Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Forbidden Game - The Chase

Newspapers and Dreams

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

A little girl talks to Gerard about Tom and Billie. Gerard and Mikey tell Bob about some weird dreams.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-08-12 - Updated: 2010-08-12 - 628 words

I was just leaving the bathroom when I small voice said next to me "They didn't do it."
I turned to my left and saw a small girl, probably in Year Nine, standing next to me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes that were crying "Who didn't do what?" I asked.
"Tom and Billie. They didn't kill Ray."
I sighed "I know they didn't kill Ray. I described Tom and Billie to the police because they had broken into my house and stolen the game. The police just assumed it had something to do with them."
"Well I know it wasn't them." The little girl spat at me "And I have proof."
Then she ran off down the corridor.
I chased after her for a few minutes, but what was the point? She was too fast and I was tired from lack of sleep. I had been having strange dreams but they felt like I was awake...
I knew the person to talk to about it was Bob.
I sat down next to him and Mikey at break. As usual, Frank was nowhere to be found. I was really confused. I thought his biggest fear was losing me... So why was he avoiding me?
"Tell me about these dreams then." Bob said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"Well, they feel like I'm awake..." I told him "It's like I'm lying in bed, trying to get to sleep and I can feel someone watching me. It happened about a week after we got out of the game..."
Bob chewed on his sandwich thoughtfully "You're paranoid. You are asleep, but everyday you're getting paranoid incase Tom and Billie did play the game and accidentally let Bert out of his prison."
"But I've been having dreams aswell." Mikey suddenly said "Sort of the same as Gerard's, but in my dream somebody is floating above me. Just staring back into my eyes and watching me..."
"It's the same with you." Bob told him "You're asleep. But paranoid."
I decided then to tell them about the little girl who had spat on me "She says she has proof, but what kind of proof can she get?"
"Maybe she was with them when they played the game." Mikey suggested.
"They've disappeared." Bob suddenly said.
"Didn't you hear? It was on the news. And it's in the newspaper." Bob opened his bag and pulled it out "Read it."
I took the newspaper from him and began to read.


Disappeared, just like Ray Toro (16) and Gordie Wilson (14). Brothers, Tom and Billie Barefield, have not been seen since the night that Ray Toro disappeared. Their parents say that the two boys told their parents they were going to walk down to the shop, but never returned home. If you see any of these boys, please notify the police.

"They must've played the game." Mikey said, finishing the tiny couple of sentences before me.
"That doesn't explain how Gordie Wilson disappeared." Bob said "Ray disappeared after Gordie, so he couldn't have played the game."
"Oh well, Gordie was mean." It sounded horrible, but it was true "All he cared about was hunting and he used to run over cats on his bike on purpose."
"Either way," Mikey swallowed "If Tom and Billie didnt get out of the game, they must've died. But that doesn't mean they let Bert out."
"How could they have died without letting Bert out?" Bob asked, suddenly realising something "Bert was the one causing all the magic. They were perfectly safe unless Bert got let out."
"The Creeper and The Lurker?" Mikey asked.
"They disappeared, remember? As soon as Bert went."
"It looks like we've got trouble." I shivered, not knowing what was about to come.
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