Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When A Guy Likes You

the reason

by wheresyourheart 1 review

for the breakup.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-08-23 - Updated: 2010-08-24 - 297 words

His name was Josh. We'd dated only a few days over a month, but I truely loved him. Every moment I spent with him was spent with butterflies in my stomach, smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. Never had I been happier than when I was with him. I loved his green eyes, brown shaggy hair, the way he looked in a suit at prom, the voices he made as he told me a story, how he'd shower me with kisses before bed. These things weren't the only reason the breakup stung so bad; it was also the reason why.

Before me, he had been with someone else. Her name was Shauna. Countless times she had cheated on him, had ditched him to get wasted or high. All she cared about was being under the influence, and Josh was completely straight edge, but he was so head over heels for her. She also liked playing mind games and being in control, but Josh seemed oblivious to this.

Eventually Shauna found someone else and left Josh; he was a wreck. There were always girls around that wanted his attention, but he was so hurt by Shauna that he'd become a bit of a "player" and broke many hearts.

For some reason, I was the one to get him out of this. Whenever I spent time with him, he was happy, and so was I. In no time we formed huge crushes on eachother and eventually, finally, began dating. He swore he was over Shauna...

But the reason he broke up with me was to go back to her, a girl that only wanted to play games and knew how to get what she wanted. I tried so hard to hate Josh, and I still want to, but I can't.
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