Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Forbidden Game - The Chase


by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Gerard gets scared in an IT lesson.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-10-22 - Updated: 2010-10-22 - 651 words

Frank's POV...

I hid in the bush. That was close, I think Gerard nearly saw me. I don't know what's happened to me. Ever since that terrible night, I just can't go near Gerard. But I spy on him, make sure he's safe. I follow him home after school away. If he knew he'd break up with me straight away, but he hasn't seen me so far. And I plan to keep it that way.

Gerard's POV...

So Bert's loose with The Creeper and The Lurker. Tom and Billie are missing. A little girl has proof of their 'innocence'.
I don't really blame Tom and Billie. I was the one who had tried to attack them with the stupid game. And once you see the corners of the box, see it's pure white cardboard and the cracked edges, you know you'll do anything to have it. Until you've played with the contents.
Me and Mikey watched TV that night in silence. We didn't say anything, but we were both thinking the same thing.
If Bert is free, what is he waiting for?
I went to bed, but the image of someone watching me just didn't leave. I was sure Mikey was having his weird dreams too.
It wasn't just me and Mikey, Bob was struggling through this aswell. He had lost the only person he loved. He must feel guilty for leaving without him. I feel guilty for making Bob go after him instead of me going after him myself. Mikey must feel the most guilty though, because it was his nightmare in the first place.
I missed Frank. I saw glimpses of him walking around school from time to time, but other than that I never saw him. I left him frantic text messages, phoned his mobile. Once I had the guts to call his house phone, but his Dad just got mad at me. He's homophobic and seemed to hate me. He didn't seem to keen on Frank either.
The worse part over that period of time happened in IT. I had to log onto my computer, and none of my friends were around. I was on the crap computer, the one that sometimes just decides to switch off.
So I turned it on and typed in my Username and Password. It started logging on and I got on with my work. When suddenly a message popped up on the screen...
I pushed Control, Alt and Delete. Nothing happened. The message contunied.
I tried turning the computer off at the button. Nothing happened, it stayed on. I tried turning off the screen, but it didn't work. Then suddenly the message changed.
Then suddenly I heard a low hissing noise, and was instantly reminded of The Lurker. I reached over and turned the computer off by the mains. The screen didn't even flicker, it stayed clear. Then the message sort of, combined...
I felt something slither round my legs. I screamed.
Everyone turned to look at me. I quickly looked down and under the table and wrapped around my legs was...
The cable. The cable for the computer.
"What's wrong Gerard?" The teacher asked me.
"Look at the screen!" I cried, pointing. The teacher looked confused. I looked. It had turned off.
"What is it?"
"Nothing." I replied
"Then why did you scream?" She asked, raising her eye-brows.
"The cable... It wrapped round my legs..." Everyone began to splutter with laughter "It felt like a snake."
Everyone burst into hysterical laughter. Even the teacher smirked "I can assure you Mr.Way that you will not find a snake in this classroom."
I sat back down, face bright red. I switched my computer back on and looked for suspicous activity throughout the lesson.
But nothing else happened.

[A/N] - Sorry for the lack of updates. It took me a while, but I finally did it :D
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