

Me: hi guys!!!

Elsa: HEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!! glomph

Liz: G'day! wicked sweet best friend handshake and big hug

Leesh: Sup! smiles

Harley: exaduates her English accent 'Ello Gov'ner grins and joins in the wicked sweet best friend hand shake and hug

Ok so now we're all introduced... I'll get to work on the first chapter... I'm sort in advance for the extra back ground stories I'm goig to add a little.. I'll try not to! :S let me know if I do something out of character.. Ok? :)

Ciao peeps :) review if you want me to upload my little Q&A thingy I made you guys do..
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