Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > YOU! be in the story!

My Q&A

by dq3 3 reviews

I figured I'd fill it out since I made you do it :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-11-26 - Updated: 2010-11-26 - 248 words

Hey guys! So sorry for the extremely late post. I was in a car accident Monday night so I'm currently bed ridden so I figured "why not post"! Hopefully I can get chappie one up too :)
Ps! Here are my answers :)
name: Calico Daisy Watson (true story... Crazy parents...)
age: 24 and a half (and don't you forget it :P)
who's your boy toy?: (Bob is mine. Problem? Good. :))
looks: 5"6, annoyingly skinny (seriously with the crap I eat you'd think I'd be a fatty...), bout a B cup (thankfully I have some boobage!), waist length (boring) black hair which I constantly manipulate into crazy hairstlyes in order to make it more interesting, ugly typical ballet feet, flawless porcelain skin (the only thing I'm proud of), little baby hands (my mum says they're delecate... Yeah... Right)
clothing style?: I like crazy clothes. I don't really like things to match but at the same time the things I wear just seem to fit together... Y'know
anything else?: I hate pumpkins, mushrooms, seafood and other digesting foods. I have a not so secret kinda crazy love affair with vegetables. I have been dancing classical ballet for nearly 20 years. I play lead guitar and sing. I also play the bagpipes.. Yeah cool huh :)
why do you want the boy you choosed?: this is my story and I love bobbers.. Yes I know he is no longer in the band.. But this is AU and again it's MY story :)
Now... Without further ado... Lunch
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