Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Forbidden Game - The Chase

The Forbidden Game - The Chase

by MCR_Vampire_321 4 reviews

The sequel to The Forbidden Game - The Hunter. With Ray gone, what are the guys going to tell the police? And what if the two boys play the game, freeing Bert from his small prison?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-08-08 - Updated: 2010-08-08 - 309 words

The police didn't believe us. Our parents didn't believe us. Ray's parents wanted to murder us for the death of their son.
I still feel like it's my fault he died. I should never have brought that stupid board game. I wouldn't be in this situation.
"So, what happened to Ray?" The police asked us, on the worst night of our entire lives.
He got kidnapped. We all did. Faced our nightmares in a paper doll house. Ray couldn't live up to Mikey's though. And it was a magical man called Bert's fault.
"Oh yeah?" The police man's mouth twitched up into a smile "Where is this game?"
Stolen. By two boys, who broke our window.
Then again, would you believe us? I don't like people like that. The one's who don't believe in anything, just because they can't see it for themselves. Even before this incident, I had known there was something we didn't know about hiding in the earth.
The trouble with human's is that they always need solid proof.
Frank was shaking, trying to keep himself togethor. Bob was crying, something he didn't usually do. He was mourning Ray. And Mikey was just staring into space. God knows what he was thinking about.
The officer's talked in hushed voices, hoping we wouldn't hear. They were wrong "Do you think this is related to the other disapparence?"
"You mean Gordie Wilson? Possibly." Hushed, hushed voices.
"They're obviously lying!"
"I know that, you fool!"
But we're not. What happened that night is true. And the events following after that didn't get any better.
Weeks passed, the most normal ones we had around that time. It wasn't exactly normal though with Ray gone, Frank avoiding me and Bob crying all the time.
But little did we all know, the doll-house was just the first level of The Forbidden Game...
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