Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The screwed up life of Jenna Malfoy

Big mouth Alice

by jadesohma 0 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-09-25 - Updated: 2010-09-26 - 402 words

Shawns P.O.V.

"Shawn, eat your food! " I just keep shifting the turkey around. I don't feel like eating, I'm not hungry, and when I swallow my throat hurts. Ever since Skye punched me there.

"Damn it Shawn! What's wrong?!" mom yells.

"Some ones love sick" Alice laughed. I hate how she's a year older than me and she still knows every thing!

I drop my fork and glare at her not to tell. She smirks and opens her fat mouth. "Him and Skye have been fighting over some one. Like really fighting!" she laughed. Leave it to her to screw things up for me.


"What wepon have you been useing?!"



"Shawn! Who is it?" I never relized how whiped dad is.


"Jenna Malfoy!" Alice blurred out. Marissa, Alex, and Jane start to laugh. Dads jaw was open as it would go. Mom, she's in her own state of shock and, well, mainly shock.

"You-you-you-" dad couldn't find the words. I think this is his worst fear. Possibly being related to the malfoys. It's not so much as he doesn't like them, cause he and aunt Abby go way back, it's he will be stuck with uncle Draco forever. That's his worst fear.

"You heard me right! Hahaha! You should see the stuff that happends! I wish I could have taped it! And that's why he wont eat! Skye punched him in the neck! They won't stop either! Even though Jenna said she wouldn't date either of them if they keep it up"

my eyes widen. "She said that?!" it comes out soft because I haven't said any thing for a wile. I shut my mouth. I just gave my self away. Damnit.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW!" all my sisters say in unison. How do they do that?! "THATS SO CUTE SHAWN!" why?!

"Shawn, you have to stop fighting Skye. You've been friends since birth!" mom said. She reached out to me.

"Yeah dint let that bitch get between you two!" dad exlamed.


"Ill shut up now..."

"GOOD! Now Shawn, you have to stop. I'm going to send an owl to Angie and James tomarrow and we will work this out."

"I think you should send one to aunt Abby too!" Alice added

"Alice shut up!" I yell at her but she just punches me in the arm.

"Good idea, Alice. I will do that."

I'm in deep shit...

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