Categories > Original > Romance > Perfection


by tjsparkles 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-08-28 - Updated: 2010-08-28 - 427 words - Complete

He was the type of guy that was content with simply holding his girlfriend, stroking her cheek, kissing her hair, and just simply being with her. Most guys, however, were quite the opposite when it came to the same situation. They would grumble and roll their eyes if their girl decided to substitute any form of sexual activity with cuddling. Then again, Josh was a different and very special breed of guy.

Cuddling was something he could do for hours, without even being asked. In fact, most of the time, Josh was the one initiating the act. Oftentimes, there was no reason for it—he just felt like doing it. He loved his girlfriend more than any spoken words would or could ever express, so he preferred to show the depth of his love by holding her. Sex was great, yes, but it wasn’t always needed. He could show Robin in many different ways just how much she meant to him, how much he needed her, and that he simply couldn’t live without her.

Rainy days, now those were the best. He loved rolling over and gently pulling his girlfriend into his arms, the redhead never stirring as he cuddled her close to his side, yet still wrapping her arms around him instinctively. He loved the way that her body responded to him, even in sleep. It felt natural.

Robin had never known any guy quite like Josh before. Regardless of what was going on in his life, whether it was his job or some other problem, he always set them aside to make sure that her needs were being met. Of course, he couldn’t always help or make the problems go away, but just being there was enough for Robin. She lived for the days when she would come home from the station, practically dead on her feet, and Josh would be there waiting for her, with dinner ready and one of her favorite DVD’s playing. And, of course, a cuddle session always followed after. Cuddling was relaxing for both of them; as it allowed Robin to simply lie back and let her problems melt away as Josh held her in his strong, yet still comforting, arms. And in Josh’s case, it allowed him to drift away happily, content with knowing that the love of his life was in the place she belonged.

And the more he did little things like that, the more she loved him.

How could she not? He was an absolute sweetheart, and she felt tremendously lucky.
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