Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All The Ghosts That Are Ever Gonna Haunt Me

If I Died, We'd Be Together

by alligatorpie 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-09-25 - Updated: 2010-09-26 - 1205 words

Chapter Five - If I Died, We’d Be Together
Features: shortygirl (Emily), missghoul (Ren), scottyxdoesntxknow (Aria)

Mikey let his brother lead him from the hospital. Ray had left a couple minutes before, and was waiting outside with his car.

They walked through the lobby and outside. Gerard went right over to Ray’s car and got in the front seat. Mikey trailed behind him, but came to a stop when he saw a parked car about 100 feet away. There was a young woman sitting behind the wheel, unmoving.

Mikey walked toward the car.

“Mikey, what are you doing?” Gerard called after him.

Mikey didn’t answer. He sped up slightly, until he was right next to the car. It was the nurse who had helped him find Frank and Gerard earlier. He tapped the window lightly. She jumped, and looked at him. Her eyes were clouded in confusion as she rolled her window down.

“Are you okay?” Mikey asked softly.

“Yeah.” She said, her voice quaking as she wiped tears from under her eyes.

Mikey frowned.

“What’s your name?” He asked her.

“Emily.” She whispered.

“Well, Emily… I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” Mikey said, then walked slowly away.

He got into the backseat of Ray’s car, and they drove away.

“What the fuck, Mikey?” Gerard said angrily from the front seat.

“What?” Mikey asked.

“Why the hell did you just walk off to talk to some random person in a car?!” Gerard demanded.

“She was the nurse who helped me find you guys earlier.” Mikey shrugged.

Gerard sighed exasperatedly, and dropped the subject.


As Frank lay in his hospital bed, he tried to figure out why he couldn’t sleep. Was it the bed? It was damn uncomfortable, and it couldn’t lay back all the way.

Was it just because he couldn’t lay on his stomach, due to the injury?

Was it because it was too quiet with the TV off, but too loud with the TV on?

Was it because everything was dark until a nurse walked in to check on you, then you were blinded?

Frank groaned and sat up. His mom had come to visit him that day, and she’d been fussing over him the whole time. She had promised to come back again the next day, but Frank wished she wouldn’t.

He picked up the notebook she had brought for him, as well as one of the ‘get well soon’ pens she’d bought from the gift shop, and started writing.

Called me names
I wanna die
Maybe I can find
A way to make you all
Go away
I never lied
Never cried
Never fell
Never crawled
I’m just like you
Now you’ll pay
With your life

Frank looked at what he’d written. He still wasn’t sure of the identity of the shooter (no one would tell him), but the song was about the shooter.

He looked over it again, then changed the last line.

With your fucking life

Frank smiled slightly, and set it back down on his bedside table. He laid down again, and fell asleep far more easily this time.



Gerard looked up, and saw Mikey standing in his bedroom door.

“What, Mikes?” Gerard said, turning back to his drawing.

“I… I just got off the phone with… with Ray, and…”

“And what, Mikey?” Gerard snapped; he didn’t like being disturbed when he was drawing.

“Ren’s dead.”


Ray was sitting on his bed, holding his guitar. Playing guitar was what always made him feel better. He could control the sound, he could create something. It was peaceful. But he couldn’t think what to do now. Up until then, he’d thought everything was going to be okay.

But he was wrong.

Nothing was okay.

Ray felt tears start to well up in his eyes, then wiped them away quickly. Crying showed weakness. Vulnerability. A lack of self control.

Ren was the only girlfriend Ray had ever had, and the fucking doctors had let her die. Who did he hate more, Ray wondered. The doctors who let her die, or Matt Pelissier for hurting her, and putting her in the care of the doctors who let her die?


Frank was flicking aimlessly through the channels on the TV in his room. They wouldn’t let him leave to go sit with Jero again, because some police officers were coming in to talk to him early that morning.

He settled on CNN, but contemplated changing the channel when he realized they were talking about the shooting. In the end, he decided to watch it, because none of his friends who knew more about what happened then him, would tell him what had happened.

“Matt Pelissier, a senior at the school, is the only current suspect. He was escorted out of the school by Police Chief Aria Schommer, after being found in the main office of the school with a semi-automatic assault rifle. Pelissier has yet to make a statement or speak with any police officers.”

Frank’s eyes were wide. He wanted to turn the TV off, but his eyes were glued to it. Matt? Matt was the shooter? Frank was suddenly filled with rage. The beeps on the machine measuring his heart rate sped up, and a nurse came in to make sure he was okay. She saw him, and quickly turned off the TV.

As the young nurse who Frank faintly recognized stared at him, unsure of what to do now, Frank felt tears start rolling down his face.


Ray had refused to go to the hospital the next day. Gerard and Mikey’s parents didn’t let Mikey go, but Gerard went anyway. Gerard found Frank in his room at the hospital, laying in his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Gerard’s heart lurched.

He knocked softly on the door, then went in. Frank’s head tilted slightly, so he could better see who was approaching.

“Gee…” He said.

“Hey, Frankie.” Gerard said. He noticed that Frank’s cheeks were shining, and his eyes were red and swollen, like he’d just stopped crying.

“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked, standing next to Frank’s bed.

“Matt…” Frank murmured, his eyes filling with tears again.

Gerard’s heart sank. This is why he, Mikey, and Ray hadn’t told Frank it was Matt.

Frank’s hand found Gerard’s, which was resting lightly on the metal bar that went the length of the bed.

Frank pulled himself up on Gerard and wrapped his arms around Gerard’s neck. Gerard held him tightly, one arm wrapped around his back, the other stroking his hair. Gerard felt Frank shudder and start sobbing.

“H-how c-can you kn-know someone for s-so l-long and-d n-not know them a-at all?” Frank whispered.

Gerard had been asking himself that question ever since Matt had started shooting up Gerard’s classroom two days ago.

“I don’t know, Frankie.” Gerard whispered, rocking him back and forth. “I don’t know.”

A/N: Remember to rate and review! It's what gets me motivated to keep writing! Any and all feedback is awesome.

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