Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > She's Not A Bitch

The Bitch Comes Over

by K-JPOP 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-03 - Updated: 2010-09-03 - 581 words

Sakura entered the house with awe.The house was definitely more then huge.
She followed the maid upstairs to Sasuke's room and kept staring in awe.
When she entered his room,she gulped and put on her slutty face.
Sasuke looked at her and smirked.
Sakura took in the moment of his niceness.
"So,what do you want to start with?"
"Well,it's a little early to start on the project.How about some math?"
Sakura shrugged and nodded putting her bag down and walking to his table.
Sitting down,she folded her legs as he passed her the math book.
"Ok,so,what now?"
"Let' do some problems.Go to page 25."
She shrugged and opened the book to the page.
He sat down and started to do problems.Sakura sighed and waited,admiring his beauty meanwhile.
He gave her the paper and she looked down at it.
"Check them.They're right,aren't they."
She looked at him for a while before smirking.
She looked down at it,but could not believe they were all wrong.
"No,they're all wrong."
Sasuke's eyes widened.
"Are you serious?Nah,they're right."
"No,they're wrong.That one is 54.And that one 24.You got them all-"
She looked at him and started wide eyed at what she was saying.
"How would you know that?You suck at math."
She gulped at the intensity of his glaring eyes and looked away.
"I'm bored.Let's do something else."
He stared at her for a long time,before nodding.
"Alright,let's do some history."
She kept her face away from him.
He stood up and came back with two history books.
"Give me some quizzes."
She flipped her hair and opened the book to a random page.
"Okay,who was the 23rd president of U.S.A?"
He took a moment thinking and then looked at her with a smirk.
"George Bush."
"Wrong.That's not even close."
"Ok,George Washington."
"No,he was the first."
"Abraham Lincoln!"
"No.He was the 16th.
"Wasn't he raped or something?"
"No!He was shot!"
"Really?I didn't know that...but how do you?Didn't you claim you suck at history as well."
Sakura looked down quickly and cleared her throat.
"I'm thirsty."
"I'll get us some drinks.What would you like?"
"Anything's fine with me."
Sasuke shrugged and left the room quickly leaving her alone.
Sakura stood up and let out a deep breath.
"What's he trying to do?He's close to finding out."
"Finding out exactly what?"
Sakura spun around in a hurry.
"I thought you went to go get drinks."
"That's what maids are for."
Sakura crossed her arm and put on an annoyed face.
"You could've told me that.Anyways,how about we have some fun together."
"I thought we were already having fun."
He walked towards her slowly,narrowing his eyes.
"Please,homework is so not the fun I have in mind."
"Then what is?....I mean,somebody geeky and sweet like you should love studying."
Sakura's eyes widened.
"You read the-"
"Note?Yes,I did.And Hinata told me a couple things about you.You're quite the brainiac."
Sakura scoffed.
"I'm leaving.This is so not what I expected.I have better things to do."
Sakura began to grab her bag,but he grabbed her arm and pulled her away from it.
"You are not leaving,until I get a few answers."
Sakura gulped at his glare.
This is bad...
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