Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The screwed up life of Jenna Malfoy

Pimp cane is back

by jadesohma 0 reviews

bad words like always

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-10-06 - Updated: 2010-10-07 - 424 words

I am not looking forward to today. Sound like a broken record don't I? Well it's one thing after the other and i'm sick of it. I'm going to hell so why don't I just go already? Shawn's coming with me so why can't i just go?!

"You ready to go? All day with Shawn! You should be happy!" Rose said. Shes just saying that 'cause shes spending the whole day with my little brother. Aw how sweet.

"You didn't mention my crazy grandpa going to have to chase me down just to talk to him." I point out. She might have a crazy dad but not an evil ass grandpa who has killed before.

"Screw him! He's not welcomed in your family any more. Just act like hes not there. simple"
So she says

I walk hand and hand with Shawn as he makes me laugh with his stupid jokes. The path cracks under our feet. I see the shops go by under the tears in my eyes and cramps in my belly. It got worse as Skye came along. Ever since they made up, it's been awsome. Maybe today wont be as bad as i though.

spoke too soon.

"Jennifer?" Chills ran through my spine. Hot anger boiled in my chest. "Jenna?" Him saying my name makes me want to hurt him. "Jennie?"

"It's Jenna." I say coldly not turning around to face him.

"Is that anyway to greet your grandfather?" His hand touched my sholder. I jeark it away.

"Don't touch me."

"Why not? You are my oldest grandduaghter." He sounds so calm when i sound so cold.

"Who you never gived a damn about till now." I turn, my face red. "Why are you here?! Can't you tell I don't even want to see you?! Why don't you go see my brother?! Not like he wants to see you either!"

"My dear, I see how crule i've been and wanted to make it right." He raises his cane at me.

"You know you have another grandduaghter?!"

"I do?" His face went flat. OF COURSE!

"Piss off jackass!" I yell at him. I turn and grab Shawn's hand. He stops.

"And who might this be?" His sligh voice running up and down Shawn. Putting him lether lined hand on his sholder

"Leave him alone!" I yank his hand off of Shawn and i pull him even harder now. We go into the three broom sticks. Grandpa can't go in there. The owner knows his face and he is not welcomed there.
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