Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All The Ghosts That Are Ever Gonna Haunt Me

I'd Lie and Wait Forever

by alligatorpie 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-09-22 - Updated: 2010-09-22 - 1395 words

Chapter Four - I’d Lie and Wait Forever
Featuring: thatJerokid (Jero), shortygirl (Emily), mildlyobsessed (Jackie)

Gerard was sitting silently on a chair in the living room. Mikey and their mom were sitting on the couch, their dad was sitting on the other chair. They kept glancing at Gerard, fear in their eyes, and it was wearing on him. He was getting ready to go downstairs and go to bed, when a story about the shooting came on CNN. Gerard sank back into his chair, eyes fixed on the screen.

“Um, Gerard, maybe you shouldn’t watch this.” His dad said.

Gerard shook his head. As the anchor spoke, a list of dead and wounded students filled the screen. There was no way to distinguish between if they were dead or wounded, or the seriousness of the injuries.

“Frank and Jero!” Gerard gasped.

“They’re gonna be fine, Gee.” Mikey said, getting up from the couch and hugging his brother.


Frank was in a wheelchair. Not because his legs had been injured at all, but because hospital policy said that if he wasn’t in his room, he was in a wheelchair. His arm was in a sling, so a nurse had to wheel him over to Jero’s room, where he currently sat.

There was a light knocking at the door, and Frank figured it was a nurse, saying he had to go back to his own room now. He tore his eyes away from Jero’s still, lifeless form, and looked over his good shoulder.

To his surprise, Gerard was standing in the doorway.

“Hey, Gee.” Frank said, a smile lighting up his face as he temporarily forgot where he was.

“Hey, Frankie.” Gerard said. He walked into the room and pulled a chair up next to Frank. “When you weren’t in your room, I figured you’d be here.” Gerard murmured, looking at Jero’s face.

Gerard was wearing black jeans, a black hoodie, and a black Iron Maiden shirt under it. Even though Gerard had a dark style and personality, It was almost like Frank could see a bright light shining from within his being, begging to be released.

“How’re you feeling?” Gerard asked gently, like he knew it was a stupid question, and he just couldn’t think of a better one.

“Pretty stoned, actually,” Frank said. “The meds they’ve got me on are like, whoa. You know?”

Gerard nodded even though he didn’t know. They fell silent again.

“What’s wrong with…?” Gerard gestured toward Jero.

“He’s, uh…” Frank mumbled. “Fuck, what do you call it? You know, when they’re in a coma, and the doctors can’t figure out why, or if they’ll ever wake up?”

“God…” Gerard mumbled. He looked at the heartbroken expression on Frank’s face and regretted asking.

“Mikey’s here, too.” Gerard said in an attempt to cheer him up.

“Where?” Frank asked.

“He’s with Shelby and Katie right now.” Gerard said.

“Oh.” Frank said.

There was silence between them for a moment.

“Hey…” Gerard said as he noticed a tear sliding down Frank’s face. He moved over so he was crouched beside Frank, and wrapped his arms around him.

Frank leaned into Gerard and sobbed. Gerard pressed a light kiss to Frank’s head, and whispered. “It’s okay, Frankie. It’ll be okay.”

Frank shivered as Gerard’s breath hit his ear. He tried to shake it off, but there was a feeling in the pit on his stomach that he couldn’t place.


Mikey walked into Shelby’s room at the hospital. He had been prepping himself for hours, ever since he had woke up that morning. He had to be strong for her. He couldn’t let her see how close he was to breaking down. He couldn’t put more on her chest.

“Mikey,” She smiled.

“Hey, Baby.” He said, walking over to her. He kissed her cheek, and pulled up a chair. He gently placed his hand over hers, being extremely careful not to jostle her.

They smiled at each other for a moment, then a nurse walked in.

“Hey, Shelby. It’s time to change your bandage again.” The nurse said. She was relatively young, maybe in her late 20s or early 30s.

“Okay.” Shelby said, sitting up, and wincing when she accidentally moved her leg. “Jackie, this is my boyfriend, Mikey. Mikey, this is my nurse, Jackie.”

Mikey smiled at the woman, who was busy at Shelby’s leg, unwrapping the bandage.

Mikey gasped when he saw her leg. Her entire leg was swollen, and it was a deep purple around the wound that was still open in her leg.

“Mikey…” Shelby said, placing her hand on Mikey’s cheek. Mikey took her hand from her face and kissed it.

“I love you.” He said, looking into her eyes. She smiled slightly.

Mikey was filled with sudden anger. Sudden rage. Sudden hate, for the man who did this to the woman he loved. How could his best friend, and guy he’d known and looked up to for 10 years, do this?

Mikey realized that he was squeezing Shelby’s hand, and released it quickly.

“I love you too.” Shelby said.


It was Emily’s first week working at the hospital as a nurse. She had gotten her Nursing degree less than a month ago, and now she was wondering if this was the career path for her.

She’d seen some ugly things as an intern; Car wrecks where were twisted metal had been rammed into the victim’s legs, drug overdoses, attempted suicides, murders, and she’d thought she’d seen it all. But she was wrong. So terribly wrong.

Thousands of children’s lives had changed for the worse yesterday. Hundreds of children had been injured with no justification yesterday. Dozens of children died yesterday.

Emily took a deep breath to steady herself, then left the break room.

She had been asked to work overtime that weekend and the rest of the week, since police, detectives, and therapists would all be coming in to talk to students who had been injured, and they doctors though it was in the children’s best interest if the nurses there were close to their own age, so they could relate.

How could I possibly relate to this? Emily had thought when they asked her, but she’d agreed.

As she walked down the hall, she saw a cute boy with brown hair and glasses that the sides of his hair were ticked into, wearing an overly large hoodie and skinny jeans. He looked like he wasn’t used to his height, and walked awkwardly.

She tried to smile at the boy, but couldn’t find it in her.

“Hey, can you help me?” He asked.

“Y-yeah.” She said, her voice breaking.

“I’m looking for Frank Iero’s room. I’m a friend of his, and my brother is with him, but I’m so lost.” He said.

By now, Emily knew where most of the kids’ rooms were.

“Frank is in Jero’s room.” Emily said. She’d been the nurse to take Frank to his friend’s room.

The boy followed Emily down the hall. She opened the door to Jero’s room, and in it, she was Frank, in his wheelchair, being held by one of his friends, who Emily had never seen before. They both looked over at her and they boy beside her, and Emily felt her heart breaking at the expressions on their faces. Both were crying.

“M-M-Mikey,” Frank said.

The boy next to Emily moved forward and crouched on the other side of Frank, hugging him.

Emily backed out of the room, closing the door. She watched the trio through the glass for a moment, then turned away, trying to hold herself together.

Until that point, she’d been trying to detach herself from what had happened, so she could help the kids as best she could. Until that point, she hadn’t realized how many lives had crumbled at their owners feet, even the ones who hadn’t been hurt.

A/N: Well, now you know what's up with Frank, Jero and Shelby, and I've got a couple more characters in here. So, Rate and review, pretty please?

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