Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All The Ghosts That Are Ever Gonna Haunt Me

At The End Of The World, You're The Last Thing I See

by alligatorpie 7 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-09-10 - Updated: 2010-09-10 - 1686 words

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed with their info! It made my job a lot easier. XD So, for those of you who care, I got the idea for this during a lockdown drill at my school. Dumb administration, thinking we should practice our safety drills...

Chapter One - At The End Of The World, You’re The Last Thing I See
Features: CRASHRIOTCRASH (Nikki), Paramour (Allie), scottyxdoesntxknow (Aria), chemicalgirl210 (Shelby), thatjerokid (Jero)

“Staff and students,”

The sound of the assistant principal’s voice rang through the school. Frank looked up from his Biology worksheet.

“Staff and students, please shelter in place. Please shelter in place. This is not a drill. Follow shelter in place procedures.”

The P.A. clicked off, and I heard a girl, two floors below, scream, followed by 3 gunshots.

“Holy shit.” Frank’s teacher, Ms. Brown breathed before jumping into action. She locked the door to the classroom. “Push the desks against the far wall and get under them.” She ordered the class. “Hope no one in here is claustrophobic, cause this is not the time for elbow room.”

Frank released the locks on the wheels to his lab table that he shared with his boyfriend, Jero. A great clatter of chairs being pushed out of the way, and desks rolling, then Ms. Brown flicked the lights off, and pulled the blinds on the windows down. The only remaining light came from the window in the door.

“Get under the tables!” Ms. Brown hissed. “Now!”

“Let the ladies go first!” A guy on the wrestling team said, catching his friends shoulder as he tried to dive under the tables.

All the girls scrambled under the tables, followed by the guys. Jero and Frank were sitting right next to each other. Legs and arms pressed together.

“Ms. Brown,” A girl named Nikki whispered. “Get under the table with us. There’s enough room.”

“Shh,” Ms. Brown said, ignoring the offer.

The door knob rattled. Frank grabbed Jero’s hand and squeezed tight.

“Don’t worry.” Jero breathed, barely audible. “It’ll be okay.”

Frank squeezed his hand still tighter, and pressed himself tighter against him.

The door knob rattled, and Ms. Brown sank back into the shadows behind her desk.

A sigh of frustration, then a shot was fired through the glass of the door, and Nikki started sobbing silently. Her whole body was shaking.

A hand reached through the, now empty, window frame in the door, and unlocked it. The door creaked open, sending a triangle patch of light across the floor.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are…” The voice belonging to the person who had just entered the room said. “Ollie, Ollie, oxen free.”

Why did Frank recognize that voice? It couldn’t be a student. It just couldn’t. Could it?

Frank saw Ms. Brown’s legs moved as she attacked the man in the room.

Another gunshot, and a body hit the floor. Frank realized his eyes were closed, and forced him to open them.

Ms. Brown was laying on the floor, her eyes wide, blood seeping from a bullet hole that wasn’t visible. She wasn’t moving.

“Teacher’s still here…” The man said in a sing-song voice. “Where are the students?”

He crouched down and looked under the tables. The light glinted off his teeth as he grinned, and he started shooting the semi-automatic gun into the small crowd of students.

Several screams of pain, some of them choked off, others continued longer. A piercing pain shot through Frank’s shoulder. He bit his tongue to keep from screaming out, out of fear that the man would keep shooting until that was the only noise left in the room.

The man stopped shooting, and walked out of the room. Silence for several seconds, then several moans and whimpers of pain. It was a few seconds longer than that before Frank realized that Jero’s hand was limp in his.


6 swat trucks, 3 fire trucks, 10 ambulances, more than 25 police cars surrounding the school, and it still wasn’t enough.

“Give me a status!” The police chief, a woman named Aria said as she got out of her car and sprinted toward the first officers who had been on the scene. “Allie!” She cried. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Whoever was shooting is still in there. Whether still shooting or not, we don’t know. They had the school on lock-down, so no one went in or came out.”

“Student, teacher, or random loser who got inside?” Aria asked.

“We don’t know.” Allie said, grimacing. “We think the first thing he shot out was the communications. Computers, speakers, everything.”

“Have we sent in any officers?” Aria asked.

Allie shook her head. “It was ruled too dangerous.”

“What?!” Aria roared. “There are children inside! Children! They are counting on us to keep them safe, and we’re just sitting here on the front lawn!”

“I know!” Allie said. “I wanted to go in, but no one else would. One officer is just going to get killed and make the shooter aware of our presence.”

Aria grabbed the bullhorn out of Allie’s hand, and raised it to her mouth.

“I need SWAT going in now!” She said into it. “Any lone officers with the guts can follow me in. Capture, do NOT kill! I want this sonofabitch alive! Move!”

Aria adjusted her bulletproof jacket, popped a piece of Citrus Trident Layers into her mouth, drew her gun, and ran into the school after the SWAT officers.

The halls were dim. Most of the lights had been shot out. Aria dismissed all her instincts to stop and help the wounded. What she needed to do was find the shooter, and find him now. She strained her ears for noises. She ran up the stairs to the second floor and looked around.

Someone had pulled the fire alarm, and it was ringing loudly. The sprinklers on the ceiling were soaking everything. Light red water was drifting past her boots, down the stairs. Aria didn’t have a weak stomach, but at the sight of the watered-down blood flowing out of a classroom full of kids slumped over their desks, fallen awkwardly on the ground, the teachers body on the ground in front of the whiteboard, made her stomach heave.

She swallowed it back, and continued running down the hallway, through three inches of water and blood, looking into every classroom as she went.

The ringing sound the PA made when someone in the office made an announcement rang through the halls. Aria froze.

“You’ll never find me.” A male voice said. The PA clicked off.

Aria walked another few steps, till she was standing right next to the door into the office. She peeked through the glass doors. The three ladies who had been working in there were slumped over their desks, blood soaking the paper’s they’d had there. Aria scanned what she could see of the office. Was this asshole stupid enough to get on the PA from the office? Was it so obvious, he figured they wouldn’t even check there? Aria placed her hand on the doorknob, and turned it slowly. She pulled it open as slowly as possible, and slipped inside. She kept her gun raised as she walked around the desk.

A man was crouched behind it, messing with some wires. A semi-auto assault rifle was sitting on the ground next to him. Aria silently crouched behind him, placed her hand on the rifle, and picked it up, holding it against her side. She stood back up, and put her gun to the back of his neck.

“Freeze, asshole.” She growled. The man froze, but his hand drifted to where his gun had been a moment before.

“Stand up. Slowly. Put your hands on your head.”

The man stood, placing his hands on the back of his head. Aria grabbed her handcuffs, and quickly snapped them around his wrists.

“Are you alone?” She demanded, and she bent him over the desk.

“Answer me!” She said and she patted him down to make sure he didn’t have any concealed weapons. He was still silent.

“Fuck…” he murmured.


So, this is what death feels like.

Shelby was spread awkwardly on the floor of her classroom. She had been solving an equation on the board in her math classroom, when Matt Pelissier burst in and started shooting. She was the first to fall, due to a shot to her thigh. The teacher managed to get under his desk, but hadn’t yet emerged, as far as Shelby knew.

She couldn’t feel anything but stingy numbness in her left thigh, the one that had been shot. She only knew that she was still bleeding, because, as the blood spread across the floor, it soaked her shirt, and was now soaking her artificially black hair.

Her mother had been pissed when she came home from her boyfriend, Mikey’s house, and her natural blonde curls had been dyed black, and straightened. It had been Gerard’s idea.

So it was true all along, Shelby realized. She had never believed that in the moment before you die, your life flashes before your eyes, but here she was, dying, thinking about the things she had done right, the things she had done wrong, the things she regretted, the things she wished she’d done, the things she wanted to do. Things that could never be undone, dreams she would never see fulfilled, apologies that would never be uttered, the boyfriend she would never kiss again.

She blinked, and felt a tear slip down her cheek. Her last thought, as her vision faded to blackness, was that death wasn’t as glorious as she’d imagined.

A/N: Please let me know what you think of it. Rate&Review! PS, even though I've started the story, I'm not sure where it's going, so if you haven't yet, you can still review chapter one with the info posted there, and you may be in the story.

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