Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Detention with Sinistra

Chapter Two

by TheChimera 10 reviews

Warning: Contains something most of you will likely never want to read or see.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-07 - 265 words - Complete

Not to much later, Harry and Sinistra collapsed in a sweaty heap. After several moments of hard breathing, Sinistra spoke.

"That was wonderful Harry. You're the best I've had in a good number of years." Harry scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion. Her voice seemed to be changing, and her body was growing thinner and less curvy. Horror and disgust suddenly filled Harry's eyes as a small, wrinkled penis grew out of the body. Hairs started sprouting from her... no - his face. Harry backed away slowly.

When the transformation was complete, a naked, wrinkled, old man lay in front of Harry, his penis slowly hardening into a short four inches.

"Pro- Professor Dumbledore! What the fuck is-" Dumbledore chuckled, cutting off Harry's sentence, and grabbed his wand from the desk nearby before standing up.

"Oh dear. This won't do. No. This won't do at all." He said. Fear filled Harry's eyes as he realized what was going to happen.

"No! Professor Dumbledore, don't!"

"I'm sorry, my dear boy, but I'm afraid it must be done. Obliviate!" A flash of white light streaked out of his wand and hit the petrified Harry Potter in the forehead, a glazed look coming over the unfortunate boy's eyes. Conjuring a set of clothes on him, Dumbledore reached a hand down to help him up just as some clarity came back to him.

"Professor Dumbledore? May I go now?" Dumbledore chuckled in a grandfatherly way before nodding his head.

"Go ahead Harry. I'll see you tomorrow." After Harry left, Dumbledore smiled softly and made his way to his office.
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