Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

Garland strikes

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-08-20 - Updated: 2010-08-21 - 2771 words

Garland strikes

I own nothing but OC's and plot.


Sam was slammed against the wall with blood covering his face as he slid down the wall, defeated.

'You pathetic and worthless maggot!' The Paladin laughed at the pathetic sight of his rival.

'Maggot? Is that what I am?' Sam asked as he slowly rose to his feet once again, 'If so then I guess that makes you nothing more then a piece of rat shit, because there is no way that a mere worthless human like you is higher on the food chain then me.' The Paladin wore a face of pure rage as he lunged his fist into Sam's face, causing it to hit side on with the wall. Sam turned to face his enemy once again, his blood splattered against the wall, 'You hit like a pussy.' Sam stated before spitting a bullet of blood right between the Paladin's eyes. He wiped the blood away with the sleeve of his jacket.

'So, that didn't hurt, is that what you're saying?' The Paladin asked before forcing the Keyblade held in his right hand into Sam's abdomen, this caused Sam's eyes to shoot wide open, 'How about this! Does this hurt!?'

Sam looked at the paladin with hatred evident on his face. The Paladin forced the Keyblade further into Sam's flesh forcing his eyes to widen to there full extent.

'Scream' The Paladin whispered in an impious tone, 'I want to hear you scream. Scream and I kill you quickly.'

'You better hope that I die, because if I get the chance I'll gouge out your eyes, tear out your tongue, and rip off your ears.'

'You just can't give up, can you?' The Paladin removed his weapon, spilling blood onto the floor and spat into the wound, 'That's for making me stain my best coat! And this...' The Paladin raised his weapons above his head, 'Is for being such a god-damned freak!'

'Stop it.'

'Sora...? Why is he coming back for me?' Sam thought.

The Paladin turned to the new intruders with a quite delighted smirk upon his face, 'Now, why would I want to do something like that?'

'You're the Paladin, right?' Sora asked.

'I see you have been informed about me.' The Paladin stated.

'Why do you hunt him? Him out of any one else, what's the point?'

'What's the point?! Can you not see that it is no different then a rabid dog? And rabid dogs must be put to sleep.'

'Sam!' Relm shouted as she caught up.

'Forget it, you'll have to wait' The Paladin stated as he looked at Sam before looking at Sora and his friends, 'I'll deal with you before that thing' The Paladin looked at Relm before his smirk grew even wider, 'You first.' As the Paladin approached Relm, Sam's teeth gritted together, 'A shame really, you have quite a nice body. We could have had quite a lot of fun together. However, I bet that thing's filth is already all over you' Each word from The Paladin added to the ferocity of Sam's ever building rage, until, the Paladin finally pushed him over the edge, 'You little tart.'

Suddenly, there was an enormous gust of wind which nearly pushed everyone over.

'What the hell...!' Riku exclaimed. The Paladin quickly turned around in time to see Sam rise to his feet, his black hair hanging over his eyes.

'How dare you!' Sam spat, 'Scum like you and I have no right talking to someone like her!'

'How dare I?! How dare you for comparing me to you!' The Paladin retorted. As the Paladin spoke, Sam disposed of his trench coat and his black shirt.

'Shukun-Youshiki!' Sam said. As he did, the gust took visible form as a black mist-like form pushing at those before him, asphyxiating them, weighing down on them and making it near impossible to breath. Then, suddenly, both sides of Sam's back exploded and two black feathered wings sprouted out of the wounds, blood still streaming down his back. He looked up to show his eyes and everyone could see that his eyes were now green and their whites were black

'Must we do this? You aren't evening the same league as me.'

'Die you worthless shite!' Sam shouted as he flew into the air so far that he was but a dot to the eyes of those on the ground. Suddenly, a projectile of dark energy flew at the Paladin, however, he jumped back and it struck the ground.

'Very well, I'll humour you' the paladin spat as he removed his white jacket and discarded it, when he did; a book fell out of the pocket. Following the coat, The Paladin discarded his shirt. 'Shukun-Youshiki!' The Paladin was suddenly engulfed in a bright light. Slowly, the light compressed behind his back and took solid form as two white angelic wings. 'May your requiem be short and silent? Let us face it, who would sing and mourn over your tattered cadaver!?' The Paladin shouted as he spread his new wings and flew towards Sam. There was nothing that neither Sora nor anyone else could do. The young Key bearer turned his attention back to book and recognised it instantly.

'That's Pooh's story book.' Sora observed.

'So it's important then?' Setzer assumed as he stepped forward and picked the book up.

'Yeah.' Sora answered, 'The Heartless stole it.'

'I'll hold on to it.' Setzer said as he put the book in his inside jacket pocket.

'We should probably help him, but I don't think we can get to them' Riku stated.

'I know.' Leon replied, 'but right now we have more important things to worry about.' Leon stated as he pointed behind Sora who turned around and saw something speeding towards them from the underworld entrance, Sora recognized it after awhile. It was the Sonic-Axe. As the Heartless closed in, it raised its weapon and readied itself to strike, but then, suddenly; there was a sound of a blade slashing flesh. The Sonic-Axe suddenly stopped, and darkness started to ooze from its body as some kind of steam. Soon after, its entire body dematerialized and a captive heart floated up into the sky.

'So you are the Key bearers that I've heard so much about. I have to say, I expected more then children trying to play hero.' As the dark mist that the Sonic-Axe left dissipated, a man in heavy armour holding a large sword could be seen.

'Who the hell is that?' Riku asked his comrades.

'I haven't got a clue.' Sora replied.

'If you wish to know my identity, then I suggest that you ask. I am Garland, a general of the Paramekian Empire.'

'The what?' Sora asked bewildered.

'And you call yourself a Key bearer; you don't even know anything about current events at all, do you? Then again, I suppose I shouldn't expect much from a mediocre Key bearer such as you.'

'Hey! Who are you calling mediocre?!'

'Imbecile,' Garland spat. 'Killing you will be such a waste of my time, yet if you are aloud to live then you will surely became an annoying thorn in our side,' With that Garland looked up to the fight in the skies, 'He will be next, I will dispose of two birds with one...' Garland suddenly stopped for some reason, 'Heartily? What is he...I see, so he has allied himself with you now. That fool, what is going through his demented head I wonder.'

'What are you going on about this time?!' Garland scoffed at Sora's ignorance.

'You know so little about anything at all, how amusing,' Garland mocked, 'I think I'll have to put you out of your ignorance,' As Garland said this, he impaled his blade in the ground, when he did; a barrier was created which surrounded Sora and himself. 'Now, how do you hope to overcome me without your friends?!'

Sora called Hero's crest and got ready to fight, 'There's no way I'm gonna lose to you!'

Garland lunged his weapon at Sora, suddenly, the blade dethatched itself, and the only thing attaching it to the hilt was a chain. Sora rolled out of the way, however, Garland continued to lunge the weapon around. Sora dodged a few of the strikes and parried another before the blade was pulled back to its hilt. Garland screamed out as he struck the ground with his sword, suddenly, the ground Sora was standing on exploded and threw him into the air. Garland jumped up and pursued Sora, lunging the blade at him once again. It struck him, however, Sora's clothes took the majority of the strike, but it was still enough to cut him. As Sora was sent to the ground, his clothes mended themselves. The Key bearer jumped up onto his feet.

'Darkness, Eradicate him!' Garland shouted as several balls of darkness were shot from his body and towards Sora. Said target jumped into the air and struck Garland with Heroes crest hard enough to send him flying into his own attack. As he hit the attack, Garland was engulfed in a dark purple explosion. 'Irritating child!' Garland shouted as he lunged forward from the blast and slammed his foot into the ground. The ground began to violently tremble, making Sora struggle to keep his balance. Garland smirked under his helmet before he lunged his blade at Sora. Sora was slashed into the air before he was struck several times and sent flying away. Sora quickly spun around in mid-air and launched a fire spell at Garland; the blast hit dead-on its target and made Garland stumble backwards. As Sora landed, he brought a thunderbolt down on his opponent, as it hit Garland, he screamed out.

'I guess you don't like lightning with that metal armour of yours!' Sora called with pride that he found a weakness in his enemy.

'Don't...get cocky!' Garland shouted as he lunged the blade of his weapon at Sora, however, he jumped into the air. Garland swung his weapon up at Sora, but he parried it before bringing another lightning spell down targeted at Garland. Though he was slow, Garland managed to evade the spell.

'You're a pest!' Garland insulted as he fired a dark ball at Sora, he stumbled back as it struck him in the abdomen.

'One last time' Sora thought as he brought one final thunderbolt down on Garland, this time when it hit, he fell to his knees. At the same time, the barrier disappeared.

'This isn't over...I will never be bested by the likes of you!'

'Garland...' came a weak voice as another man in armour literally appeared out of thin air, 'We underestimated them, we must withdraw.'

'Unfortunately, you are correct.' Garland said, then, they both just vanished.

'What! Where did they go?!' Sora wondered in his head. His train of thought was lost as he heard a dog's bark. He turned to where the sound came from and was filled with complete shock as he saw not only Interceptor but Shadow as well coming towards them. As everyone readied themselves to fight, Shadow stopped but Interceptor continued to walk until he reached Relm.

'I'm done. I'm done with working for the Heartless.' Shadow stated. Sora was filled with relief. It was short lived however as something behind him hit the ground and he knew who it was. Everyone turned around and saw Sam on the ground, his wings were gone and his eyes were normal again, however, he had blood coming out from all over his body.

'Pathetic maggot!' The Paladin laughed as he landed, he also reverted back to his original form.

'Get away from him!' Sora shouted as everyone (except Shadow) charged at the Paladin, he jumped back every time they got closer until he hit the wall. They all surrounded him so he couldn't escape and Interceptor was growling, ready to bite at his jugular like he had done to so many before.

'Are you honestly saying that you would rather side with that monster rather then a Paladin like me?' The Paladin asked.

'Damn right.' Relm answered, 'And by the way, the only monster here is the standing right in front of us.' The Paladin's face contorted in rage.

'Fine then! You've all sealed your fate!' The Paladin spat as he touched the wall and opened a corridor of darkness before jumping back into it. Sora charged forward, however, the corridor closed before he could reach it. Relm ran towards Sam to help him up but he stuck out his hand in protest.

'I don't need help.' Sam stated as he forced his body upright, when he took a step, he fell; luckily Relm was there to catch him.

'Let's just get the hell out of here.' Riku suggested.


Now Sam was standing up by himself. The group had been helping to clean up the arena for a few hours. Lara complained that Strago left her out of the fun. Sora and Kairi were both helping pull Phil out of a tuba while he shouted many profanities that nobody except Sam and Relm knew. Everyone else was helping clean up the mess that they made in the fighting. Shadow was still there, he was sitting at the seats, thinking.

'Screw that! You and grandma are going so why cant I!?' Relm shouted at Strago

'Come on, she's really talented, we could use someone like her.' Zell stated in an attempt to persuade the over protective old man. It had been decided that Zell, Strago and Lara would join Sora but Strago wanted to leave Relm with Hercules to keep her safe.

'He has a point.' Lara admitted.

'Fine then!' Strago finally gave in.

'Yeah! I want to be on the big dragon ship!' Relm announced remembering the three ships Sam showed her on his communication device, the comvice. (That is a really stupid name but I'm too lazy to think of something not...retarded)

'Well, it's about time we got going,' Sora said, 'Herc, see you soon!'

'See you guys soon!' Hercules called back as he and Phil headed for the lobby.

'Sam, are you coming?' Sora asked as he noticed that Sam wasn't walking.

'I'll catch up, you guys board the ships.' When everyone was far enough away, Sam approached Shadow.

'I never thought I'd see you on there side' Shadow admitted

'We are both going to be seen as traitors from now on. They'll say I defected and that you didn't follow out your job. We could use you.' Sam said.

'I suppose you could, if you have enough money that is.'

'I was thinking of a different form of pay.'

'Such as?

'Your daughter, it would be a shame if something were to happen to her, wouldn't you agree.'

Shadow's eyes flashed wide open before returning to normal, 'What do you want?'

'Sora, he is...important, and I need him alive. I want you to guard him with your life. Now know this, if you refuse, or you fail, I'll guarantee that she won't make it back from this journey alive. Understand?' With that said, Sam began to walk away, 'The choice is yours.' Sam said before continuing to walk towards the ships.

Awhile passed until Shadow recovered from the shock and he got up to follow Sam. He would obey, if only until his daughter was safe.


'So how does this work?' Ultimecia asked as she looked down into a green pool of the dead.

'Just leave it to me?' Hades said.

'Very well then. You do know who we are picking out, right?

'Yeah, yeah. But I have to admit; don't you think he'll be a bit hard to control?'

'Maybe, but it is a risk I think we should take.'

'Alright, it's your funeral' Hades said as he readied himself to pull up the fallen warrior.

All around the domain of Hades, a laugh could be heared, a horrific and demented laugh that would inspire fear in the Hearts of those who knew it.
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